Active Users:388 Time:13/03/2025 06:40:00 PM
Re: Super secret hidey hole malekithe Send a noteboard - 03/11/2010 08:23:35 AM
Reread the first encounter with Moridin after she flees to her super secret place... Heavy allusion to her killing asmo

No I got that, it seemed pretty evident since basically she's the only Chosen getting the spotlight when he said it. Problem is we only know who, not how or why or any details
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Asmodean *SPOILER* - 02/11/2010 07:12:29 PM 1457 Views
Graendal was responsible for 3 forsaken deaths... - 02/11/2010 07:30:30 PM 1347 Views
So there was nothing specifically.. - 02/11/2010 07:36:16 PM 990 Views
There is a story beind the killing... - 02/11/2010 07:38:37 PM 898 Views
yeah but - 02/11/2010 07:42:25 PM 946 Views
well originally RJ never intended to mention it in the books at all - 03/11/2010 04:06:18 PM 810 Views
at the end - 02/11/2010 07:32:47 PM 1201 Views
Re: at the end - 02/11/2010 07:39:33 PM 827 Views
I haven't read ToM yet, so please don't spoiler too much for me, but... - 02/11/2010 08:48:47 PM 916 Views
Re: I haven't read ToM yet, so please don't spoiler too much for me, but... - 04/11/2010 02:18:37 PM 744 Views
I'm wrong. Apparently there is a scene - 04/11/2010 07:01:41 PM 819 Views
Super secret hidey hole - 03/11/2010 01:43:47 AM 818 Views
Re: Super secret hidey hole - 03/11/2010 08:23:35 AM 793 Views

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