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I think it goes both ways orius Send a noteboard - 17/09/2010 07:11:48 AM
Faile's interactions with Perrin might be annoying, but they are understandable. She gets accused of expecting him to know Saldaean ways, but Davram flat out told Perrin how things are in Saldaea. That Perrin didn't listen is his fault, not Faile's. I know that Two Rivers men are raised to treat females like china dolls while being expected to take whatever abuse they dish out without retaliating, but Perrin knows what Faile wants - she wants him to treat her like an equal and act like a man instead of some whiny emo doormat. Given all she is willing to do for him, I don't think it's too much for her to ask!

I think both are to blame a bit.

Sure Perrin blundered a bit early on in the marriage, because he was reacting to her in a more TR fashion. Davram's talk with him in LoC didn't really help much either, even if Perrin managed to stand up and show backbone with Deira. It was Elyas who gave Perrin the relationship advive he needed, "Don't wuss out around Saldean women", in PoD. It's not so much that he desrves a free pass, it's just that being confrontational with a woman is not something that he was raised to do, and it's practically contrary to the norms of the TR.

Faile OTOH, did spend several months in the TR, and dealt with the WCs on a regular basis. She should know at that point that TR women love to browbeat the men. A man who acts like the leopard she's expecting is the type who would likely earn the wrath of the WCs. She needed to be more honest instead of using the cold shoulder.
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Anybody else think Nynaeve is easily as annoying as Faile? - 14/09/2010 05:43:21 AM 1963 Views
NOOOOOO!!!1!!eleven! *NM* - 14/09/2010 05:48:48 AM 375 Views
on the reread, egwene is annoying me the most so far - 14/09/2010 08:53:30 AM 1200 Views
Not me, love reading from Nynaeve's POV *NM* - 14/09/2010 10:11:20 AM 474 Views
I find Nynaeve more annoying. - 14/09/2010 02:14:30 PM 998 Views
Re: I find Nynaeve more annoying. - 14/09/2010 02:53:18 PM 1190 Views
I like Nynaeve more every time I re-read - 14/09/2010 02:25:13 PM 860 Views
Faile is not annoying, Nynaeve on the other hand... *NM* - 14/09/2010 02:51:55 PM 351 Views
Nynave cooler than Faile - 14/09/2010 04:50:51 PM 856 Views
I love Nynaeve - 14/09/2010 05:22:01 PM 867 Views
OMG I'm so glad to know I'm not the only intelligent person here! *NM* - 14/09/2010 07:26:26 PM 384 Views
Thanks, but its only my personal opinion *NM* - 14/09/2010 07:32:09 PM 338 Views
I don't find Faile annoying, and I love Nynaeve. - 15/09/2010 12:05:48 AM 879 Views
Ditto. On all three points. - 15/09/2010 12:12:21 AM 811 Views
Agreed - 16/09/2010 03:04:08 PM 775 Views
double post, please ignore *NM* - 16/09/2010 03:04:32 PM 369 Views
Nynaeve was ruined by Egwene's rise to authority over her. - 15/09/2010 01:04:58 AM 856 Views
I still like Nynaeve, but... - 15/09/2010 02:26:00 AM 811 Views
Interesting thing here - 17/09/2010 12:57:33 PM 702 Views
Nyn is my favorite female. Faile is my second favorite. - 16/09/2010 06:22:01 PM 779 Views
I think it goes both ways - 17/09/2010 07:11:48 AM 734 Views
Not even close. And Tuon is most annoying. NM *NM* - 17/09/2010 12:51:43 AM 426 Views
They're not the most annoying though. - 17/09/2010 07:20:33 AM 813 Views

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