I use this sometimes. I start a station and use Nox Arcana as my seed. After that I don't thumbs up any songs and will only thumbs down a song if it is too far outside what I consider to be calming music that can enhance anything from reading these kinds of books to playing a session of tabletop role playing games.
Having said that I do tend to have sportscenter on in the background when I've read lately. To each his own, I guess.
Having said that I do tend to have sportscenter on in the background when I've read lately. To each his own, I guess.
Do you listen to music when you read WoT?
13/09/2009 08:05:37 PM
How can you...
14/09/2009 01:48:24 PM
not all music has words, and even if it does, if you've heard it multiX then it's easy to tune out *NM*
14/09/2009 05:09:43 PM
Pandora Radio is your friend
14/09/2009 10:25:14 PM