Active Users:608 Time:09/03/2025 02:09:22 AM
I hadn't thought of that. Phelix Send a noteboard - 03/09/2010 12:52:01 AM
In pre-industrial society population growth wasn't a given. Sometimes it expanded, certainly, but other times it went the other way. Between c. 1200 and 1400 the population of England roughly halved - part of this was due to the Black Death but that's not the only cause: if it was there'd have been a big dip followed by a rebound. Actually even when there wasn't a plague there was a small but steady decline caused by a combination of lesser diseases, bad harvests (some good of course, but more bad than good and so on). During this time many areas reverted to wilderness, forest and similar.

A similar event would only have had to happen for the last 200 - 300 years of the New Era in WoT to produce a similar effect to what we see in the books. It could have been entirely natural (there was no Dark One in Mediaeval England!) but I also like Datakim's idea that it could have been some very slow and subtle seepage from the gradual weakening of the seals.

There doesn't seem to be any evidence for a natural reason for the decline though. Sure, there were a few wars (the Whitecloak War, the Aiel War, the constant wars between Illian/Tear, Andor/Cairhien, etc.) but we've not been told of any plagues or diminishing crops. In fact, until the start of the series, crops had been good, which was why it was a shock to have such a long Winter, then a long Summer, with corresponding bad crop years.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that you present a plausible explanation, I just don't see the in context evidence for it. You're probably right, RJ just didn't explain it enough. :)
I was Phelix on wotmania, I will always be Phelix in the "real" world, and now I am Phelix on RAFO.

You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.- Churchill

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Why is humanity receding? - 02/09/2010 07:10:11 PM 1449 Views
This is an excellent question. - 02/09/2010 10:05:17 PM 1027 Views
Thanks. - 02/09/2010 10:30:53 PM 949 Views
I think there is mass ennuis and exhaustion - 02/09/2010 10:30:32 PM 804 Views
Maybe... - 03/09/2010 12:20:08 AM 766 Views
Re: Maybe... - 03/09/2010 03:00:25 PM 719 Views
Re: Why is humanity receding? - 03/09/2010 12:10:30 AM 837 Views
I'm not sure. - 03/09/2010 12:23:00 AM 683 Views
Sometimes populations just declined - 03/09/2010 12:30:33 AM 826 Views
I hadn't thought of that. - 03/09/2010 12:52:01 AM 751 Views
Life conditions have been deteriorating gradually - 03/09/2010 02:06:03 AM 966 Views
As a peasant, I am offended, but as fan of WoT, I like your analysis =P - 03/09/2010 05:34:55 PM 688 Views
Well - 03/09/2010 09:45:40 PM 746 Views
very nice analysis! I think you summed it up almost perfectly - 05/09/2010 04:56:11 PM 708 Views
Cities of old - 23/09/2010 10:43:35 AM 636 Views
The Taint - 03/09/2010 05:41:21 AM 642 Views
Re: Why is humanity receding? - 03/09/2010 08:56:42 AM 805 Views
True. *NM* - 03/09/2010 06:57:25 PM 321 Views

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