Re: The Two Two Towers: Unifying Channelers Ere Tarmon Gaidon.
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 12/09/2009 04:39:13 AM
I anticipate a generally intact monolithic body of channelers like the Age of Legends Aes Sedai by the Last Battle; this theory seeks to demonstrate how, as well as potential consequences.
The title is simple but the theory complex; counting the third of Aes Sedai waiting for a clear winner between Elaida and Egwene, and the Kin, at least five or six channeling groups exist just within the White and Black Towers, before considering the Wise Ones or Windfinders. Most of those aren’t directly relevant to this theorys purpose, however, which is to forecast the manner and ramifications of resolving conflicts between
1) Shadow and Light loyalists within the White and Black Tower and
2) The artificial division between male and female channelers represented by those Towers themselves.
Is the division between male and female channelers, who channel completely different sources, can't even tell what the other is doing without artificial methods, also not represented by their radically different anatomy and roles in reproduction? Your starting assumption that the division IS in fact artificial seems highly unreasonable. Perhaps you should prove this point before moving on with the rest of a plan. The title is simple but the theory complex; counting the third of Aes Sedai waiting for a clear winner between Elaida and Egwene, and the Kin, at least five or six channeling groups exist just within the White and Black Towers, before considering the Wise Ones or Windfinders. Most of those aren’t directly relevant to this theorys purpose, however, which is to forecast the manner and ramifications of resolving conflicts between
1) Shadow and Light loyalists within the White and Black Tower and
2) The artificial division between male and female channelers represented by those Towers themselves.
This is like the joke about the physicist, the chemist and the economist stranded on a desert island with nothing but some cans of food and a cookfire. When confronted with the problem of removing the food from the cans, the physicist begins calculating the force and velocity needed to smash them open. The chemist attempts to figure the point at which the metal of the cans needs to be heated in order to be opened. The economist says he knows what to do, and when asked for his plan, says "First, assume a can opener. Then..." That is a mighty big first assumption you and the economist are asking us to make.
The devastation this could wreak is hard to overestimate. Pevara is a founding member of the Black Ajah Hunters, and as such has already sworn on the Oath Rod that she is not herself Black Ajah, so turning her would immediately provide full access to all the Hunters plans as well as poise a very dangerous but totally unexpected weapon above each of their hearts. What’s more, Taim has every reason to turn her at his first safe opportunity; her role as a Red Sitter and part of Elaidas envoy to Taim, as well as having conceived the plan Elaida accepted to Bond male channelers, marks her as someone with access to if not influence on the Amyrlin herself.
Yeah, no. RtDB already. Elaida is completely ignorant of Pevara's plan, and Pevara does NOT have her confidence of any more access than any Red Sitter might enjoy with an Amyrlin formerly of her Ajah. Elaida knows nothing of EITHER of Pevara's major agendas. You might want to spend more time reading the actual books, and not BS like whatever that Nine Impossible Things source you cited. The so-called 9 things are a colloquial expression used in the second mention of a POSSIBLE Foretelling, in a context that casts doubt on the veracity of said Foretelling, if there ever even WAS one that foretold Rand doing a series of impossible tasks. Get things straight. “The north and the east must be as one. The west and the south must be as one. The two must be as one. ”
Rand himself has told us this the key to victory, yet it’s always seemed an odd statement. It would be logical for the north and south to be made one, or the east and west; this would be clear argument he should seek the kind of absolute unity he has, but the unity of cardinal directions not in opposition, and the silence on unifying those that are, imply something else. Yet if “the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai” is to no longer be so ancient, the north and east will be one in the Black Fangs location on the top right, and the west and south one in the White Tears on the lower left, and the two will be one again after eons in a single Tower, neither White nor Black, but Gray. Such is life.
In the end, however, there can only be one realistic outcome unless Jordan intends the series to be a bleak apocalypse in which the villain wins the day. The Last Battle cannot be won without the Dragon Reborn, so he must in the end triumph over Taims subversion to triumph over the Dark One. The Tower in Exile and Usurpers choosing sides in that only means that one of them will be annihilated along with Taims followers, and a single body of male and female channelers, many Bonded to each other, emerge as an integral force to face the Dark One at Tarmon Gaidon. Which, coincidentally, squares with what Elaida has already told us:
“The White Tower will be whole again, except for remnants cast out and scorned, whole and stronger than ever. Rand Al’Thor will face the Amyrlin Seat and know her anger. The Black Tower will be rent in blood and fire, and sisters will walk its grounds. This I Foretell. ” (A Crown of Swords, Prologue : Lightnings)
Rand himself has told us this the key to victory, yet it’s always seemed an odd statement. It would be logical for the north and south to be made one, or the east and west; this would be clear argument he should seek the kind of absolute unity he has, but the unity of cardinal directions not in opposition, and the silence on unifying those that are, imply something else. Yet if “the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai” is to no longer be so ancient, the north and east will be one in the Black Fangs location on the top right, and the west and south one in the White Tears on the lower left, and the two will be one again after eons in a single Tower, neither White nor Black, but Gray. Such is life.
In the end, however, there can only be one realistic outcome unless Jordan intends the series to be a bleak apocalypse in which the villain wins the day. The Last Battle cannot be won without the Dragon Reborn, so he must in the end triumph over Taims subversion to triumph over the Dark One. The Tower in Exile and Usurpers choosing sides in that only means that one of them will be annihilated along with Taims followers, and a single body of male and female channelers, many Bonded to each other, emerge as an integral force to face the Dark One at Tarmon Gaidon. Which, coincidentally, squares with what Elaida has already told us:
“The White Tower will be whole again, except for remnants cast out and scorned, whole and stronger than ever. Rand Al’Thor will face the Amyrlin Seat and know her anger. The Black Tower will be rent in blood and fire, and sisters will walk its grounds. This I Foretell. ” (A Crown of Swords, Prologue : Lightnings)
It's possible, but it seems a bit out of character for the way they have been portrayed thus far. There is the actual REAL Foretelling (as opposed to the unseen, unconfirmed and highly dubious Foretelling of the Nine Impossible Things) that "the Guardians balance the Servants." They cannot do this if they all become Servants. The Asha'man and Aes Sedai might end up working VERY closely together indeed, but they will maintain their seperate identities. There are simply too many differences to make a complete integration feasible. The two symbols might join to form a perfect circle, but they retain their distinctions and identities. No one has any trouble telling which part is which and neither crosses the bounds of the other. Like male and female genders themselves, I believe they will remain seperate for the foreseeable future. The majority of adult men and women might marry and live together in mixed pairs, but they will never unite as a single gender.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
The Two Two Towers: Unifying Channelers Ere Tarmon Gaidon.
11/09/2009 06:44:20 PM
Re: The Two Two Towers: Unifying Channelers Ere Tarmon Gaidon.
12/09/2009 04:39:13 AM
When I say, "body" I mean in the sense of "group" not "anatomy" i.e. as in the AoL.
12/09/2009 09:46:31 AM