Active Users:1191 Time:23/02/2025 08:20:37 PM
They've got plenty to do, they just aren't doing it. Joel Send a noteboard - 01/10/2010 09:28:33 AM
So I've been thinking a lot about Elaida recently, among other Reds, and have come to the conclusion that she doesn't make sense as a Red.

The Red would virtually have nothing to do because there are rarely any men who want to show they use the OP, so unless they spend their lives as Aes Sedai travelling by horse and cart to every city in Randland looking for men who have accidents and don't die, or act funny I can't see why you'd need 1000 of them.

Well, but to a great extent it seems the Reds DO ride around hunting male channelers like that. Possibly that's why they're the most numerous; more than anyone except perhaps the Grays travel is in their job description, and they have to cover a lot of ground with a finite number of Aes Sedai. Many men will end up channeling whether they want to or not, and unless it kills them very quickly it will ultimately become dangerously noticeable to everyone around them. Then, of course, there will be many cases where a man has strange experiences but ISN'T a channeler, and that's probably more common, but until someone checks there's no way to know. Sometimes there STILL isn't; remember, the Reds wanted to gentle Elyas, and it's VERY unlikely he can channel (if he can, he's either a Darkfriend or not a sparker. ) Given all that and the sheer scale of the Breaking, the Reds being the largest Ajah makes sense to me, especially since the frequency of male channelers has been increasing as Tarmon Gaidon nears.
Even more useless is the Green Ajah as they can ONLY fight Shadowspawn, who rarely come to Tar Valon & I never hear about them stationed in the Borderlands which actually is where they should be 100% of the time. If they did their duty Malkier would still exist right now. After all where do they think most of Tarmon Gaidon is going to take place? To me that seems where they should do their battle ajah training as it is the only place where they can actively and freely practice destructive weaves so they can be 'prepared' for TG. However since this is not the case in the books, not sure what they do, and we see that in TGS that the one Green who was fighting the Seanchean didn't do a very good job of it, in fact I believe she was the Ajah's 'Battle General' Hrmph!

Captain-General, no less, but there's a reason for that: Unless they're former Aes Sedai a damane can channel to kill anyone or anything she wants as brutally as she likes. From the time they adam goes around their necks their primary training is for battle, and without the Three Oaths they have much longer than Aes Sedai do to get good at it. Adelorna was fighting with one weave tied behind her back, so of course she got smashed. She did better than most; others fought, too, but even the Greens were quickly killed and collared. We know from Dumais Wells that they weren't holding back because they weren't facing Shadowspawn (most of them probably THOUGHT it was Shadowspawn anyway. ) Aes Sedai don't have to be facing Shadowspawan to use the One Power as a weapon, they just have to feel a mortal threat to them, their Warder or another sister. As prohibitions go, that's a pretty weak one.

As for the Borderlands, remember that Malkier was "murdered. " You make a good point that it's inexcusable the whole thing was over before the Tower even knew, but even assuming they had some Greens in Malkier in a position to know what was happening, does it make a difference? Unless the pigeon they send to Tar Valon comes back with 100 sisters strapped to its back, does it matter? Probably not. There are some Greens (and other Ajahs) in the Borderlands; don't ask me for a name, but I believe there were greens with King Easar when our heroes went to Fal Dara. A disproportionate number of Greens seem to be FROM the Borderlands, which stands to reason, so by the logic you're using, why did they ever leave?

All of that said, you're right; the proper place for most of them is guarding the Blight. Borderlanders know that, and as many Borderlanders as the Greens have, they should, too. That doesn't invalidate the Green Ajahs vital responsibilities--it just means they're falling woefully short of meeting them. Had there been a dozen Greens in each of the Borderlands when Malkier fell they wouldn't have had to wait for help from Tar Valon, and perhaps it wouldn't have fallen.
Yellows heal, but heal who/where? Unless they are stationed in every city (which they are not) then what good is their 'purpose'?
Can every person travel 2000 miles to bring their sick husband and child to the lazy Healers in Tar Valon? Seems if they really love to heal they should be out and about in the world.

I look at the Yellows like the NIH or the CDC. They aren't pediatricians delivering thousands of babies; there are plenty of non-channelers perfectly capable of doing things like that. The situation with Mat and his dagger was SLIGHTLY different; even in Tar Valon there was a lot of consultation and examination before they could be certain HOW to heal him. The Yellows are there, IMHO, to prevent or stop things like AIDS or the 1918 flu pandemic, not bandage skinned knees. They aren't out in every hamlet (though some of them are) because there are already Wisdoms out there who can't channel, but can maintain the general health of their community. The Yellows still learn how to heal all the things a Wisdom does, but their purpose is things no one but they can heal. That purpose is better served by concentrating the collective knowledge and experience of the Ajah in a place where they have access to the most research and history on the same subject, and that's Tar Valon.
I think all in all most Aes Sedai are lazy and priveledged and don't really perform the actions of Aes Sedai which means 'Servants of All'. Maybe that is why the Chosen laugh at this Age's Aes Sedai since they hardly act like servants, but in fact moreso act like lazy, rich and indulgent rulers.

To a great extent I think you're right in that final assessment, though it's most evident, IMHO, in the Greens and Reds (although the Blues certainly have their moments, but that Ajah was almost designed for that sort of thing. ) It's not that the stated purpose of the Ajah is wrong though, it's that it's members are neglecting their duties. I have a government like that.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Elaida's ajah - 29/09/2010 11:39:53 PM 1931 Views
Re: Elaida's ajah - 30/09/2010 01:00:32 AM 1083 Views
What has she done that shows she hates men? - 30/09/2010 01:03:52 AM 1175 Views
I don't think she hates all men - 30/09/2010 04:39:00 AM 1141 Views
Thanks for the confirmation about the vileness. - 30/09/2010 04:49:50 AM 1185 Views
She was strong, that's all Aes Sedai need. - 30/09/2010 08:26:17 AM 1107 Views
I probably need to re-read - 30/09/2010 01:09:55 AM 1049 Views
Hehe... I need to reread too. - 30/09/2010 01:13:05 AM 1010 Views
I wonder if RJ ever planned on Thom getting revenge - 30/09/2010 01:20:35 AM 922 Views
I have a secret fantasy/hope... - 30/09/2010 01:26:07 AM 1193 Views
I think that might happen anyway - 30/09/2010 01:36:26 AM 890 Views
That'd be quite funny. - 30/09/2010 03:08:00 AM 1092 Views
lol that would be epic - 30/09/2010 05:57:43 AM 938 Views
suian lies to the rebel Hall about elaida - 30/09/2010 07:41:02 AM 932 Views
I know... but she was still involved in the vileness *NM* - 30/09/2010 09:16:43 AM 383 Views
She thinks those that channel are unclean and have rejected the light IIRC. - 30/09/2010 08:28:43 AM 887 Views
I remember this vaguely now that you mention it - 30/09/2010 09:18:22 AM 955 Views
Link to that essay posted below - 30/09/2010 03:23:05 PM 1079 Views
But she might not always have been like that - 01/10/2010 03:44:57 PM 942 Views
I always thought of it as a fall-back ajah - 30/09/2010 05:32:19 AM 1042 Views
To me, it seems more like Tower politics. - 30/09/2010 07:23:19 AM 1145 Views
Re: A few reasons to join - 30/09/2010 11:06:55 AM 992 Views
Funny, I always considered the Bluye as the fall-back Ajah. - 30/09/2010 06:35:18 PM 946 Views
see, and I've always seen the Greens as a the fall-back Ajah - 30/09/2010 08:09:03 PM 836 Views
At least I guess we can all agree that the Yellow aren't a fall-back Ajah *NM* - 01/10/2010 06:44:06 AM 482 Views
Thats because Yellows are superior *NM* - 01/10/2010 03:42:45 PM 399 Views
They're Aes Sedai. - 02/10/2010 02:39:12 AM 892 Views
+1 - 01/10/2010 09:30:41 AM 1018 Views
Elaida is pretty clearly a Red Ajah-link to great article that summarizes the point better included - 30/09/2010 03:22:14 PM 1178 Views
Nitpick - 03/10/2010 10:44:06 AM 885 Views
I think she's not a Blue because there's already an Ajah for her particular "cause. " - 01/10/2010 05:13:53 AM 926 Views
The Red, Green & Yellow Ajah's all seem to have nothing to do - 01/10/2010 07:06:55 AM 980 Views
They've got plenty to do, they just aren't doing it. - 01/10/2010 09:28:33 AM 974 Views

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