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Misinterpretations... fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 14/09/2010 07:26:11 AM

They are not alike at all, and do not become so by your artificially stretching categories to include both. As a matter of fact, though, your last sentence has a point in that Elayne does have a birthright to Andor which Egwene does not.

So what? Personally, I'm fully behind Elayne fighting for the throne of Andor. That even makes the most sense for the Last Battle. But the reason it is correct is not because Elayne has the birthright. I don't give a damn about her brithright, and her birthright has absolutely no impact on how good or bad her actions are.
If you want to assert her democratic mandate, that was not intended that she actually rule. Elayne has been training for her role for 18 years. Egwene's situation in the Tower would be comparable to an immigrant of less than two years residence (and no carry-over political or administrative experience) asserting a claim to a throne.

Here's the thing. The same is the case with Rand as Dragon Reborn. While it is true that Prophesy says he's mankind's savior, nothing in Prophesy directly contradicts Siuan's plan for guiding him through them. Elaida's plan was in direct contravention to many prophesies, but not Siuan's. Yet, you and me both know Siuan was wrong.

You seem to think she (Siuan) was wrong because Rand is the prophesied hero. I think that the presence or absence of prophesy has nothing to do with it. Like Rand, Egwene was handed a job she did not want, and like him, was expected to be a puppet. And like Rand, I think she was justified, even right for embracing her responsibility and doing all she could to fulfill her job. Egwene's job, as she saw it (and as her friends saw it) was to unite the Tower for the Last Battle, take power away from a woman known to have anti-Rand sympathies, bring the Tower closer to Rand. As I'll show below, she's succeeded, except for the last part.

As for the Salidar Six's intention that she not rule, the same was true of Elaida as well. She too was meant to be a puppet. You can't seriously be telling me that just because people intend to manipulate the person who's taking office, that person is beholden to let them dictate the terms!

The only issue with that would be the coming of the Last Battle, but then there are not better things Elayne could be doing instead, and pressing her claim is not getting in the way of anything.

What should Egwene have been doing instead? And by pressing her claim, she has limited the ways in which Elaida can interfere with Rand, which she expressly stated to her closest adviser as the real reason why she keeps the Rebellion alive.
Dyelin would be beholden to a faction that shares her expressed viewpoint of Andoran rights taking precedence over Rand's needs, Arymilla & Elenia were personally known to both Rand and Elayne and assessed by both and found wanting, in a way Egwene had no basis for judging about Elaida.

Of course she had reason to judge Elaida! First off, the Amyrlin she knows she can trust to be not Black Ajah, who sent her chasing after them to help the Dragon Reborn, is deposed by a secret coup. That's reason enough to be suspicious of Elaida.

Further, she was there when Rand told Moiraine that Elaida tried to have him arrested. She has further witnessed Elaida's suspiciously heavy interest in Rand, and probably had Elayne tell her about the woman as well. Further, she had the overly sweet letter from Alviarin that came at the same time as Elaida's pompous one to Rand, which from a distance looks like the Amyrlin and her Keeper plotting to hoodwink Rand.

There is also Halima's lies about Elaida being Black. Egwene never embraced that view fully, but that doesn't mean the suspicion wasn't there.

All we KNOW about Elaida, if we dismiss the speculation of her personal enemies and initiates who have been in the Tower less than five years combined, is that her policy regarding Rand was identical to that of Egwene's closest counselor.

And when has Egwene endorsed Siuan's plan for Rand (which was markedly different from Elaida's anyway)? Accusing Egwene for her Siuan's policy is like accusing Rand for Moiraine's!

All we know is that whatever Egwene knew or suspected of Elaida, she assessed that Elaida may try to kidnap Rand and send an expedition against the Black Tower. She felt both would be insane moves, and guess what? Elaida did do exactly those things Egwene was worried she would do if she had the whole Tower under her control! If anything, that says that Egwene had a conservative view of how stupid Elaida could be.

- In the first place, Elayne's plans had something beyond her struggle in mind. As part of her agenda, she also worked on mobilizing her country citing the need to fight the twin menaces of the Seanchan and Shadow. I have never seriously denied for a second that Egwene intends to fight the Seanchan or the Shadow, but has done nothing to either end, asking us instead to take for granted that once the Tower is in her hands, all will be well.

She did? And yet I have a very strong memory of her trying to use her Dream of the Seanchan attacking the Tower but being thwarted by the fact that the idiotic Aes Sedai would not believe her.

And if your issue with her is that she asked us to believe all will be well when the Tower is under her rule, the why not wait till that has happened and she has had time to deal with how the Tower handles the Seanchan and the Shadow before judging her for it? Because even without the Tower whole, she blunted the Seanchan attack, and struck a serious blow against the Shadow by executing 70 Blacks and essentially cleansing the Tower of all Shadow influence. Sure, Verin helped her, but Egwene never claimed that she would single-handedly defeat the Shadow. Just that she would use the resources of the Tower against it well, which is just what she did. You argue that any one else would have done the same, but that is patently not true. A substantial portion of the Tower would have sat on that data, or mishandled the whole situation. The very fact that most of them are surprised and afraid of Egwene after how she deals with the Black says that they wouldn't have acted the same way.

From the beginning, Egwene has expressed dissatisfaction at the way the Tower does things. She disagreed with the whole Novice age and rejection policy, and corrected it the moment she could. She has expressed frustration with the stupid strength in the power based deference system as well. And she certainly dealt with the Black Ajah, the Seanchan and the Ajah rivalries in the Tower in a way few other sisters would have. In many substantial ways, she has delivered on her "promise", though those were mostly made to the reader.

If, further on, she should fail spectacularly in dealing with the Shadow, or botch up Tower relations with Rand or the Black Tower, you'll be justified to blame her. Then, her quest for power would indeed be shown to be driven by personal greed rather than any clear game plan and good intentions. But till then, your criticism of her campaign against Elaida is premature. So far, she has done exactly what she claimed she would do.

Some of Elayne's recruiting efforts were even things she claimed would not help her struggle (i.e. because the men were too green to be of use in the immediate fight) but would be needed down the line in the struggles ahead.

And what of Egwene's recruitment of older novices, her plan to use every single channeler, instead of throwing away the weaker ones? That cost her substantial political capital. Aren't they going to prove even more beneficial than green soldiers in the Last Battle? The way she worked with them against the Seanchan has already set a great precedent. While the Aes Sedai might be content to ignore it, Egwene is likely to want them trained in battle for the LB.

- Egwene kept justifing her naked power-grab by claiming she'd back down if not for some unproven flaw in her opposition. When Elayne has the whip hand, she actually DOES offer to step down in the name of unity, despite controlling a plurality of votes. Egwene contemplates such things when she is actually in a position of weakness, and is merely an obstruction to unity, rather than a legitimate contender, but rejects them for unproven and untested hypotheses (such as the view that Elaida's peacetime rule will be as stringent as her acts against a group in active and open rebellious warfare; or that her personal development as a leader is more important than giving way to the superior experience of the Hall).

Its a matter of interpretation Cannoli. You seem determined to see that Egwene was "justifying" a power grab. But all evidence in the text shows that she genuinely believed that Elaida would lead the Tower to disaster, and her assessment of Elaida's possible mistakes was spot on. It isn't like Egwene invented the fiction of Elaida's incompetence so that the Salidar Hall would choose her. While her opinion of Elaida was certainly in part driven by Siuan's, she also probably had Elayne's view to go by (and Elayne, who has had much more knowledge of Elaida's personality, never even thought about joining her side, and was derisive of Tarna's efforts to win her over. Don't you think this played any part in how Egwene viewed Elaida?).

And in what way was Egwene in a weaker position. She talked of stepping down for Elaida when she had an army of 50,000 soldiers under Gareth Bryne; a bunch of useful weaves like Traveling, inverting, etc.; and the Law of War stating she could fight Elaida any way she wanted. She was in a militarily superior position to Elaida in a way Elayne never was against Arymilla, let alone Ellorien and that lot. She had absolutely no need to think of surrendering, especially when plans to seal the harbor were also proceeding quite well at that point. Yet she did, because she realized even then that there were more pressing issues to be dealt with. When she makes the choice in tGS to deal with the Tower first, she was merely reaffirming what she has been saying since the very beginning, which is that a whole Tower under sensible leadership will be a great advantage to the Light, so uniting it is the part she chooses to play.

- Elayne has never expressed an intention to punish Rand for his transgressions against Andoran rights, sovereignty or interests. Egwene has, plainly taking a position analoguous to that of Dyelin, Ellorien & their ilk that Andoran perquisites must be honored first before they could consent to following or helping Rand. What makes this worse is that Rand's actions have had the unintended consequence of complicating and obstructing Elayne's campaign, and aiding and abetting Egwene's. Andor has doen nothing to get in the way of Rand or interfere, and not one noble or other authority figure in Andor has ever expressed any intention to obstruct or interfere with him or even refrain from allying to him so long as he affords them the same courtesy. The Aes Sedai can make no such claim, and even if the blame for whatever hypothetical dangers are engulfing the sisters sent to the Black Tower can be fairly laid at Rand's door, the accounts between them are still heavily canted towards Rand. But for the grave crime of defending himself, he is to be punished.

And where has Egwene said she's going to punish Rand, or even thought about it? Don't give me Siuan's quote about having to "deal" with him. Egwene is as unlikely to take stupid advice from Siuan as Elayne will from Dyelin. She said she didn't want to even think about Rand knowing compulsion. Later, she thinks that it was wrong of Rand to have Aes Sedai sworn to him (as I'm sure Elayne would if any of her nobles swear fealty to Rand directly). I'm at a loss to understand where all this talk of punishment comes from.

She may well be pissed with him over the Black Tower issue (and again, Elayne too was pissed with him over his talk of "giving" the throne to her), but I fail to see why you'd assume she means to punish him. In her discussion with Leanne in aCoS, she implies that she cannot approach Rand as an Aes Sedai. I haven't really seen her say or do anything to contradict that. As plain old Egwene al'Vere, old flame and chum from the Two Rivers, she can yell at him for being a dolt, but she can't punish him, and I fail to see where she said she would.

- Andor is a nation, including a city as large or larger than Tar Valon,

Smaller, actually. With its engorged population in CoT, Elayne says Caemlyn now is as populated as Tar Valon.

and possibly the largest group of people under a single ruler outside the Seanchan Empire and Rand's conquests. Elayne's attention to Andor affects the fate of hundrds of thousands, even millions of people (if they can muster 200,000 soldiers, their population has to be at least 4 million; a nation can rarely support an army greater than 5% of its population), and they are the kind of people who need protection. Egwene's actions affect, at worst, a city of 100,000 (IIRC Jordan's numbers on the population) and a club of women who are among the wealthiest and most powerful in the world. In other words, if all goes to pot, the people with the greatest ability to survive and take care of themselves are the ones who will be most discomfitted by Egwene's failure.

But Egwene isn't out to "protect" Aes Sedai. It isn't about how uncomfortable things will be for them, its about how together and under a sensible ruler, they can actually do some good for the Light in the Last Battle. Egwene has shown no love for the Aes Sedai status quo, and its maintenance was never her goal. The women who raised her might have had that in mind. She herself never did.

Further, as an asset to the Light, Tar Valon has the gold to employ at least a 100,000 soldiers. Probably many more can be hired. Plus, there are roughly two thousand channelers and a huge cache of angreal and sa'angreal. As such, it can form a very solid part of the Light's arsenal, and no doubt will.

- Elayne, unlike Egwene, did not come out in the end and AGREE WITH ME that the whole movement that put her in power was wrong-headed, divisive and unworthy!

Not that I believe this, but this may just as well say that Egwene is reasoned and introspective whereas Elayne is so hung up over her rights she can't even examine her actions!
Props to Egwene for finally realizing her error, and for putting the Aes Sedai in their place, but it is this error and these obnoxious, recalcitrant and arrogant people she has been exerting all her efforts and attention on. It is for their sake she intends to take positions in opposition to Rand, despite the absolute necessity of him to win the Last Battle. Elayne, meanwhile, was working for the betterment of a not-insignificant portion of what Rand is going to face the Dark One to preserve.

Egwene said she was wrong to exacerbate tensions in the Tower. She never said the Rebellion was wrong, though that has been your position!

And again, please tell me what in the text makes it certain that she will side with the Aes Sedai over Rand. Not wanting them forced to swear to him is in no way an indication of her supporting whatever ridiculous demands they may make of him. She has made it clear that her goal with the Tower is to make it not oppose Rand and to make it a body of people who'll seriously threaten the Shadow. That includes taking care of way more than just Andor. As such, her end goal is no less worthy than Elayne's.

- Elayne has acknowledged the social inferiority of a queen to the Dragon Reborn.

Where? Saying the Daughter Heir of Andor can court the Dragon Reborn says nothing about the relative position of the Queen to him. If she felt the queen was an inferior to the DR, she should have no problem with Rand "giving" her the throne.

Egwene, despite her utter refusal to afford the man who will save the world of which she is a part any respect or deference, expects some acknowledgement of her status from Two Rivers people, despite that same position being meaningless to the Two Rivers. If you don't have to kneel to a friend from the same village, why do you owe her any respect just because she takes a position whose previous occupant they ALSO refused to bow to? They don't respect Amyrlin Seats, they don't have to show respect if they come from the same village (according to Egwene's own behavior), yet Egwene is disgruntled by Mat's refusal to recognize her as Amyrlin Seat in his heart, not being satisfied with the greatest public display of honor she ever received before her arrival in Tar Valon!

The Tow Rivers doesn't respect Amyrlins, but falls over itself respecting Alanna and Verin? Are we reading the same series?

And her issue with Mat was not that he didn't enter her room and immediately bow down to her. Her issue is that he barged in, yanked her stole of office from around her neck and told her she was a bloody fool. I don't remember Egwene tearing Callandor out of Rand's hand and calling him an idiot for believing he is the Dragon Reborn.

The two situations are not at all alike, and treating them differently is neither hypocrisy nor discrimination nor preferential analysis of a character.

Well, sorry, but no. They're highly alike.
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Rand vs Egwene... one-line scenarios - 05/09/2010 05:21:08 PM 2772 Views
loled at every one *NM* - 05/09/2010 05:35:03 PM 670 Views
Good for some sunday night relief I hope *NM* - 05/09/2010 09:51:10 PM 612 Views
Hmm... I don't think you want to read the rebuttal to that *NM* - 05/09/2010 06:07:16 PM 831 Views
True - 05/09/2010 09:52:09 PM 1147 Views
But you've already read my post *NM* - 05/09/2010 11:53:58 PM 690 Views
I only used one eye *NM* - 06/09/2010 11:52:19 AM 586 Views
Still counts *NM* - 06/09/2010 03:06:44 PM 617 Views
*NM* - 06/09/2010 01:02:44 AM 572 Views
Corrected for the sake of accuracy . - 05/09/2010 06:51:58 PM 1221 Views
Nonsense... - 05/09/2010 09:56:41 PM 1023 Views
Gotta love Dark Templar - 05/09/2010 10:14:00 PM 1124 Views
That's partly why I didn't post a reply poking at her. *NM* - 05/09/2010 11:56:15 PM 687 Views
Poking whom? - 06/09/2010 01:20:32 AM 1078 Views
Egwene. I thought that was implied *NM* - 06/09/2010 04:03:25 AM 602 Views
Nice. *NM* - 06/09/2010 02:37:38 PM 604 Views
nice *NM* - 05/09/2010 08:12:31 PM 552 Views
*drumroll* *NM* - 05/09/2010 09:56:54 PM 634 Views
That whole post is stupid, you can't compare Rand's ordeal to Egwene's. - 05/09/2010 10:14:43 PM 1185 Views
its a joke, shhhh *NM* - 05/09/2010 10:36:28 PM 796 Views
No, it's clever and tongue-in-cheek. *NM* - 05/09/2010 11:04:26 PM 618 Views
OMG - 06/09/2010 11:48:48 AM 1127 Views
I know, appalling, right? - 09/09/2010 07:27:40 AM 1035 Views
Re: I know, appalling, right? - 09/09/2010 07:41:02 AM 1080 Views
He doesn't think so, why should we? - 09/09/2010 03:40:25 PM 962 Views
Because he can't lose - 09/09/2010 05:21:50 PM 995 Views
I think Rand has far better odds of dying than Egwene. - 09/09/2010 05:56:07 PM 1019 Views
very nicely done - 05/09/2010 11:06:24 PM 970 Views
Re: very nicely done - 06/09/2010 04:28:29 AM 1022 Views
- 06/09/2010 11:49:20 AM 953 Views
Revised for accurracy, improved characterization and humor - 06/09/2010 12:57:35 AM 1408 Views
the humor here is that you think you understand accurracy, improvement, characterization or humor! *NM* - 06/09/2010 01:56:57 AM 571 Views
I'm having to settle for being right. Better than being president... *NM* - 06/09/2010 03:47:52 AM 663 Views
I'm trying to resist the urge to make a Bush joke. *NM* - 06/09/2010 08:21:15 AM 607 Views
Why resist ... he WAS a joke! *NM* - 06/09/2010 04:31:06 PM 606 Views
BWAHAHAHAHA ... thanks to our last president you are right! *NM* - 06/09/2010 04:30:00 PM 596 Views
Re: Revised for accurracy, improved characterization and humor - 06/09/2010 11:51:12 AM 1155 Views
seriously. - 06/09/2010 05:12:08 PM 1110 Views
If a few score Yellows can't handle the disease issue, what point to the Aes Sedai at all? - 06/09/2010 10:17:44 PM 1221 Views
Re: If a few score Yellows can't handle the disease issue, what point to the Aes Sedai at all? - 08/09/2010 08:30:35 AM 980 Views
Like Egwene understands the health implications! It's all about the aesthetics for her. - 09/09/2010 12:35:57 AM 1081 Views
Well, she was an apprentice wisdom with Nynaeve for a while - 09/09/2010 05:33:25 AM 1022 Views
An idiot would understand the implications - 09/09/2010 07:38:57 AM 989 Views
and it's not just Egwene! - 11/09/2010 02:11:16 PM 915 Views
Cannoli's just got huge blinders... - 11/09/2010 04:59:50 PM 1123 Views
You forgot one very important point - 11/09/2010 06:44:32 PM 1071 Views
As to that... - 11/09/2010 08:47:26 PM 851 Views
after dealing with his bushwa waaay longer than you, I'm content to ignore him *NM* - 11/09/2010 11:29:27 PM 594 Views
Remember the old times? - 12/09/2010 03:35:43 AM 1027 Views
I think we could use - 12/09/2010 10:40:47 AM 989 Views
ugh ... please don't ask for that! - 12/09/2010 02:25:32 PM 959 Views
Huh. Now that I think of it... - 14/09/2010 06:51:59 AM 931 Views
all of you are most correct! - 11/09/2010 07:53:44 PM 980 Views
When exactly have I ever given someone else a pass for "necessary actions" I blamed Egwene for? - 14/09/2010 02:08:29 AM 1188 Views
A few days back... - 14/09/2010 04:03:41 AM 1062 Views
Yes, those are completely different scenarios. - 14/09/2010 05:36:30 AM 1499 Views
Misinterpretations... - 14/09/2010 07:26:11 AM 945 Views
How can you claim Verin merely "helped" Egwene? - 15/09/2010 06:35:47 AM 1375 Views
Re: Cannoli's just got huge blinders... - 17/09/2010 06:42:39 AM 1235 Views
Read his replies in this thread... - 17/09/2010 06:48:20 AM 1053 Views
So your defense of Egwene is to refute her accusation against her rival? - 14/09/2010 02:12:22 AM 1050 Views
Double Post. See below. *NM* - 14/09/2010 04:03:55 AM 599 Views
How was Egwene to know Elaida made a half-hearted attempt? - 14/09/2010 04:06:15 AM 958 Views
Re: How was Egwene to know Elaida made a half-hearted attempt? - 14/09/2010 06:58:17 AM 1002 Views
I give up. - 14/09/2010 07:44:57 AM 1107 Views
lol *NM* - 06/09/2010 02:46:23 PM 541 Views
I laughed very hard at this part: - 09/09/2010 07:48:34 PM 956 Views
Somehow I think of the lyrics from "Defying Gravity", which aren't quite one line - 07/09/2010 04:07:09 PM 1034 Views
Look at it these ways - 08/09/2010 02:47:46 AM 1096 Views
People are taking this way too seriously. - 08/09/2010 06:33:28 AM 1045 Views
no argument there! *NM* - 09/09/2010 05:08:25 AM 326 Views
Re: Look at it these ways - 09/09/2010 07:26:37 AM 945 Views
It really comes down to the direction RJ went with his personality - 09/09/2010 03:08:36 PM 889 Views
This post was funny. Your responders are largely idiots who need a sense of humor. *NM* - 08/09/2010 03:56:07 AM 714 Views
I really hate self-fulfilling prophecy. *NM* - 08/09/2010 06:34:45 AM 680 Views
Hee. <3 *NM* - 09/09/2010 10:14:55 PM 601 Views
Re: Rand vs Egwene... one-line scenarios - 10/09/2010 06:28:50 AM 847 Views

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