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Dreadlords? BorkesCauthon Send a noteboard - 04/11/2010 11:43:40 PM
I am at work and don't have my book, but did it specifically say that the Aiel could channel? I don't recall it saying that. I thought they were some evil aielor some new kind of shadowspawn/aiel hybrid....
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Involves Aiel *spoiler - 04/11/2010 10:49:30 PM 931 Views
Dreadlords? - 04/11/2010 11:43:40 PM 657 Views
Re: Dreadlords? - 04/11/2010 11:56:04 PM 652 Views
I think those Aiel are... - 05/11/2010 04:20:01 AM 680 Views
Re: I think those Aiel are... - 05/11/2010 12:52:08 PM 666 Views
maybe aiel channelers, been wondering about them since LoC - 05/11/2010 11:31:48 PM 623 Views

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