Active Users:291 Time:01/07/2024 08:50:18 PM
Yeah, think they're both right. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 01/10/2010 11:55:41 AM

They have to follow the Dragon and the banner--even if the Dragon turns to the Shadow. Bet that would make for some interesting conversations on the way to battle....

As to Falme, like Cannoli, I think it was symbolism. Why Jordan chose to do it is another matter; synchronicity, cooperation, who knows? I'm not sure they even WERE linked in the strictest sense; I don't think they mirrored each other, I think the ground war was always mirroring the duel. I don't see any other option, because while the Seanchan might have been able to overrun Bornhalds legion in seconds, can they kill any of the Heroes of the Horn? I doubt it, and it would be kinda wrong if they could. Maybe a Hero called by the Horn and slain just goes back to Tel'aran'rhiod (does that mean they instantly return to battle...?) but otherwise the idea that a mortal slain in a noble effort gains an immortality that they can LOSE returning to fight seems very odd.

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