Active Users:697 Time:11/03/2025 04:48:16 AM
Why is it shocking? For B-Sand, accurracy is the shock. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 20/10/2010 02:42:15 PM
Maybe these are the same Aiel who follow that clan chief who referred to their homeland as the Waste in tGS.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Chapter 2 is up (updated with transcript link) - 19/10/2010 04:56:09 PM 5638 Views
My thoughts (so far) - 19/10/2010 05:01:01 PM 1719 Views
I tend to agree. - 19/10/2010 07:14:32 PM 1496 Views
Yes, and a little defense - 20/10/2010 03:32:36 AM 1401 Views
I hope this is what happens. - 20/10/2010 04:13:31 AM 1402 Views
On Manetheren - 20/10/2010 04:20:57 PM 1306 Views
Yeah, I knew Saldaea and Manetheren didn't overlap. It's not the point - 21/10/2010 12:12:32 AM 1300 Views
broken crown - 24/10/2010 01:55:46 AM 1402 Views
True, true - 26/10/2010 01:16:46 AM 1246 Views
Thanks for the heads up, as ever. *NM* - 19/10/2010 05:14:53 PM 1212 Views
Huh, the voice sounds like Hugo Weaving's (I know it's not him). - 19/10/2010 05:17:40 PM 1460 Views
I like his sexy Faile voice - 19/10/2010 05:19:04 PM 1399 Views
She's a bass. xD - 19/10/2010 05:53:36 PM 1182 Views
Haha I was just thinking that! - 20/10/2010 03:51:12 AM 1202 Views
Who just entered the story? (Possible spoilers) - 19/10/2010 05:45:40 PM 1484 Views
Re: Who just entered the story? (Possible spoilers) - 23/10/2010 11:20:54 PM 1156 Views
ARGH! I HATE PERRIN! - 19/10/2010 06:13:44 PM 1766 Views
I hate to be "that guy" but... - 19/10/2010 06:53:23 PM 1323 Views
Re: Chapter 2 is up (audiobook form only) - 19/10/2010 07:25:01 PM 1292 Views
All he did was wash his face. - 19/10/2010 07:42:20 PM 1214 Views
Re: All he did was wash his face. - 19/10/2010 08:36:51 PM 1230 Views
Thanks for the transcript link! *NM* - 19/10/2010 07:44:53 PM 820 Views
seriously, did someone drop perrin on his head? how did he become such a momo? *NM* - 19/10/2010 08:34:55 PM 682 Views
A what? *NM* - 19/10/2010 08:50:45 PM 797 Views
a momo *NM* - 19/10/2010 10:49:13 PM 705 Views
Re: a momo - 20/10/2010 05:06:27 AM 1321 Views
Why did Team Jordan choose this particular chapter? - 20/10/2010 02:46:53 AM 1473 Views
The chapter 8 thing was a contest or something I believe. - 20/10/2010 02:40:55 PM 1312 Views
UGH, the voice! - 20/10/2010 04:17:48 AM 1260 Views
He orders the Maidens to "ride up the road to scout the way ahead". Shocking error... - 20/10/2010 12:04:34 PM 1405 Views
Re: He orders the Maidens to "ride up the road to scout the way ahead". Shocking error... - 20/10/2010 01:13:21 PM 1184 Views
Especially since they come walking back. *NM* - 20/10/2010 01:31:40 PM 619 Views
Why is it shocking? For B-Sand, accurracy is the shock. - 20/10/2010 02:42:15 PM 1193 Views
*NM* - 20/10/2010 04:10:44 PM 804 Views
HAHAHA - I missed that. Oh gosh. That's shameful. *NM* - 24/10/2010 07:29:16 PM 697 Views
and fennel ran up with gual then rode away on his horse hehe *NM* - 23/10/2010 11:19:44 PM 699 Views
lol and another one. - 24/10/2010 07:34:30 PM 1133 Views
No, it's possible Tam's still there. - 25/10/2010 12:06:31 AM 1470 Views
was referring to the guy not having a horse and perrin telling him to ride down the line *NM* - 25/10/2010 11:21:11 AM 733 Views
OH that is funny. *NM* - 26/10/2010 01:25:28 AM 686 Views
HAHA. Oh man. *wipes away tears* *NM* - 25/10/2010 01:47:13 AM 572 Views
Was excited to read an early released chapter and then - 21/10/2010 07:08:07 AM 1274 Views
I've decided she looks like Snape's twin sister *NM* - 21/10/2010 09:33:11 PM 715 Views
Coming from you, this comment is disturbing on many levels.... - 24/10/2010 02:07:35 PM 1084 Views
awesome man thx *NM* - 22/10/2010 09:41:08 PM 662 Views
well that was a nice fix. but here i am again back at the methodone clinic *NM* - 24/10/2010 01:49:21 AM 684 Views
aaaaaah great freekin book *NM* - 05/11/2010 11:15:33 PM 736 Views
Much thanks, Rockalicious One. - 23/10/2010 03:59:37 AM 1079 Views
ugh so boring, can't even sit through it *NM* - 25/10/2010 01:03:31 PM 788 Views

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