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Re: Ishamael single-handedly gave Rand the most reason to resist temptation to the Dark Kythorian Send a noteboard - 01/11/2010 09:13:31 PM
Semirhage believed that the Dark One betrayed her when Rand accessed the True Power to balefire her. Earlier in the book, the other Forsaken think she has failed since her capture, especially since her attack broke one of Moridins' directives.

Oh, well obviously the DO is kind of a bastard who puts his own agenda above being fair to his followers...The DO wanted to corrupt Rand through the use of the TP (which worked, for a while at least), a lot more than he wanted to keep Semi alive. that has nothing to do with punishment though. It was just treating her as a tool to achieve the DO's purposes. So it is a betrayal, but thats the DO for you, and i don't think it has anything to do with punishment, appropriate or not.
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My first impressions of ToM (Spoilers of Doom inside!) - 31/10/2010 02:24:12 PM 1966 Views
Thanks a lot and have some questions - 01/11/2010 09:05:44 AM 758 Views
I just got my copy this morning - 01/11/2010 02:10:44 PM 819 Views
Re: I just got mines this morning - 01/11/2010 02:32:39 PM 823 Views
Ishamael single-handedly gave Rand the most reason to resist temptation to the Dark - 01/11/2010 02:47:01 PM 928 Views
Re: Ishamael single-handedly gave Rand the most reason to resist temptation to the Dark - 01/11/2010 05:54:16 PM 883 Views
Re: Ishamael single-handedly gave Rand the most reason to resist temptation to the Dark - 01/11/2010 06:35:15 PM 652 Views
Re: Ishamael single-handedly gave Rand the most reason to resist temptation to the Dark - 01/11/2010 09:13:31 PM 675 Views
Yes it was... - 01/11/2010 03:28:53 PM 841 Views
That's upsetting to me. - 01/11/2010 03:46:11 PM 770 Views
It upset me too.. - 01/11/2010 04:15:08 PM 848 Views
Re: It upset me too.. - 01/11/2010 05:49:50 PM 686 Views
He isn't being arbitrary.. - 01/11/2010 07:07:40 PM 722 Views
Re: He isn't being arbitrary.. - 01/11/2010 08:58:22 PM 684 Views
Huh? - 01/11/2010 09:30:56 PM 624 Views
Re: Huh? - 01/11/2010 10:40:52 PM 673 Views
But... - 01/11/2010 10:47:47 PM 657 Views
Re: But... - 01/11/2010 11:35:20 PM 786 Views
Graendal... - 01/11/2010 11:53:15 PM 1047 Views
Re: Graendal... - 02/11/2010 04:08:19 AM 799 Views
Agreed... - 02/11/2010 04:47:42 AM 649 Views
Re: Agreed... - 02/11/2010 07:14:52 PM 683 Views
That would be perfect!! *NM* - 03/11/2010 02:54:23 PM 293 Views
Re: Huh? - 01/11/2010 11:17:34 PM 622 Views
Right and wrong... - 01/11/2010 11:54:10 PM 682 Views
If you're right, the series is saying that sexism is evil. I don't see a problem with that. *NM* - 02/11/2010 03:03:21 AM 369 Views
Except sexism is a core element/theme of the series - 03/11/2010 02:23:37 PM 683 Views
It might have been rape....... with the Quote - 08/11/2010 08:44:29 AM 917 Views
Re: My first impressions of ToM (Spoilers of Doom inside!) - 01/11/2010 08:00:03 PM 718 Views

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