Active Users:368 Time:26/06/2024 08:19:43 PM
Re: Yes. - Edit 1

Before modification by BlackAdder at 04/11/2010 06:58:57 PM

Arggggghh! What i'm trying to ask is can anybody explain the manner in which Asmo's death was final due to the combination of "how" AND "where" he died? How did he die and where did he die to cause this result? How did Graendal satisfy this criterion?

Oh. Beats me. :P

Though, I'm guessing how = balefire.

This is a slippery slope because now we can easily fall back into the old arguments. In this regard, i do not believe it can be BF because BF (in general) causes final death alone-i.e. BF causes final death independant of the location of death. My understanding of RJ's "how and where" rule was that without the "where", the "how" does not (at least in general) cause final death. Therefore, i do not think it could be BF because the opposite is true for BF.

As far as I can tell, there is nothing to suggest that this took place somewhere other than in/near the pantry.

There are a couple of other threads about this, you may want to take a look (there are no other major ToM spoilers):

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