When Min and Rand finally go to see Elayne in Winter's Heart, Min sees (and recognizes) Birgitte.
A Lily In Winter - Ch. 12
"Coming toward them was an apparition that made Min's jaw drop. Consternation pushed Rand beyond awareness. From comments she had known the Captain-General of Elayne's Guards was a woman, and Elayne's warder to boot, but nothing else" .... "Auras danced around her and images flickered, more than Min had ever seen around anyone, thousands it seemed, cascading over one another."... "Besides, those multitudes of images and auras flashed by too quickly for her to make out any clearly, but she was certain they indicated more adventures than a woman could have in one lifetime. Strangely some were connected to an ugly man who was older than she, and others to an ugly man who was much younger, yet somehow Min knew they were the same man."
Min does not see images of the past, so we must assume that what she's seeing isn't Birgitte's past lives, but her future ones. That's very comforting to me, as a big Birgitte fan, knowing that she was not unbound from the Wheel. It also indicates that she will find Gaidal again, in this life and the others. I remember (although I don't have the quote handy) before Birgitte was ripped out of TAR, she said something like: Gaidal is always spun out first. One day he is gone, and then I know that I will be born again soon. It's always like that, him first.
So presumably the much younger ugly man must be Gaidal in this time, which would make him 25-30 years younger than Birgitte. And, presumably, they will both be born again later, back in their proper order, with Gaidal first and older.
I'm sure I'm the only person who missed this the first time I read the series, but the books were so exciting I read them a little too fast and didn't read very deeply. I love, and identify with, Birgitte so much that this was a great little catch for me. Enjoying the reread.
A Lily In Winter - Ch. 12
"Coming toward them was an apparition that made Min's jaw drop. Consternation pushed Rand beyond awareness. From comments she had known the Captain-General of Elayne's Guards was a woman, and Elayne's warder to boot, but nothing else" .... "Auras danced around her and images flickered, more than Min had ever seen around anyone, thousands it seemed, cascading over one another."... "Besides, those multitudes of images and auras flashed by too quickly for her to make out any clearly, but she was certain they indicated more adventures than a woman could have in one lifetime. Strangely some were connected to an ugly man who was older than she, and others to an ugly man who was much younger, yet somehow Min knew they were the same man."
Min does not see images of the past, so we must assume that what she's seeing isn't Birgitte's past lives, but her future ones. That's very comforting to me, as a big Birgitte fan, knowing that she was not unbound from the Wheel. It also indicates that she will find Gaidal again, in this life and the others. I remember (although I don't have the quote handy) before Birgitte was ripped out of TAR, she said something like: Gaidal is always spun out first. One day he is gone, and then I know that I will be born again soon. It's always like that, him first.
So presumably the much younger ugly man must be Gaidal in this time, which would make him 25-30 years younger than Birgitte. And, presumably, they will both be born again later, back in their proper order, with Gaidal first and older.
I'm sure I'm the only person who missed this the first time I read the series, but the books were so exciting I read them a little too fast and didn't read very deeply. I love, and identify with, Birgitte so much that this was a great little catch for me. Enjoying the reread.
I always say, if you must mount the gallows, give a jest to the crowd, a coin to the hangman, and make the drop with a smile on your lips. ~Birgitte
Something sweet I caught in the re-read
21/10/2010 11:53:08 PM
Nice! I welcome a happy ending for the WoT's healthiest realtionship! *NM*
22/10/2010 01:07:10 AM
oh I don't know.
22/10/2010 03:03:56 AM
Yes, it's up to those 2 pair to show it. But the ear-nuzzling in public! We must have some rules. *NM*
23/10/2010 03:26:13 AM
Re: Something sweet I caught in the re-read
22/10/2010 02:23:31 AM
That's how I took it, too, and always considered it the basis of the Olver=Gaidal theories.
23/10/2010 03:07:18 AM
Re: That's how I took it, too, and always considered it the basis of the Olver=Gaidal theories.
23/10/2010 05:06:24 AM
Sometimes it almost felt like RJ set us up for that kind of stuff.
23/10/2010 05:21:19 AM
Re: Sometimes it almost felt like RJ set us up for that kind of stuff.
23/10/2010 06:05:21 AM
It always feels kind of cheap to think of it that way though.
23/10/2010 08:07:34 AM
Do we know that Min can't see past lives?
22/10/2010 08:46:59 AM
RJ himself confirmed that all of mins visions were about the future. *NM*
22/10/2010 05:58:52 PM
Yes, Min only sees the future, per RJ. (woops, fixed the bad link)
23/10/2010 03:09:56 AM