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Re: You seem to mistake "plan" with "goal" DomA Send a noteboard - 14/10/2010 11:06:14 PM
In the immortal words of the computer kid and Bruce Willis from the latest Die Hard movie:

Computer kid: "Do you have a plan?"

Bruce Willis "Find that so and so and kill him"

Computer kid: "I meant a plan as in a way to do that"

Lanfear's goal was to control Rand. Her plan for doing so was absolutely foolish. Rhavin's goal was to control the most powerful nation in Randland. Rhavin's plan for doing so was no more foolish than Lanfear's.

Lanfear's goal may have been reasonable, but her plan was downright laughable. Her goal was not any more reasonable than Rhavin's, and her plan was just as ridiculous.

You don't seem to have read what I wrote, as it's exactly what I argued. She had a good plan and the goal this plan was trying to accomplish was perfectly in line with what Ishamael and Shai'tan seem to want, but she was pathetic at implementing her plan because she totally overestimated the effects she would have on Rand, and that crucial bit didn't worked out as she expected. Her whole plan hinged on him falling in love with her easily. He gave her every sign of rejecting her in Tear, and still she deluded herself this was almost a done deal and Rand was soon to be in her pocket. It's Lanfear, not her plan, that was foolish. I mean honestly... for a woman like her seducing a 18 y.o. with raging hormones was far from a foolish plan, and making herself rare and leaving Rand to start desiring her presence was a better tactic than constantly trying to seduce him. The odds were she'd achieve the seduction without breaking a sweat. She just picked the rare teenager who wouldn't fall in love with her just by watching her and getting her attention!

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Which character do you find scariest? - 13/10/2010 06:39:28 PM 1778 Views
Therava is clever? - 13/10/2010 07:29:09 PM 1028 Views
Fain has always "scared" me the most. - 13/10/2010 07:50:49 PM 899 Views
Lanfear - 13/10/2010 08:07:42 PM 955 Views
Lanfear always made me laugh - 13/10/2010 08:35:02 PM 833 Views
Yeah, i was talking to someone about Lanfear - 13/10/2010 11:25:20 PM 906 Views
Re: Yeah, i was talking to someone about Lanfear - 14/10/2010 03:31:25 AM 929 Views
You seem to mistake "plan" with "goal" - 14/10/2010 06:23:07 AM 963 Views
Re: You seem to mistake "plan" with "goal" - 14/10/2010 11:06:14 PM 933 Views
I love our conversations - 15/10/2010 02:08:59 AM 981 Views
Me too - 14/10/2010 11:31:43 AM 838 Views
We've discussed this before - 14/10/2010 09:48:26 PM 764 Views
Moridin/Ishamael, because he reminds me of me ... goddamn *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:25:04 AM 379 Views
Lanfear and Ishamael are both two sides of the same coin, and both crack me up. - 14/10/2010 07:58:46 PM 928 Views
I'd say this differently ... more like which character SHOULD be scariest to me... - 13/10/2010 08:51:45 PM 1051 Views
What he said. Plus one. - 14/10/2010 02:21:06 AM 874 Views
a very good point. *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:29:28 AM 308 Views
Absolutely. - 14/10/2010 08:02:58 PM 755 Views
Nods in agreement *NM* - 14/10/2010 09:07:08 PM 422 Views
Bela - 13/10/2010 09:09:26 PM 971 Views
Far.AUT, Same here *NM* - 13/10/2010 09:53:23 PM 379 Views
Second that! *NM* - 14/10/2010 01:39:21 AM 407 Views
as a horse person and a future equine practitioner - 14/10/2010 04:30:09 AM 775 Views
Bela is NOT a pony - 14/10/2010 04:32:25 PM 772 Views
well. do we actually know how tall she is? - 15/10/2010 01:09:55 AM 791 Views
Egwene - 14/10/2010 12:14:33 AM 1015 Views
I think you misunderstand Egwene *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:52:18 AM 374 Views
Dear heavens, let's hope so. - 14/10/2010 04:50:37 PM 776 Views
Fain was scary in the first 2 books - 14/10/2010 02:13:44 AM 808 Views
Basil Gill *NM* - 14/10/2010 02:28:03 AM 397 Views
he moves surprisingly quick!!! *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:31:41 AM 380 Views
Slayer - 14/10/2010 04:53:01 AM 835 Views
Re: Slayer - 14/10/2010 08:38:16 AM 805 Views
I find Slayer to be a bigger joke than Demandred - 14/10/2010 11:41:48 AM 808 Views
Seconded. I never understood what all the fuss was about Slayer. *NM* - 14/10/2010 03:07:28 PM 336 Views
but he skins wolves in dreamland! ooooh scary *NM* - 14/10/2010 03:48:32 PM 356 Views
I agree. He is hilarious. - 14/10/2010 04:16:18 PM 746 Views
I had the same lol reaction - 14/10/2010 04:40:24 PM 1010 Views
And even worse...he's related to Rand, Lan and Galad - 14/10/2010 07:33:45 PM 876 Views
Re: I find Slayer to be a bigger joke than Demandred - 15/10/2010 05:00:54 AM 853 Views
Re: Slayer - 14/10/2010 04:42:10 PM 683 Views
Shadar Haran - 14/10/2010 11:28:44 AM 860 Views
Shadar Haran is definitely the scariest - 14/10/2010 03:44:39 PM 761 Views
gholam makes it close though. - 14/10/2010 04:54:46 PM 728 Views
Narg: who else is both evil and genius? *NM* - 14/10/2010 01:28:11 PM 341 Views
gholam *NM* - 14/10/2010 01:55:18 PM 389 Views
second *NM* - 14/10/2010 03:02:52 PM 346 Views
yep. *NM* - 14/10/2010 06:51:15 PM 339 Views
Yes. - 14/10/2010 08:00:12 PM 748 Views
the gray man - 14/10/2010 08:44:07 PM 711 Views
Good example! - 15/10/2010 01:00:57 AM 733 Views
sammael has this moment in aCoS - 15/10/2010 11:36:07 PM 841 Views
True. - 16/10/2010 10:23:15 PM 803 Views
Re: Which character do you find scariest? - 14/10/2010 08:00:39 PM 751 Views
Does the DO count as a character? If so the DO. *NM* - 15/10/2010 12:15:42 AM 331 Views
As the books progressed, 'scary' changed - 15/10/2010 06:31:43 AM 853 Views
Of humans, Rhadam Asunawa - 16/10/2010 08:52:34 PM 717 Views

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