Active Users:446 Time:05/10/2024 07:58:06 AM
Re: Perrin and the wolf dream Sidious Send a noteboard - 05/11/2010 09:58:27 AM
My absolute favourite scene in the whole book has to be Perrin and Egwene meeting in TAR. How long have I been waiting on that? Egwene has, I think, viewed TAR as 'hers' for a long time now. She has a very, very high opinion of her skills - I'm not saying it's inflated, she is undoubtedly a very strong, skilled Dreamer - which borders on arrogant. So to see her come face to face with Perrin and try to shoo him away, only to find she can't....then have him save her by simply waving away Balefire which he dismisses as "only a weave"...and then *he* cautions *her* to be careful, it's more dangerous here than you know (where oh where have we heard that million times before?). It was just absolutely priceless, I was still laughing about it several chapters later.

I don't know what role Perrin in the wolf dream will play in the LB but I hope we get to see him fighting in it again, that's the most I have enjoyed Perrin's storyline ever. Came very very close to redeeming the rest of his POV's agonising over leadership!

C xx

Egwene is probably as strong as Moghedien in TAR - she has the highest level of the Talent. Even the Wise Ones said that she was far more powerful than them. It stands to reason that she would consider Perrin to be a much weaker dreamwalker, and I myself was surprised at how strong he is. It seems that the wolf power over TAR is more ancient and powerful than the conventional one.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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Perrin and the wolf dream - 04/11/2010 10:16:13 PM 821 Views
Re: Perrin and the wolf dream - 05/11/2010 01:59:09 AM 690 Views
Re: Perrin and the wolf dream - 05/11/2010 09:58:27 AM 583 Views
Makes sense - 08/11/2010 03:24:50 PM 537 Views
I loved that scene as well. - 05/11/2010 12:56:10 PM 560 Views
Me too. - 08/11/2010 05:53:18 PM 514 Views
Re: Me too. - 22/11/2010 10:36:01 AM 499 Views
yep awesome scene - 05/11/2010 11:35:54 PM 481 Views

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