Active Users:992 Time:11/03/2025 07:03:57 PM
Funny, I like BS more than RJ Sidious Send a noteboard - 01/10/2010 03:46:53 PM

Heresy? Meh...

I disliked the first chapter of Brandon's that I ever read, but he wrote TGS so well that I loved every moment. Sure, there were inaccuracies in the way people spoke and sometimes I thought that Elayne/Mat were different, but the book was mesmerizing. I can't wait for this new one, and I loved reading this chapter.

To each his own...
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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Chapter 1 released - 01/10/2010 01:40:27 PM 5719 Views
For the record, it sucks waiting for you people to wake up and read this - 01/10/2010 01:50:02 PM 1441 Views
Deadsy is like the Keebler Elves, but real - 01/10/2010 04:38:15 PM 1309 Views
Not too much new to work with. Is "she" Egwene? Cads? Someone else? *NM* - 01/10/2010 02:01:12 PM 811 Views
Thanks for the heads up, by the way. *NM* - 01/10/2010 02:01:34 PM 789 Views
Egwene - 01/10/2010 02:06:57 PM 1403 Views
Re: Egwene - 01/10/2010 02:15:24 PM 1451 Views
Well damn. Was that Buddha? - 01/10/2010 02:36:29 PM 1889 Views
This blaming Brandon for everything stuff is getting old. - 01/10/2010 02:55:04 PM 1568 Views
I've never blamed BS for anything (expect fucking up Mat's character) - 01/10/2010 03:27:36 PM 1341 Views
I suppose it looks like I'm singling you out - 01/10/2010 03:31:41 PM 1382 Views
I agree with you. *NM* - 01/10/2010 10:30:49 PM 742 Views
BOOOOO I want Sunshine and Rainbows damnit *NM* - 01/10/2010 11:04:21 PM 785 Views
Care bears... care! *NM* - 02/10/2010 07:39:33 AM 997 Views
LMAO *NM* - 02/10/2010 09:34:23 PM 752 Views
WOW! It's beautyful - 01/10/2010 02:51:07 PM 1589 Views
i guess he's found a bit of peace at last - 01/10/2010 02:53:39 PM 1364 Views
Poorly written, but I still got goosebumps at Rand's importance finally being demonstrated... - 01/10/2010 03:14:48 PM 1580 Views
"My father’s estates do produce lumber and fine woods, and ice peppers, and furs, and more besides." - 01/10/2010 03:27:22 PM 1769 Views
It's the style. In the Randland context, the word "grows" is more appropriate... - 01/10/2010 03:31:22 PM 1409 Views
did you not read my reply title? That was a quote from The Shadow Rising, same exact context. *NM* - 01/10/2010 03:32:23 PM 772 Views
Fine. So be it. It still feels wrong to me. *NM* - 01/10/2010 03:36:16 PM 668 Views
but it's all RJ's fault *NM* - 01/10/2010 03:40:14 PM 617 Views
Maybe it's in the context of BS's sentences... - 01/10/2010 03:44:28 PM 1333 Views
Funny, I like BS more than RJ - 01/10/2010 03:46:53 PM 1328 Views
Ya, BS's Elayne was totally different than RJ's... *NM* - 01/10/2010 03:52:33 PM 795 Views
I feel bad for you. I really do. - 01/10/2010 03:54:02 PM 1373 Views
Have to disagree.. - 04/10/2010 09:06:53 PM 1295 Views
OMG... how cool is Rand? - 01/10/2010 03:28:05 PM 1581 Views
Yes, and what I love is the CERTAINTY. - 01/10/2010 03:35:38 PM 1485 Views
yeah exactly! - 01/10/2010 04:37:01 PM 1535 Views
It sounds like Rand is finally growing up - 01/10/2010 03:46:54 PM 1472 Views
He has achieved enlightenment and knows more than everyone else, so he doesn't have to be insecure.. - 01/10/2010 03:52:23 PM 1265 Views
I don't agree - I think that what he is going to tell Egwene will be unpleasant for everyone. - 01/10/2010 04:07:19 PM 1365 Views
Why would that upset her? - 01/10/2010 04:21:29 PM 1417 Views
Because I think she was hoping to work with him to solve some of these problems - 01/10/2010 04:42:33 PM 1381 Views
I tend to agree - 05/10/2010 01:41:22 AM 1246 Views
LTT didn't embrace the name Dragon - 05/10/2010 02:57:59 AM 1400 Views
EOTW, prologue - 05/10/2010 02:08:45 PM 1276 Views
Rand's actions on Dragonmount - 01/10/2010 05:19:20 PM 1453 Views
Re: Chapter 1 released - 01/10/2010 05:24:24 PM 1358 Views
Great one! - 01/10/2010 05:31:45 PM 1334 Views
The Sickness - 01/10/2010 07:22:24 PM 1588 Views
thoughts - 01/10/2010 07:28:38 PM 1583 Views
Re: thoughts - 01/10/2010 08:36:18 PM 1242 Views
Egwene - 03/10/2010 02:57:38 AM 1510 Views
Re: Egwene - 04/10/2010 09:44:00 AM 1207 Views
Nonsense - 05/10/2010 03:52:31 AM 1235 Views
Re: Nonsense - 05/10/2010 09:53:06 AM 1627 Views
seriously! Read what Egwene actually says sometime... - 06/10/2010 08:17:15 PM 1154 Views
Re: seriously! Read what Egwene actually says sometime... - 06/10/2010 08:40:39 PM 985 Views
want to back that up with an actual quote from Egwene's mouth? - 06/10/2010 11:01:09 PM 1138 Views
Re: want to back that up with an actual quote from Egwene's mouth? - 07/10/2010 09:45:21 PM 1230 Views
Yes, but her comment is far closer to the truth than his! - 07/10/2010 10:18:54 PM 1297 Views
I'd say - 08/10/2010 08:30:17 PM 1171 Views
just like Egwene is 100% correct about AS being compelled - 08/10/2010 10:31:03 PM 1136 Views
Unlikely, I know, but... - 01/10/2010 07:42:17 PM 1346 Views
I am so confused... - 01/10/2010 09:45:32 PM 1530 Views
Re: I am so confused... - 01/10/2010 10:02:59 PM 1357 Views
Re: I am so confused... - 01/10/2010 10:17:14 PM 1290 Views
Re: I am so confused... - 01/10/2010 10:22:14 PM 1242 Views
Re: I am so confused... - 01/10/2010 11:21:32 PM 1241 Views
Re: I am so confused... - 02/10/2010 01:01:47 AM 1222 Views
We've seen hints of this power for a while - 02/10/2010 09:42:04 PM 1168 Views
That may have been an indirect result of using the TP, rather than a direct one - 03/10/2010 03:30:24 AM 1207 Views
I'm surprised no one has discussed Seanchan yet - 01/10/2010 10:20:37 PM 1634 Views
But there have always been murderers on the Crystal Throne. *NM* - 01/10/2010 11:42:52 PM 724 Views
Probably... - 02/10/2010 02:09:45 PM 1549 Views
Re: Probably... - 04/10/2010 11:21:14 PM 1189 Views
Hahah I am so pumped for this book. - 02/10/2010 02:29:25 AM 1242 Views
Thanks. - 02/10/2010 04:40:30 AM 1218 Views
Thanks Deadsy - 02/10/2010 10:05:15 AM 1462 Views
Why are people saying Rands turned into some happy clappy - 02/10/2010 01:56:58 PM 1288 Views
He's met Bunt (but that's beside the point) *NM* - 02/10/2010 02:16:36 PM 734 Views
Nice one... - 02/10/2010 02:06:27 PM 1469 Views
Moridin.... - 02/10/2010 04:03:34 PM 1395 Views
I've seen it theorized (before chapter 1 was released) that - 02/10/2010 04:39:09 PM 1279 Views
That seems likely to me. - 02/10/2010 05:24:23 PM 1172 Views
I don't think... - 02/10/2010 05:44:05 PM 1689 Views
I agree with you - 03/10/2010 02:02:40 AM 1156 Views
Not up to Moridin - 03/10/2010 11:34:24 PM 1201 Views
Re: I don't think... - 05/10/2010 02:11:32 AM 1137 Views
seems about right ... standard 2nd book of a Trilogy type stuff - 06/10/2010 08:25:54 PM 1072 Views
When are they gonna release Chapter 30? =P *NM* - 02/10/2010 05:21:40 PM 718 Views
Re:TOM Chapter 1 Biblical Parallel - 02/10/2010 08:31:35 PM 1327 Views
When Cameron was in Egypt land, let my Cameron go - 02/10/2010 08:45:55 PM 1207 Views
Re: When Cameron was in Egypt land, let my Cameron go - 03/10/2010 12:44:44 AM 1209 Views
My own impressions - 03/10/2010 01:58:21 PM 1209 Views
dammit how am i supposed to read this without reading the prologue first? *NM* - 03/10/2010 08:51:58 PM 773 Views
short but sweet like th apples *NM* - 03/10/2010 09:13:09 PM 722 Views
Chapter 1 is not connected to the prologue. *NM* - 04/10/2010 05:21:19 PM 772 Views
The revival of the Green Man? - 03/10/2010 09:25:50 PM 1336 Views
Likes this theory! - 04/10/2010 12:06:09 AM 1252 Views
Re: The revival of the Green Man? - 04/10/2010 01:05:06 AM 1327 Views
Re: The revival of the Green Man? - 04/10/2010 11:49:54 PM 1269 Views
You assume the supply of Souls is finite - 05/10/2010 02:49:28 AM 1155 Views
Yes - 05/10/2010 02:08:10 PM 1325 Views
That doesn't make sense - 06/10/2010 04:14:54 AM 1087 Views
you assume that a soul is tainted forever and not returned to a nutral state upon death. - 06/10/2010 06:43:11 AM 1209 Views
O... you assume I don't know my stuff - 06/10/2010 02:35:06 PM 1237 Views
Re: O... you assume I don't know my stuff - 06/10/2010 06:38:49 PM 1090 Views
Re: O... you assume I don't know my stuff - 06/10/2010 10:20:35 PM 1268 Views
Did you ever read the Ender series of books? - 05/10/2010 09:55:11 PM 1173 Views
OMG That is so cool! - 04/10/2010 04:22:21 PM 1328 Views
Re: OMG That is so cool! - 31/10/2010 07:13:11 PM 1064 Views
Deadsy, you always are bringing me the good s**t...Thanks! *NM* - 05/10/2010 01:37:48 PM 1137 Views
ARGH! Spoilers! Spoilers! MINE EYES!!!! - 14/10/2010 08:52:53 AM 1235 Views

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