The Forsaken are confident of their ability to beat one another because they understand this concept. They are reluctant to face each other directly, because they understand this concept! Any fight between any of the Forsaken, and any one of the battles with Rand COULD have gone either way. Rand is largely ignorant of the One Power, even as late as tFoH or aCoS, yet two of the more accomplished Forsaken flee at his approach. Acknowledgement of his greater skill or power? Not in the least, or at least not anymore than taking cover when someone starts firing a gun is a tacit acknowledgement of their superior might - in each case, it is no more than simple prudence. The Forsaken avoid fights for the same reason you would duck and cover if explosions started going off, or a gun was discharged in your vicinity: neither of you cares about the story as a whole, but rather only care that YOUR part in it goes on a bit longer.
A competant channeler's ability is something like a gun. There is a wide range of capabilities, and the skill of individuals in weilding it varies greatly, but in any case, it is ALL sufficient to kill a person. Anyone from Daigian up through Rand has enough strength to kill each other. The issue for each possible permutation of a channeler battle depends on how or whether he or she can bring that power to bear. The problem in the books is that the first real channeler battle anyone noticed was Moghedian letting her bully's ego draw her into an unrealistic and aberrant arm-wrestling match with Nynaeve. What they overlooked was the more accurrately illustrative channeler battle in the previous book - Moiraine vs. Bel'al. What did that fight tell you about their respective strengths?
That's why it's all a crock.
A competant channeler's ability is something like a gun. There is a wide range of capabilities, and the skill of individuals in weilding it varies greatly, but in any case, it is ALL sufficient to kill a person. Anyone from Daigian up through Rand has enough strength to kill each other. The issue for each possible permutation of a channeler battle depends on how or whether he or she can bring that power to bear. The problem in the books is that the first real channeler battle anyone noticed was Moghedian letting her bully's ego draw her into an unrealistic and aberrant arm-wrestling match with Nynaeve. What they overlooked was the more accurrately illustrative channeler battle in the previous book - Moiraine vs. Bel'al. What did that fight tell you about their respective strengths?
That's why it's all a crock.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
One Power Battle ability...
27/09/2010 11:11:33 PM
I tire of this idiocy...
28/09/2010 01:02:17 AM
Wow... talk about a long string of erroneous conclusions
28/09/2010 07:41:49 AM
28/09/2010 08:14:14 AM
Re: Interesting...
28/09/2010 11:48:16 AM
Wow, Sidious!
28/09/2010 05:41:14 PM
Re: Wow, Sidious!
28/09/2010 06:22:41 PM
With respect, your and Fionwe's rantings are based largely on opinion as well - more so than mine...
28/09/2010 07:15:04 PM
It's all blather - Any Forsaken can take out any other Forsaken. Even in a stand-up fight.
28/09/2010 02:08:13 PM
Yes. All of this. *NM*
28/09/2010 03:20:49 PM
I agree, most Forsaken will not 'arm wrestle' each other, they will kill. *NM*
28/09/2010 06:36:38 PM
Agreed... Now when will the earthquake come? *NM*
28/09/2010 07:02:02 PM
What earthquake? There is no proof of any earthquake! You're just prejudiced in favor of Egwene! *NM*
28/09/2010 07:25:19 PM
There HAS to be an earthquake. You, me, RPA and Sidious agreed in one single thread! *NM*
28/09/2010 08:24:22 PM
Yes, I GET it. My reply was an ironic commentary on our usual style correspondance. *NM*
28/09/2010 08:55:19 PM