Active Users:457 Time:28/09/2024 03:46:22 AM
If that is the case why was Ishy far enough away to have been free long before anybody else? *NM* Japhy Send a noteboard - 18/08/2010 01:37:39 AM

On the second issue, I think seating arrangements/general proximity are exactly why Aginor and Baalthamel were closer to the surface of the Bore. We know that they weren't currently among the top of the DO's minions. Neither had governed well, nor were they exceptional generals. They were simply selfish, devious, and strong enough, to outlast their competition.

So, they were likely seated far from the presence of the DO, however that manifested. Those who governed well, were useful to the true leaders, or who were currently serving as governors were closer.

Just my thoughts.
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my first demandred suspect! (also a general forsaken question) - 18/08/2010 12:46:11 AM 808 Views
In response... - 18/08/2010 12:59:25 AM 552 Views
If that is the case why was Ishy far enough away to have been free long before anybody else? *NM* - 18/08/2010 01:37:39 AM 173 Views
Ishy was cyclically bound. - 18/08/2010 07:54:55 PM 320 Views
balthamel perhaps, but aginor was at least better than asmodean *NM* - 19/08/2010 06:06:51 PM 132 Views
From what I recall from the BWB... - 19/08/2010 06:27:15 PM 309 Views
had to check the BWB myself - 19/08/2010 07:18:49 PM 321 Views
My faulty memory there... - 20/08/2010 12:27:30 AM 391 Views
bah! prepare to agree - 20/08/2010 01:29:31 AM 2561 Views
No. We've been told that we haven't seen him onscreen as of KoD *NM* - 18/08/2010 01:19:21 PM 144 Views
ah of course, that'll refine my accusations at least *NM* - 19/08/2010 06:07:18 PM 144 Views

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