Active Users:325 Time:11/03/2025 11:21:22 AM
This is what makes our board/reply format better than Dragonmount's Darth_Katie Send a noteboard - 31/10/2010 08:18:43 PM
-----------JenniferL The MOD---------

Different sites have different tolerance levels for different types of conversation. What they aren't saying in that thread is the two of them engaged in a running flame war with each other and another poster that clogged up the only full spoiler thread. It made several pages of the thread and was starting to derail it entirely into a screaming fest over their pet topic. It sounds like that sort of thing is okay over at RAFO where it's only a couple dozen guys who all know each other pretty well. It's not okay at Dragonmount where we have somewhere between 1,000-2,000 active posters.

If you're really that concerned about moderation policy at Dragonmount, you are free to go and visit any of the literally thousands of other forums on the internet that exist for Wheel of Time discussion. I'm sure one of them will be more to your liking. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it if we stopped having so many conversations about it. It's kind of a dull topic and I think it's starting to bore the other posters.

Sat, Oct 30 '10 at 11:58AM ET

If you don't want to read a subdiscussion about a particular topic stemming from a particular thread, it is all clearly marked and you don't have to read it!! Whereas in the style that Dragonmount has all the replies are visible to everyone, so I can see how the type of discussions that erupt around here would be irritating. Point RAFO. :|

To be fair, I do like that style layout for a lot of other things - particularly rp'ing. It's much more streamlined and easier for a thread that by its very nature stays on topic. But I think what we have here is the best for the type of divergent discussions prompted by books and movies and stuff. Yay!
Insert theme music here.
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Just got banned from DM! - 29/10/2010 04:17:14 PM 2600 Views
Was it just a simple debate? or was it... - 29/10/2010 04:36:12 PM 1292 Views
Link... Link... Link *NM* - 29/10/2010 05:27:06 PM 654 Views
There's no point.. - 29/10/2010 06:23:53 PM 1336 Views
that's too bad. *NM* - 29/10/2010 06:29:10 PM 462 Views
Sure... and Hannibal Lecter was JUST a psychiatrist - 29/10/2010 05:54:51 PM 1170 Views
Hey! IT was a spoiler board that was the source of all my spoilers... - 29/10/2010 06:23:29 PM 1139 Views
So did I, lol. - 29/10/2010 06:23:48 PM 1284 Views
Yeah... - 29/10/2010 06:26:27 PM 1116 Views
Re: Yeah... - 29/10/2010 06:29:51 PM 882 Views
That's what Nynaeve was before she got put in her place by Elayne and Egwene. - 29/10/2010 06:34:52 PM 1025 Views
elayne doesn't put nynaeve in her - 29/10/2010 06:36:39 PM 1183 Views
no, she puts Rand in her *NM* - 29/10/2010 08:06:17 PM 358 Views
Re: elayne doesn't put nynaeve in her - 30/10/2010 05:17:10 AM 802 Views
She does by example - 30/10/2010 01:27:53 PM 824 Views
You nailed that one on the head so stop hiding!! - 29/10/2010 06:50:36 PM 857 Views
Re: Yeah... - 29/10/2010 06:49:44 PM 933 Views
Yea That Was Strange - 29/10/2010 07:23:40 PM 1095 Views
Well You at least got it this right. - 29/10/2010 09:00:24 PM 943 Views
I've said it many times. - 30/10/2010 05:15:12 AM 929 Views
It's true, their site design is so terrible. - 30/10/2010 06:53:33 AM 787 Views
Re: It's true, their site design is so terrible. - 31/10/2010 05:11:22 AM 798 Views
What did you actually say to get banned? - 31/10/2010 01:26:33 AM 764 Views
Re: Just got banned from DM! - 31/10/2010 12:38:38 PM 722 Views
The Mods rebutle - 31/10/2010 08:06:33 PM 986 Views
This is what makes our board/reply format better than Dragonmount's - 31/10/2010 08:18:43 PM 951 Views
- 31/10/2010 08:56:17 PM 934 Views
Re: - 31/10/2010 11:02:29 PM 841 Views
Where was this post from anyway? - 01/11/2010 03:47:08 AM 777 Views
She is, quite obviously, an effing moron. - 01/11/2010 02:58:36 AM 876 Views
Hey! - 01/11/2010 03:50:20 AM 950 Views
Thanks!! - 01/11/2010 04:16:39 PM 1001 Views
Answers... (MAJOR SPOILERS) - 01/11/2010 07:06:35 PM 932 Views
That sounds awesome - 01/11/2010 07:51:54 PM 1235 Views
Re: That sounds awesome - 01/11/2010 07:58:45 PM 991 Views
Re: That sounds awesome - 02/11/2010 01:57:27 PM 846 Views
Well, look at the bright side. - 01/11/2010 04:21:47 AM 838 Views
You should have been around 10 years ago, I see - 01/11/2010 04:47:49 AM 781 Views
At least RAFO stays online too - 01/11/2010 05:29:18 PM 806 Views
Re: At least RAFO stays online too - 01/11/2010 08:27:48 PM 808 Views
heh - 01/11/2010 10:43:49 PM 773 Views

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