Active Users:694 Time:23/02/2025 11:42:12 AM
Re: I don't think so... - Edit 1

Before modification by DomA at 28/09/2010 03:19:07 AM

Because, presumably, Elaida's Foretelling should have had some hint of that. Plus, a confrontation with Rand will presumably be two-way, whereas Elaida's Prophesy seems to indicate just that Egwene will be pissed about something, and Rand will be informed of it.

The more I look at it, and the more I consider the fact the scene is placed as a book opener...

The picture it paints is that things won't go so smoothly between Rand and Egwene for a while yet.

"The Amyrlin's anger" suggests Egwene will be the one pissed off then (and as I said elsewhere, Elaida's foretelling kind of confirms the topic of anger concerns Taim and the BT, and by extension Egwene might link this with previous "disappearances" of sisters, and call Rand to account on this. Rand might tell Egwene the sisters who follow him are doing this by choice, and several have given their oath to follow him, and he might see no reason to grant a request that those sisters be relieved of their oath to return to the Tower).

Then Rand and Egwene appear to have a confrontation coming, this one most likely happening quite later in the game (it's most likely after he's been "dead", as the Land will still be divided by the return after that, meaning it won't yet be "as one", and the Seanchan conflict isn't yet solved by that point...). It seems to suggest Rand and Egwene might have allied then (or Egwene and the Asha'man, anyway), but they won't see eye-to-eye during the Last Battle. The twist there is that it's no longer Egwene who is angry, it's Rand who is confronting not only Egwene, but the women with her, including a Seanchan woman. Interesting that Jordan chose "women", and not "Aes Sedai". As the dream is Egwene's own, she might have said "other sisters" or AS had the women with her been such. It doesn't mean they aren't, but it could be a united front of women Rand confronts there... it could even symbolize the alliance Egwene dreamed of... of Windfinders, WO, Kin, AS. And Seanchan, apparently.

There are still good puzzles ahead... one of them is that dream of Egwene when a female hawk (obviously a Seanchan or a Paendrag... so Tuon or Berelain, most likely Tuon) touches her, and they become tied... A'dam? Warder bond? Purely symbolic? "Tied" and touching seems to speak of more than making an alliance.

The resolution of the Seanchan stuff looks to be dramatic too, which is why it worked so well as a red herring that it was to happen during the attack on the Tower: before the Seanchan woman comes to say that they much help each other, Egwene cannot see beyond the clouds and the ledge on the cliff on which she stands collapses and she hangs by her fingertips. This really doesn't look like the result of negotiations... Egwene will be in a rather desperate position when she has to accept or refuse that she and the Seanchan woman mutually help each other.

There is another dream of Egwene that speaks of problems in forging an alliance of male and female AS: that wall of black and white discs she struggles to climb but that proves insurmountable.

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