Thanks! With the new book coming, I couldn't leave you here alone with the Egg worshipers!
lilltempest Send a noteboard - 20/10/2010 10:02:28 PM

"Capital E" Evil isn't nearly as scary as authors seem to think. All they can do is kill you or hurt you for a bit first. And you can kill them back and it's perfectly morally acceptable, so you could argue that they're less like scary and more like Disneyland if you have the means to take advantage of it.
What is REALLY scary is people in power with an interest in running people's lives and believing they know enough to wield enormous power over affairs in which they have no experience. In particular individuals who tend to be hostile to rival power blocs and suppress dissident views.
What is REALLY scary is people in power with an interest in running people's lives and believing they know enough to wield enormous power over affairs in which they have no experience. In particular individuals who tend to be hostile to rival power blocs and suppress dissident views.
Yep. The threat Egwene poses to the world is far worse than anything the Shadow can do. Since her main goal is to keep herself in power, gain control of everything and everyone that could possibly decrease her power, and bring back the "glory days" of the White Tower when the Amyrlin Seat could force - excuse me, "manipulate" - any king or queen to do as she wished, she rivals the Dark One as a threat.
Unlike the Dark One, who is limited by his so-called prison and has a Creator-chosen Rand to impede him, Egwene is limited by nothing. There is no one that can stand against her (if they try, she crushes them, bullies them, or comes up with some asinine 'wisdom' that any five-year old could spout to impress women who are hundreds of years old but can't seem to muster the sense to tie their own shoes). The ONLY thing limiting her is her own conscience, which is negligible at best since she manages to justify her every action as being "necessary". The girl (and she is a girl, not a woman) takes narcissism to new heights and displays a great many signs of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder (a thing that seems to be shared among dictators and "leaders" who are so convinced that they are the only ones who could possibly know everything that they refuse to even consider views that don't fit with what they want and try to crush or dominate anyone with a dissenting opinion).
If anyone ever did manage to strip her of the power she clings to, I think we'd be looking at another Lanfear, for all intents and purposes, only far more effective. Although I don't think she would ever turn to the Shadow (that would hinder her ability to make everyone believe in her 'righteous' anger), I think she would become a worse nightmare than she already is. She would do everything in her power to destroy whoever caused her fall and would blackmail/bully/manipulate/use friend and foe alike to get her position back, then convince herself that it was in the world's best interest to eliminate anyone who could possibly pose a threat to her power.
Egwene has expressed opposition or acted against all of the following:
- People objecting to Aes Sedai trespassing on their lands
- People training channelers on their own, or channelers serving their homelands like everyone else
- Aes Sedai being permitted to quit being Aes Sedai and return to their homelands
- Aes Sedai sharing their One Power knowledge with people who have not personally instructed Egwene al'Vere
- Rand outlawing racially motivated murder and theft
- Aes Sedai restraining captured spies while attempting to keep their activity secret from the Black Ajah
- Aes Sedai factions keeping their leaders secret from the retribution of the Amyrlin Seat
- Punishing women who question the Amyrlin Seat in the Hall of the Tower
- Questioning the Amyrlin Seat in the Hall of the Tower
- Smiling when the Amyrlin Seat chastises an enemy
- Raising rebellion against the Amyrlin Seat
- Failing to declare war against the Amyrlin Seat
- Supporting the Amyrlin Seat in the name of unity-in-times-of-crisis
- Opposing the Amyrlin Seat in a time of crisis
This person holds the most powerful office in the world that has existed for more than three years. How is that not scary?
- People objecting to Aes Sedai trespassing on their lands
- People training channelers on their own, or channelers serving their homelands like everyone else
- Aes Sedai being permitted to quit being Aes Sedai and return to their homelands
- Aes Sedai sharing their One Power knowledge with people who have not personally instructed Egwene al'Vere
- Rand outlawing racially motivated murder and theft
- Aes Sedai restraining captured spies while attempting to keep their activity secret from the Black Ajah
- Aes Sedai factions keeping their leaders secret from the retribution of the Amyrlin Seat
- Punishing women who question the Amyrlin Seat in the Hall of the Tower
- Questioning the Amyrlin Seat in the Hall of the Tower
- Smiling when the Amyrlin Seat chastises an enemy
- Raising rebellion against the Amyrlin Seat
- Failing to declare war against the Amyrlin Seat
- Supporting the Amyrlin Seat in the name of unity-in-times-of-crisis
- Opposing the Amyrlin Seat in a time of crisis
This person holds the most powerful office in the world that has existed for more than three years. How is that not scary?
It is extremely scary. And it's only going to get worse once the Shadow is defeated. Cadsuane was worried that Rand being victorious while in a bad mood would be worse than the if the Dark One was freed...she should go to Tar Valon and have a look at the Amyrlin if she wants to see a victory that's worse than defeat. The world is screwed for at least several hundred years now thanks to Egwene's tyrannical rule.
Which character do you find scariest?
13/10/2010 06:39:28 PM
13/10/2010 08:07:42 PM
Lanfear always made me laugh
13/10/2010 08:35:02 PM
Yeah, i was talking to someone about Lanfear
13/10/2010 11:25:20 PM
Re: Yeah, i was talking to someone about Lanfear
14/10/2010 03:31:25 AM
Lanfear and Ishamael are both two sides of the same coin, and both crack me up.
14/10/2010 07:58:46 PM
I'd say this differently ... more like which character SHOULD be scariest to me...
13/10/2010 08:51:45 PM
14/10/2010 12:14:33 AM
I think you misunderstand Egwene *NM*
14/10/2010 04:52:18 AM
14/10/2010 11:28:14 AM
Even if she's a fraction as bad as I make her out, who is most likely to be around for a while?
15/10/2010 03:12:02 PM
But she's not scary... her idealism is tempered by pragmatism - a benevolent dictator type. *NM*
15/10/2010 03:28:05 PM
Someone who compromises her good intentions to keep herself in power - how is that comforting?
15/10/2010 06:22:12 PM
Seconded. And the world is stuck with her for hundreds of years...
19/10/2010 07:59:31 PM
Welcome back. I was starting to feel like a voice crying in the wilderness.
20/10/2010 07:27:53 PM
Thanks! With the new book coming, I couldn't leave you here alone with the Egg worshipers!
20/10/2010 10:02:28 PM

14/10/2010 04:53:01 AM
Re: Slayer
14/10/2010 08:38:16 AM
I find Slayer to be a bigger joke than Demandred
14/10/2010 11:41:48 AM
Seconded. I never understood what all the fuss was about Slayer. *NM*
14/10/2010 03:07:28 PM
I agree. He is hilarious.
14/10/2010 04:16:18 PM
I don't know why, I just find him one of the scarier people. He reminds me of Freddy Krueger
14/10/2010 05:41:06 PM
I think of Moghedien and Lanfear scarier in terms of T'A'R
14/10/2010 07:38:58 PM
That's an interesting point. The Ta'veren effect is rather scary if you think about it
14/10/2010 09:47:02 PM
I don't find Shaidar Haran scary, because I'm not a channeler. *NM*
16/10/2010 08:15:49 AM
Re: I find Slayer to be a bigger joke than Demandred
15/10/2010 05:00:54 AM
Unfortunately, most of the points you listed aren't true, are unsubstantiated or show how weak he is
15/10/2010 04:27:34 PM
Shadar Haran
14/10/2010 11:28:44 AM
If not for the same reasons, I agree this is the best of the conventionally scary characters.
15/10/2010 03:15:02 PM
gholam *NM*
14/10/2010 01:55:18 PM
14/10/2010 08:00:12 PM
the gray man
14/10/2010 08:44:07 PM
Good example!
15/10/2010 01:00:57 AM