Active Users:287 Time:25/09/2024 06:44:37 PM
Re: Ya. They are rarely that obvious DomA Send a noteboard - 04/09/2010 03:35:22 AM
I'm still holding onto the belief that Lan won't die, and not because it would make me sad. But if he does die, I don't think it will be in a chapter so obviously named.

Though I'll bet you'll be a bit anxious if this is a Lan chapter, which might be precisely the effect Harriet aimed for by giving it this title. She's done that before... recently with The death of Tuon (and I can well imagine her laughing evilly when she saw the ruckus this made, all the complaints about a massive spoiler in the titles and all. Eh, eh...).

I also think "A Reunion" will not be Moiraine. Maybe not even Morgase and Galad.

It seems a tad late for Morgase-Galad (unless something unexpected happens and it would really surprise me if Moiraine returns so early in the book (not so long before the climax of the book would rather me my guess)

My money would rather be on a reunion between Rand and one or all of his three women, or between the women, or perhaps Rand's return to Tear (reunion with Tam, or with Cadsuane etc.) or something like that. I expect Rand/Egwene to start reappearing by mid-book or so, at least for their scenes where they interact with one of the other storylines. They can have "intro chapters", but once they start crossing to other storylines, they'll have to wait for them to catch up. Let's say that Rand meeting Elayne in chapter 5 or Egwene sending women to Caemlyn in chapter 10 is most unlikely. When Rand and Egwene can show up again will depend massively how on much there is to tell before the events depicted or mentionned interact with the other stories, and which storylines they get involved in. Egwene might reappear earlier than Rand, because it's rather obvious some of her chapters will deal with what happened to the envoys to the BT. So this at least as to wait for Elayne and Mat to catch up to that timeline (they're much closer than Perrin), otherwise having events referred to in Caemlyn that have not already happened in the Elayne-Mat chapters would get massively confusing...

As for Rand, he can't really appear in the book before Tam leaves Perrin for Tear, otherwise it's gonna be very ackward and confusing... like that mention Brandon had in TGS by Perrin that Rand was at the manor in Tear. We managed it but that sort of thing is extremely confusing for the casual readers, and Jordan himself avoided that sort of thing, especially when it crossed over books! That would have been exactly as if he had post-Cleansing Rand appear at the beginning of COT insstead of much later, then have the Cleansing happen in the other storylines. WTF! And that's exactly what Brandon did in TGS, several times at that (I'm convinced he "invented" the Perrin chapters in TGS.
All signs point to Jordan planning to catch up with Perrin weeks after Malden - which may well be why nothing beside Masema's assassination by Faile happened in Perrin's POV that couldn't have been integrated in later chapters, when the action actually caught up. That, the fact the Masema scene was in the prologue and the fact the first Perrin chapters in TGS contradicted KOD minutiae convinced me Brandon decided to write "prequel chapters" to the point where Jordan actually intended to re start Perrin's storyline in his version of AMOL. IMO, Jordan's intent was tell us Masema was killed then move on to 20 days after Malden with Perrin still on his way to the Jehannah Road, synchronized with Mat in Northern Altara, with Tylee and Tuon in Ebou Dar, Elayne in Caemlyn and so on. That meant beginning the book with a few Egwene chapters so she caught up to the others, then everybody would have been in synch from that point on)

The way Brandon dealt with the timelines in TGS, jumping all over the place, is one of the book's major weaknesses. In many places it made no sense at all, with Tylee having a scene in the prologue set 20 days after Malden, then later Masema gets killed on the day of Malden giving everyone the impression he got killed weeks after Malden until the Perrin chapters corrected that notion (though I remember being confused at first and wondering a lot if Faile had just killed Masema, or if that was yet to take place). And Mat and Tuon's first POVs were way, way too far into the book considering they happen almost right after the Tylee scene and Rand's first scene. TGS was by a long shot the worst structured WOT book. Brandon sacrificed all coherence to get his "faster pace" and (too many) POV switches. That was one of the most "un Jordan-like" aspect of the book and I sure hope he gave that up in TOM and returned to a more chronological structure, and returns to the Jordan habit of giving us fairly clear timeline markers. The one exception with RJ was COT (and he described that aspect of it as a bad decision, as it happens) and even then it was very easy to catch up as each new storyline returned to the same starting day, and the Cleansing immediately situated the reader in the timeline, and synchronized the various storylines. In TGS, we rather had Egwene scenes taking place later, then a Tuon scene taking place earlier, and all this despite the fact Tuon was sending a strike at the WT in Egwene's storyline. A real mess, timeline wise. To this day people are still arguing what took place when, and for the first time, Steven Cooper's timeline doesn't have anywhere close to the definitive/reliable answers.

Brandon did very well overall, but not with that aspect.

This message last edited by DomA on 04/09/2010 at 03:50:13 AM
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TOM: Chapter Titles (spoilers) - 02/09/2010 05:39:38 AM 2901 Views
Thats stupid. I'm not doing it. *NM* - 02/09/2010 02:40:54 PM 303 Views
nobody cares. thanks for replying *NM* - 02/09/2010 08:16:27 PM 330 Views
You're welcome. I try my best. *NM* - 03/09/2010 02:08:01 PM 250 Views
I'm confused... - 02/09/2010 04:10:22 PM 633 Views
Re: I'm confused... - 02/09/2010 04:15:32 PM 717 Views
lighter than a feather was already a chapter title....right? *NM* - 02/09/2010 04:27:34 PM 212 Views
I don't think so. *NM* - 02/09/2010 08:16:42 PM 203 Views
Someone guessed #21 "Into the Void" - 02/09/2010 08:16:15 PM 513 Views
I may be retarded but how do you view these chapter titles on Sanderson's page? - 02/09/2010 08:30:49 PM 581 Views
You don't - 03/09/2010 12:37:39 AM 556 Views
I bet one has "Half the Light of the World" in its name. *NM* - 02/09/2010 10:34:21 PM 256 Views
Thanks for sharing! - 03/09/2010 03:41:08 AM 474 Views
Ouch.... - 03/09/2010 10:12:03 PM 691 Views
Ya. They are rarely that obvious - 03/09/2010 10:29:34 PM 486 Views
Re: Ya. They are rarely that obvious - 04/09/2010 03:35:22 AM 593 Views
I agree - 04/09/2010 06:32:42 AM 610 Views
Hmm.... - 03/09/2010 10:21:07 PM 649 Views
I should clarify - 03/09/2010 10:31:46 PM 498 Views
I would assume you assumed correctly... - 04/09/2010 02:43:11 AM 573 Views
added "The Right Thing" Gee, I wonder who that could be *NM* - 05/09/2010 05:53:47 AM 225 Views
No idea - 08/09/2010 04:04:02 PM 472 Views
where did you hear that he said they're not in the right order? - 08/09/2010 09:21:57 PM 393 Views
Re: where did you hear that he said they're not in the right order? - 09/09/2010 12:58:13 AM 684 Views
He has confirmed that there are less than 50 clues - 10/09/2010 03:19:29 AM 464 Views
Then... (and about The End of a Legend) - 10/09/2010 02:32:49 PM 576 Views
Speculation on The Seven-stripped Lass - 10/09/2010 03:23:06 PM 880 Views
Use a Pebble (my thoughts) - 06/09/2010 09:20:52 PM 516 Views
Or perhaps a pebble is required to enter the ToG? - 10/09/2010 04:36:23 PM 594 Views
Nah.. that sounds terribly silly - 10/09/2010 08:50:54 PM 544 Views

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