Active Users:406 Time:14/03/2025 02:16:02 PM
Re: Who killed Asmodean? and the Forsaken Alliance - Edit 1

Before modification by BlackAdder at 01/10/2010 04:57:41 AM

Why does she wait? Because Graendal is a patient and cunning plotter, she doesn't rush in. Plus why bother when she has the tenuous might of three other Chosen on her side. But Rahvin and Lanfear are dead and if Asmodean spills she might be next. So now that half her allies are dead the moment dictates that she strikes. She knows that they are at Caemlyn, so she goes to Caemlyn stalks through the palace hoping to find Asmodean and kill him.

You might be right what with her still being alive, but this logic just doesn't seem to agree w/ her. Graendal is someone who flees from danger, not someone who runs headfirst into it.

I find it really out of character for her to hunt through Rand's stronghold, possibly running into him or another channeler, instead of just moving to one of her back-up bases that Asmo doesn't know about.

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