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Re: Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers) Sidious Send a noteboard - 19/10/2010 05:04:44 AM
Larry has received an advanced copy and read it. He knows who killed Asmo. Also, he is really milking the fact that Wot fans on this board hang from his every somewhat spoilerish word for the time being.

I don't think I can write about how deplorable and utterly classless I think this has been, but not unexpected either.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers) - 19/10/2010 01:49:57 AM 2978 Views
Re: Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers) - 19/10/2010 02:23:03 AM 1771 Views
Lanfear could not have done it. Period. - 19/10/2010 04:46:07 AM 1734 Views
Terrible logic (or lack thereof). - 19/10/2010 04:53:03 AM 1498 Views
No, you pay, and then you get the wishes. - 19/10/2010 11:01:08 PM 1366 Views
No, the wishes are granted first. - 20/10/2010 05:27:28 AM 1312 Views
Re: Lanfear could not have done it. Period. - 19/10/2010 05:00:39 AM 1393 Views
Wait about 1 more week until the spoilers leak out and you will know for sure - 19/10/2010 04:09:53 AM 1496 Views
Since when have Moiraine and Lanfear theories been "outlandish"? - 19/10/2010 04:47:56 AM 1457 Views
I think Lanfear is a poor choice - 19/10/2010 05:09:31 AM 1480 Views
Granted, lack of motive was always a puzzle for me - 19/10/2010 05:17:27 AM 1274 Views
Some additional thoughts on motive - 19/10/2010 05:34:22 AM 1422 Views
Re: Some additional thoughts on motive - 19/10/2010 01:05:28 PM 1385 Views
She THINKS Asmodean betrayed her, though - 20/10/2010 05:32:35 AM 1381 Views
Ummm... no. - 20/10/2010 06:19:16 AM 1478 Views
Without any "ummm" - YES. - 20/10/2010 01:56:00 PM 1250 Views
Duh she threatened him! - 20/10/2010 04:13:10 PM 1297 Views
Re: Without any "ummm" - YES. - 20/10/2010 04:13:51 PM 1373 Views
Agreed. On all points. *NM* - 19/10/2010 09:39:42 AM 841 Views
Attack of opportunity... - 20/10/2010 06:16:27 AM 1205 Views
She had wishes she didn't expect to have. - 20/10/2010 01:57:38 PM 1308 Views
- 20/10/2010 04:15:14 PM 1393 Views
Re: Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers) - 19/10/2010 05:04:44 AM 2993 Views
C'mon Sid! - 19/10/2010 05:07:55 AM 1530 Views
Re: C'mon Sid! - 19/10/2010 05:10:53 AM 1410 Views
Re: C'mon Sid! - 19/10/2010 05:13:52 AM 1409 Views
Re: C'mon Sid! - 19/10/2010 05:41:34 AM 1417 Views
That page number was a joke, you know - 19/10/2010 08:08:38 AM 1498 Views
Re: That page number was a joke, you know - 19/10/2010 04:18:03 PM 1529 Views
correct and correct - 19/10/2010 03:31:41 PM 1425 Views
Aw, did he criticize you? - 20/10/2010 05:50:22 PM 1387 Views
LOL nope - 21/10/2010 07:17:23 AM 1298 Views
Aw. Poor baby. - 21/10/2010 07:24:40 PM 1363 Views
And you're a moron who can't control his own board. - 20/10/2010 01:36:01 PM 1497 Views
Re: And you're a moron who can't control his own board. - 20/10/2010 01:48:47 PM 1287 Views
If you think that it's anything but in line with what Sidious started, then you're also a moron, - 20/10/2010 02:38:50 PM 1283 Views
Re: If you think that it's anything but in line with what Sidious started, then you're also a moron, - 20/10/2010 04:01:30 PM 1251 Views
Learn to read. - 20/10/2010 05:41:48 PM 1308 Views
Re: Learn to read. - 21/10/2010 06:28:26 PM 1281 Views
Ah, still a moron, I see. - 21/10/2010 07:21:10 PM 1373 Views
Much as I agree with your sentiment(s) - 21/10/2010 07:42:23 PM 1486 Views
No, I know. I just hate stupid people. *NM* - 21/10/2010 07:53:37 PM 752 Views
Re: Ah, still a moron, I see. - 22/10/2010 02:11:19 PM 1199 Views
Like begets like. - 22/10/2010 08:46:06 PM 1497 Views
I always thought it was Slayer or Lanfear - 19/10/2010 05:31:12 AM 1401 Views
.... - 19/10/2010 08:09:55 AM 1616 Views
don't worry about it - this is all very harmless, you know - 19/10/2010 08:15:49 AM 1361 Views
Depends on the attention received - 19/10/2010 08:20:44 AM 1538 Views
Re: .... - 19/10/2010 01:01:57 PM 1338 Views
word to all of this....especially the not expecting this bit. *NM* - 19/10/2010 04:24:47 PM 633 Views
The cheap character shots people are taking at Larry are pretty deplorable IMO. - 19/10/2010 06:50:58 PM 1318 Views
I agree 100 per cent *NM* - 19/10/2010 07:20:35 PM 712 Views
I still can't figure out what the hell he did that was so bad - 20/10/2010 06:05:50 AM 1253 Views
I agree with you. - 20/10/2010 05:33:12 PM 1334 Views
Hi. - 22/10/2010 05:37:32 AM 1257 Views
Agreed. And coming from admins, no less. *NM* - 20/10/2010 01:37:12 PM 794 Views
I don't think Larry did anything wrong. - 20/10/2010 04:01:16 PM 1339 Views
Re: .... - 20/10/2010 08:07:52 AM 1433 Views
Give away? - 19/10/2010 02:03:53 PM 1299 Views
No, it was a joke. *NM* - 19/10/2010 03:23:22 PM 648 Views
You're dead! Rand killed you in EotW! *NM* - 19/10/2010 03:41:23 PM 748 Views
There was no proof of it. I refuse to believe it. *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:05:42 AM 659 Views
It's Lanfear - definitely. Look at Graendal if you want proof.. - 20/10/2010 10:47:01 PM 1401 Views
Dude, just admit you did it already. *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:07:10 AM 692 Views

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