Active Users:373 Time:28/09/2024 08:44:53 AM
TGS really threw me for a loop, honestly Nameless Ashaman Send a noteboard - 26/08/2010 06:19:10 AM
After years of having every "Demmy is character X and controls faction Y" theory shot down by RJ, I had finally come to accept the idea that he wasn't building a temporal power base and instead was manipulating a wide web of agents in a slowly tightening circle around Rand.

And given how Belal, Rahvin, and Sammael fared, that really did make him seem cooler and smarter and more dangerous. People close to Rand were going to suddenly turn on him and it was all going to be 'cause of the Magnificent Demmy!

Then TGS comes out and he throws out that "My rule is secure" line, and we're right back where we started. Except there aren't really any good factions left for him to rule.

I mean Murandy? Seriously? Yes, stiffened with some of Taim's channelers, their proximity to Caemlyn could allow them to have a decisive effect on one battle, but he's had what, a few months at most to build up that army? There's no way he's converted them all to the shadow. He can probably convince them to strike at Andor for political reasons, but once the TG hits the fan, they're not going to line up alongside Trollocs and Dreadlords and help the Forsaken conquer the Westlands for the glory of the DO. Murandy is a one-shot weapon at most. Then again, that's the sort of disappointing and short-sighted strategy we've come to expect from the Forsaken.

But where else could he have set himself up to rule? Shara seems to be the best option, but honestly, having Demmy turn up with a Sharan army in the last book would be a little too out of left field for my tastes. But at least it could be strategically decisive.

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Character discussion 12 : Demandred - 12/08/2010 06:49:26 PM 1718 Views
I'm prepared to be disappointed. - 12/08/2010 07:36:35 PM 1023 Views
Well said. *NM* - 13/08/2010 02:23:05 PM 336 Views
Re: I'm prepared to be disappointed. - 17/08/2010 02:27:16 AM 788 Views
Re: I'm prepared to be disappointed. - 18/08/2010 07:07:44 AM 769 Views
A wasted character - 12/08/2010 07:41:13 PM 965 Views
Mordred connection - 13/08/2010 06:13:22 AM 1029 Views
I like your description. The hoes part. *NM* - 13/08/2010 09:33:41 AM 351 Views
Disappointment abounds - 13/08/2010 05:02:39 PM 1028 Views
With the Sea Folk - 14/08/2010 05:50:44 AM 973 Views
I think he's going to be exactly what we've been told - 14/08/2010 02:49:30 PM 866 Views
Re: I think he's going to be exactly what we've been told - 15/08/2010 09:43:59 PM 795 Views
Also possible, but since we know we've not seen his alter ego on screen - 17/08/2010 12:02:33 AM 836 Views
If he's supposed to do something surprising - 18/08/2010 04:04:58 PM 882 Views
Yes *NM* - 19/08/2010 03:58:46 AM 317 Views
I think Demandred is totally b to the aller baller - 25/08/2010 08:17:24 PM 783 Views
TGS really threw me for a loop, honestly - 26/08/2010 06:19:10 AM 838 Views
Shara would actually be a respectable holding - 26/08/2010 06:33:15 AM 754 Views
I'm still betting on the Sea Folk - 05/09/2010 01:26:48 AM 633 Views
I think Demandred has eliminated that possibilty from his comments in TGS - 05/09/2010 03:27:43 PM 652 Views
Re: Character discussion 12 : Demandred - 04/09/2010 12:14:57 AM 770 Views
2 things to debunk Demandred = Taim - 04/09/2010 01:17:36 AM 698 Views
Can we just have an Announcement that Demandred =/= Taim? *NM* - 05/09/2010 06:15:00 PM 616 Views
DEMANDRED IS NOT TAIM!! That work? *NM* - 06/09/2010 02:02:15 AM 316 Views

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