Active Users:447 Time:28/12/2024 01:28:48 PM
Re: I like the being turned. Didn't think of it. - Edit 1

Before modification by charlene at 04/11/2010 10:00:56 PM

Oh yeah...the actions of some of the Black Tower people clearly line up with what we know happens when the 13x13 trick is used.

As for Demandred...*shrug* His role has always been as the final general of the Shadow, leading huge armies against Rand. Personally I think he is in Shara, as this is the only place left for him to get said huge armies with channelers that could threaten Rand, but maybe he will just be leading shadowspawn. I don't know. Regardless, as Rand says, the time for subterfuge and hiding in the shadows has passed, now War will decide the day. So it makes sense when you think about it that Demandred would be saved for aMoL.

I definately don't think that he is that asha'man though. You really think someone who's reason for joining the Shadow was to prove that he is better than LTT both as a general and as a channeler would be some random guy joining the Black Tower as a nobody at this late date?

After a little more though I think Demandred is most likely leading the Shadow's forces. There are thouseands upon thousands of Trollocs to mobilise and direct as well as, I believe, hundreds of male channelers to train properly from the Aiel supply and the Asha'man - Taim has been dealing with the AM but who has been training the Aiel men who have been traipsing off into the Blight for centuries? We know how long channelers can live for, there must be a very largenumber of them there by now. It would make sense and even up the channeling ground a bit more - the Shadow has hundreds of men and a handful of women while the Light has hundreds of women and a handful of men. Raw power against dextrous circles, we might finally get that question answered ;P

So in short I don't think Demandred has had anything at all to do with the human nations. He's been in the Blight planning and preparing the Shadowspawn and Dreadlords.

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