I'm fairly sure that LTT will never be heard from again, it sounded like a certainty to Rand. This might have been asked before, but was it destroying the CK that annhiliated LTT from Rand's mind/body?
That doesn't seem to jive with me.
Has LTT merged with Rand 100% perhaps? Two souls, one body completely integrated?
Still, I dont see what Rand did there that caused this. All he did was destroy the CK, and almost destroy the world with it. Still, that shouldnt have any bearing on LTT.
Maybe it was that he sucked in more of the One Power than he ever has before, and somehow this 'triggered' something which annhiliated LTT somehow?
Thoughts, ideas?
Did you read that part at all? It's not really a mystery. Rand finally found himself. LTT and Rand were never truly two different entities. They have have always been one. Don't you remember Rand's sudden vision of seing all his past lives? Did you read a translated copy or something?
No, I dont recall him seeing all his past lives. I just remember hthe CK exploding, and Rand laughing to himself and saying that he knew he would never hear LTT in his head again.
I dont recall any deeper explanation than that
During his internal struggle he asked himself why anything mattered if they were just doomed to relive the same lives and remake the same mistakes. He found his answer when he realized that if he had been reborn then Ilyena could/would be as well and that "love conquers all" so to speak. This realization essentially allowed Rand and LTT to reintegrate into a single personality again.
Side note: RJ was always very vague about the LTT voice's true nature. IIRC he deliberately avoided defining whether LTT was an actual second soul/mind speaking to Rand or if he was basically a split personality that manifested and tapped into Rands past lives. Personally I think it's the latter, but that's just me.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
Why is LTT "gone" from Rand's mind now?
29/08/2010 06:02:39 AM
Umm...are you being serious?
29/08/2010 06:22:03 AM
Re: Umm...are you being serious?
29/08/2010 08:21:25 AM
Rand/LTT had an epiphany on Drangon Mount
29/08/2010 01:20:28 PM
Re: Why is LTT "gone" from Rand's mind now?
29/08/2010 12:37:33 PM
do you have that quote handy?
29/08/2010 01:23:20 PM
Re: do you have that quote handy?
29/08/2010 03:03:14 PM
thanks for providing ... that's the same quote I remember seeing before
29/08/2010 05:10:44 PM
Re: thanks for providing ... that's the same quote I remember seeing before
29/08/2010 06:53:04 PM
We'll never get a final answer to this (as RJ wanted it that way...) but here's mine
29/08/2010 06:12:34 PM
Re: We'll never get a final answer to this (as RJ wanted it that way...) but here's mine
30/08/2010 03:51:49 PM
Re: We'll never get a final answer to this (as RJ wanted it that way...) but here's mine
30/08/2010 06:03:36 PM