Re: where the hell are you guys getting the book?
LTArmstrong1 Send a noteboard - 29/10/2010 12:39:51 AM
seriously.. where the hell are you guys getting this book right now? im in the bay area and it sucks that people can get it and none of the bookstores in a 15 mile radius have it around where i live ;(
You gotta have a few Italian "friends" in Jersey where things kinda "fall off the back of the truck" on the way to the warehouse.
where the hell are you guys getting the book?
28/10/2010 04:46:32 PM
Re: where the hell are you guys getting the book?
29/10/2010 12:39:51 AM
Ah yes, the guido tribal culture along the shores of Jersey. *NM*
30/10/2010 11:07:03 PM