Zemaille is my prime suspect. If I had to put my money on anyone it'd be her. - Edit 1
Before modification by Mik at 30/07/2010 11:19:51 AM
The following Q&A was posted at Twitter recently:
So, who is Mesaana's identity?
Everything (so very little actually) we've seen of Zemaille and her interaction with Alviarin just feels right to me. Q: @BrandonSandrson is it possible from scenes in the books to figure out who Mesaana is posing as?
A: @Southpaw2014 I didn't figure it out. Jim said it was possible, though.
A: @Southpaw2014 I didn't figure it out. Jim said it was possible, though.
So, who is Mesaana's identity?
It's just a hunch, but if I would be forced to put my 2-cent wager anyone, it would be her.
My small list of suspects:
1. Zemaille (just feels right)
2. Danelle (there's a lot to say for her, but I just don't think it fits)
3. Aiden (it wouldn't surprise me, but i'd be disapointed that it wouldn't be Zemaille)