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Re: I don't think so... DomA Send a noteboard - 28/09/2010 03:07:08 AM
Because, presumably, Elaida's Foretelling should have had some hint of that. Plus, a confrontation with Rand will presumably be two-way, whereas Elaida's Prophesy seems to indicate just that Egwene will be pissed about something, and Rand will be informed of it.

The more I look at it, and the more I consider the fact the scene is placed as a book opener...

The picture it paints is that things won't go so smoothly between Rand and Egwene for a while yet.

"The Amyrlin's anger" suggests Egwene will be the one pissed off then (and as I said elsewhere, Elaida's foretelling kind of confirms the topic of anger concerns Taim and the BT, and by extension Egwene might link this with previous "disappearances" of sisters, and call Rand to account on this. Rand might tell Egwene the sisters who follow him are doing this by choice, and several have given their oath to follow him, and he might see no reason to grant a request that those sisters be relieved of their oath to return to the Tower).

Then Rand and Egwene appear to have a confrontation coming, this one most likely happening quite later in the game (it's most likely after he's been "dead", as the Land will still be divided by the return after that, meaning it won't yet be "as one", and the Seanchan conflict isn't yet solved by that point...). It seems to suggest Rand and Egwene might have allied then (or Egwene and the Asha'man, anyway), but they won't see eye-to-eye during the Last Battle. The twist there is that it's no longer Egwene who is angry, it's Rand who is confronting not only Egwene, but the women with her, including a Seanchan woman. Interesting that Jordan chose "women", and not "Aes Sedai". As the dream is Egwene's own, she might have said "other sisters" or AS had the women with her been such. It doesn't mean they aren't, but it could be a united front of women Rand confronts there... it could even symbolize the alliance Egwene dreamed of... of Windfinders, WO, Kin, AS. And Seanchan, apparently.

There are still good puzzles ahead... one of them is that dream of Egwene when a female hawk (obviously a Seanchan or a Paendrag... so Tuon or Berelain, most likely Tuon) touches her, and they become tied... A'dam? Warder bond? Purely symbolic? "Tied" and touching seems to speak of more than making an alliance.

The resolution of the Seanchan stuff looks to be dramatic too, which is why it worked so well as a red herring that it was to happen during the attack on the Tower: before the Seanchan woman comes to say that they much help each other, Egwene cannot see beyond the clouds and the ledge on the cliff on which she stands collapses and she hangs by her fingertips. This really doesn't look like the result of negotiations... Egwene will be in a rather desperate position when she has to accept or refuse that she and the Seanchan woman mutually help each other.

There is another dream of Egwene that speaks of problems in forging an alliance of male and female AS: that wall of black and white discs she struggles to climb but that proves insurmountable.

I think it's quite possible Rand and Egwene disagree about the Seanchan. When she learns they refused Rand's truce, Egwene, considering they have Travelling, might disagree they should risk them at their backs (and now able to pop up anywhere) during the LB. Rand might end having to reason Egwene that they cannot join forces to wage war on the Seanchan now, as TG is on the verge of starting, while Egwene argues after the Tower attack they can't afford not to, not when they'll have to fight the Shadow soon. Rand might end up telling Egwene that if she wages war on the Seanchan, he won't help. Of course, the sides could just as easily be reversed, with Egwene refusing to send the Tower to join Rand to fight the Seanchan.

In any case, it sounds possible there's a kind of Latra Posae (coming from Egwene, of from Rand's side) replay before Rand and Egwene finally ally for good in AMOL.

I could see Jordan going this way. Rand has had an epiphany, but that's not enough, and not the end. He's gonna have to work hard to mend the bridges. Things aren't gonna get solved magically because now he wishes the bridges to be mended. He estranged himself, and it probably will take some time and effort before he stops paying for his attitude and his kind of tyranical leadership before his epiphany. It would cheapen his epiphany a lot if just the fact of having it redeemed everything.
This message last edited by DomA on 28/09/2010 at 03:19:07 AM
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Jason's review... Looks like DomA was right (Review is now removed) - 25/09/2010 05:40:18 AM 3497 Views
Re: Jason's review (spoilerish thoughts from me, so BEWARE!). Looks like DomA was right - 25/09/2010 06:00:46 AM 1311 Views
Pretty sure it's not Egwene... - 25/09/2010 07:07:00 AM 1260 Views
Oh well - I was wrong - 27/09/2010 03:56:59 PM 959 Views
Ituralde - 25/09/2010 06:29:26 AM 1091 Views
Read the ToM rules - 25/09/2010 07:44:22 AM 1005 Views
I officially hate reviews of WoT (in general) - 25/09/2010 08:10:43 AM 1085 Views
I take Jason's reviews with a pinch of salt - 25/09/2010 09:45:10 AM 1151 Views
Re: I take Jason's reviews with a pinch of salt - 25/09/2010 03:50:40 PM 994 Views
Perrin will probably gather the wolves... - 25/09/2010 09:57:06 AM 1138 Views
I suppose Olver could be the one who takes off Mat's eye *NM* - 25/09/2010 10:01:17 AM 523 Views
The review is now gone. *NM* - 25/09/2010 04:10:59 PM 529 Views
Unfortunately, there's not much left for Elayne to do. - 25/09/2010 07:14:09 PM 1184 Views
I haven't read the review but... - 25/09/2010 07:22:48 PM 1576 Views
That's not what I meant... - 25/09/2010 08:25:42 PM 1162 Views
It's odd, I didn't see any reference to Rand descending from DM in his review. - 25/09/2010 08:39:33 PM 1004 Views
It was the very last line... - 25/09/2010 08:55:49 PM 1101 Views
Re: It was the very last line... - 25/09/2010 09:03:14 PM 997 Views
Re: It was the very last line... - 25/09/2010 09:54:28 PM 975 Views
Re: It was the very last line... - 25/09/2010 10:09:58 PM 1232 Views
Mike quit being obsessed about 6 years ago (maybe longer?) - 25/09/2010 10:46:23 PM 1078 Views
Re: Mike quit being obsessed about 6 years ago (maybe longer?) - 26/09/2010 01:11:52 AM 1077 Views
I blame JordanCon too. - 26/09/2010 02:17:50 AM 1132 Views
Regarding the WOTFAQ, Tam, - 26/09/2010 10:04:40 PM 1049 Views
Re: Regarding the WOTFAQ, Tam, - 27/09/2010 07:20:11 AM 1031 Views
Re: Regarding the WOTFAQ, Tam, - 27/09/2010 11:03:35 AM 1043 Views
Re: I blame JordanCon too. - 27/09/2010 01:07:59 AM 1117 Views
Re: I blame JordanCon too. - 27/09/2010 07:35:04 AM 1075 Views
Re: That's not what I meant... - 25/09/2010 09:49:17 PM 1277 Views
Some thoughts on a potential meeting... - 26/09/2010 05:11:06 AM 1181 Views
Regarding Brandon's messing up of the timelines... - 25/09/2010 11:34:06 PM 1111 Views
To me it's two different things - 26/09/2010 01:48:13 AM 1223 Views
I agree - 26/09/2010 03:09:04 AM 1039 Views
My thought was not that they "dumbed it down" - 26/09/2010 03:50:36 AM 1100 Views
Re: My thought was not that they "dumbed it down" - 26/09/2010 11:42:12 PM 1304 Views
KOD and TOM show where TGS could have been 'fixed' - 26/09/2010 10:27:04 AM 1035 Views
Re: KOD and TOM show where TGS could have been 'fixed' - 26/09/2010 09:35:41 PM 1179 Views
Whose really to blame though? - 27/09/2010 03:43:30 AM 1015 Views
A suggestion? - 26/09/2010 11:39:08 AM 1158 Views
Is there a copy of the review somewhere? *NM* - 27/09/2010 01:40:22 AM 614 Views
The review is back up... - 27/09/2010 01:59:50 AM 1014 Views
It wasn't quite identical... It was missing the line about Rand walking down from DM - 27/09/2010 06:42:47 AM 1017 Views
The line about Rand wasn't there when I read the review Saturday morning either. *NM* - 27/09/2010 01:57:00 PM 464 Views
It was... - 27/09/2010 04:22:24 PM 866 Views
I must have missed it then. It does fit with Tor's not releasing Chapter 1 early. *NM* - 27/09/2010 05:06:36 PM 466 Views
What do you mean? - 27/09/2010 11:33:15 PM 928 Views
It was at the very bottom of the post and hard to find - 28/09/2010 12:44:56 AM 809 Views
Olver - 27/09/2010 11:34:40 AM 1169 Views
He's Demandred, natch. - 27/09/2010 03:54:09 PM 902 Views
Re: Olver - 27/09/2010 05:42:25 PM 953 Views
Re: Olver darkfriend? - 28/09/2010 12:02:11 AM 1032 Views
'Tis a shame. I love spoilers. - 27/09/2010 03:16:02 PM 1029 Views
One problem with the idea of a Rand-Egwene meeting in Chapter 1 beyond timeline issues - 27/09/2010 10:29:15 PM 946 Views
Not true... - 28/09/2010 01:00:40 AM 927 Views
Good call. I assumed, and still do, that the two events are one in the same. - 28/09/2010 01:10:13 AM 1011 Views
I don't think so... - 28/09/2010 01:47:40 AM 857 Views
Re: I don't think so... - 28/09/2010 02:00:59 AM 908 Views
Re: I don't think so... - 28/09/2010 03:07:08 AM 1754 Views
Not true indeed... and.... - 28/09/2010 02:24:00 AM 1160 Views
Mesaana and the Foretelling... - 28/09/2010 03:31:24 AM 890 Views
Re: Mesaana and the Foretelling... - 13/10/2010 01:32:12 AM 1232 Views

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