Active Users:839 Time:12/03/2025 12:37:17 AM
If I may make a few somewhat irrelevant interjections... Digital_Eon Send a noteboard - 09/09/2009 04:44:45 AM

3. Tuon’s Truthspeaker may help her when she needs a penance for crappy behavior but she doesn’t demean her in the presence of the people who follow her and she doesn’t slap her or give her a penance in front of anyone.

I recall a mention (I don't think I recently read it, so someone must've mentioned it in a discussion, but I can't remember where, unfortunately) of a Truthspeaker doing just that, actually. Perhaps in Tuon's reflections? I think there was a story about a Truthspeaker slapping the Empress... Emperor?... in public a long time ago.

But even if that's wrong, Anath does this verbally to Tuon in public in WH chapter 18. So yes, Truthspeakers do this, too.

It makes me sick that most of the men in WoT are such spineless wimps that believe condescension, demeaning treatment, and verbal/physical abuse are signs of affection.

The sad thing is that this isn't just confined to the WoT world. I've heard of one (or one hundred) too many "romance" stories based around the same principles - only they feature women in the subordinate role, and these are written FOR women! It's sick to think that this is what people think is normal, much less get off on, especially in this day and age, but because of this, I can't say it *surprises* me, at least, to find it in WoT. And at least the WoT males have much more of a spine than these heroines do.

The Void is the ultimate painkiller – both physical and emotional - and gives focus like nothing else can. It’s something normal people can use to function when other people would be curled into a ball begging for mercy. Some people can’t achieve that Void if the pain is too intense but they can learn to do so. That’s what he needs right now, to not feel all the physical and emotional pain that is crippling him. In the Void, you can fight through pain and emotional trauma and everything else, but Rand isn’t really in the Void. He’s pretending to be in the Void, and actually manages it where his physical pain is concerned, but he’s mentally flogging himself over all the people who have died in the battle with him. That’s the pain that ruins his entire sense of right and wrong. He handicaps himself by refusing to harm the enemies when they’re female because he’s so afraid of losing his humanity (what he believes to be left of it). He’s making himself insane because his desires conflict so badly that there’s no way to achieve them all at once. What I believe is that if he truly embraces the Void and lets go of the self-inflicted guilt and the emotional pain he’s suffered, his vision (his vision of what must be done and how to achieve, as well as what actions are right and wrong morally, not his literal vision) will clear.

I know I'm not the only one who disagrees with this, but as I'm not as good as explaining thoughts or evidence as other posters, I'll attempt a short analogy instead. Physical pain can be a good thing for people. It tells you when something is going wrong, so that you won't do anything to make it worse. People who cannot feel pain (for whatever reason - genetics, or certain drugs, for example) can get themselves seriously injured or even kill themselves precisely because they don't feel pain. They can leave their hand on a hot stove and not feel it burning, or they'll break a limb and not get help for it. There are times when it needs to be suppressed for one to function, but at the same time, it also serves a vital purpose by existing - and it's dangerous to not have that pain.

I think the point others, including RJ, are trying to make is that Rand is not dealing with his pain properly. You've made an interesting point about him beating himself up over the women, and I think that's true - but he's also trying to escape from all of the pain by becoming harder and harder (and not just through the Void). If he can deal with the pain properly, he can move beyond it. That might be the whole point of "laughter and tears"; if Rand can finally cry - expressing that pain - maybe he'll finally be able to let the wounds heal. Sort of like the Bore keeping the DO's prison open?

Bah, I did a horrible job of explaining that. What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that it's not just about pain - it's about emotions in general. When Rand can let himself feel those emotions again, he can deal with the pain - let it go, as you said. But he won't accomplish that by separating himself from the world even more.

His desire to hurry up and get it over with isn’t about HIM, it’s about winning and, in his POV, the only way to win is if he can get to Tarmon Gai’don while he’s still drawing breath. And you know what? He’s right. If the boy dies before he can do what needs to be done, then his death will be pointless and the world will burn. As for his attitude that everyone can go screw themselves when he’s dead, well they can. He’ll have done his part and he won’t be around anymore.

As Lan said: death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain. Dying is easy. LTT wants to die. I completely understand where Rand (and your thoughts) are coming from here, but waiting to get it over with is the easy route.

(Think Rand would care about a safe world for his babies...?)
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Your thoughts on TGS - Chapter 1 - 05/09/2009 05:23:47 PM 5967 Views
For all of those whining about it not sounding like RJ: - 05/09/2009 05:47:07 PM 1885 Views
Agreed. If anything, it's a tribute to RJ - 05/09/2009 06:17:36 PM 1733 Views
You're forgetting one thing. - 06/09/2009 12:13:03 AM 1871 Views
And if he were to off Egwene? What would your opinion be? *NM* - 07/09/2009 05:38:36 AM 921 Views
He dislikes Sanderson's prose. Plot content is irrelevant here. *NM* - 08/09/2009 06:44:42 PM 1023 Views
Who cares? That would have been RJs decision anyway. - 09/09/2009 06:15:16 AM 1495 Views
not impressed - 05/09/2009 06:24:02 PM 1859 Views
all recap, no meat - 14/09/2009 12:33:35 PM 1494 Views
Pretty good. - 05/09/2009 07:35:41 PM 45270 Views
Re: Pretty good. - 05/09/2009 09:13:44 PM 1776 Views
Re: Pretty good. - 06/09/2009 01:19:22 AM 2073 Views
Re: Pretty good. - 06/09/2009 08:08:38 AM 1716 Views
Re: Pretty good. - 13/09/2009 01:22:22 PM 1446 Views
I found it well-written, but rather uninteresting story-wise *NM* - 05/09/2009 08:04:15 PM 1009 Views
because there should totaly be massive plot development in the first chapter - 05/09/2009 08:29:18 PM 1604 Views
I'm tired of passive story telling. - 05/09/2009 08:57:13 PM 1556 Views
On the other hand... - 05/09/2009 08:58:21 PM 1607 Views
Re: I'm tired of passive story telling. - 05/09/2009 10:42:57 PM 1502 Views
Which escape? - 05/09/2009 11:10:01 PM 1529 Views
I'm tired of mindless readers - 06/09/2009 01:54:14 AM 1640 Views
Re: I'm tired of mindless readers - 06/09/2009 04:01:56 AM 1796 Views
Your best yet Dom! *NM* - 06/09/2009 02:04:40 PM 961 Views
Re: I'm tired of mindless readers - 07/09/2009 04:39:36 AM 1512 Views
Re: I'm tired of mindless readers - 07/09/2009 10:42:29 PM 1500 Views
I was over critical. - 06/09/2009 04:56:48 AM 1433 Views
It's been happening since Book IV btw. - 16/09/2009 05:30:52 PM 1296 Views
A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 05/09/2009 09:34:44 PM 1689 Views
I think Lews Therin's comments to Rand were the most hugely significant part of the chapter. - 06/09/2009 01:15:05 AM 1467 Views
I don't really agree... - 06/09/2009 03:50:08 AM 1452 Views
Re: A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 06/09/2009 02:52:47 AM 2110 Views
Re: A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 06/09/2009 07:08:08 AM 1435 Views
Just answer one question... - 06/09/2009 07:53:12 AM 1937 Views
Re: A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 06/09/2009 10:31:20 AM 1878 Views
Re: A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 08/09/2009 10:19:13 PM 1377 Views
If I may make a few somewhat irrelevant interjections... - 09/09/2009 04:44:45 AM 1392 Views
Re: If I may make a few somewhat irrelevant interjections... - 14/09/2009 04:46:29 PM 1545 Views
Re: A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 10/09/2009 06:20:56 AM 1628 Views
On Egwene... - 10/09/2009 04:33:58 PM 1449 Views
Nynaeve - 08/09/2009 05:43:43 AM 1550 Views
Re: Nynaeve - 08/09/2009 08:06:20 AM 1397 Views
Re: A few things that drew my attention... (this is long and rambling...spoilers) - 07/09/2009 04:41:47 AM 1547 Views
Answers, short, long and longer. - 07/09/2009 11:27:53 PM 1461 Views
I think you missed some things. (spoilers) - 16/09/2009 05:21:43 PM 1235 Views
People who still have their wotmania SNs draw mine.... - 21/09/2009 05:25:15 PM 1305 Views
Good post, but I have an alternative explanation for the saidin barrier - 28/09/2009 12:53:41 AM 1284 Views
First thought...a typo! ner vous = nervous. *NM* - 05/09/2009 09:55:28 PM 954 Views
I loved it! - 05/09/2009 10:52:17 PM 1546 Views
I didn't like the opening sequence. - 05/09/2009 10:58:17 PM 1552 Views
Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 06/09/2009 12:02:13 AM 1504 Views
Re: Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 06/09/2009 12:44:11 AM 1553 Views
Re: Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 07/09/2009 09:08:21 AM 1463 Views
This is what RJ said. - 06/09/2009 12:47:26 AM 1486 Views
Re: This is what RJ said. - 06/09/2009 01:24:36 AM 1469 Views
Re: Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 06/09/2009 05:12:25 PM 1346 Views
Re: Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 06/09/2009 07:20:45 PM 1352 Views
Re: Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 07/09/2009 04:05:09 AM 1378 Views
Re: Robert Jordon vs Brandon Sanderson - 07/09/2009 09:33:25 AM 1381 Views
I found it...interesting --spoilers-- - 06/09/2009 01:33:11 AM 1677 Views
Re: I found it...interesting --spoilers-- - 06/09/2009 01:42:07 AM 1545 Views
Re: I found it...interesting --spoilers-- - 06/09/2009 02:54:17 PM 1576 Views
I'm excited. (Here be spoilers) - 06/09/2009 03:29:59 AM 1437 Views
six questions and nine statements - 06/09/2009 04:47:52 AM 1509 Views
Re: Your thoughts on TGS - Chapter 1 - 06/09/2009 04:51:04 AM 1458 Views
Re: Your thoughts on TGS - Chapter 1 - 06/09/2009 07:30:53 AM 1558 Views
I liked it - 06/09/2009 07:58:09 AM 1459 Views
Some questions... - 06/09/2009 08:04:30 AM 1492 Views
Re: Some questions... - 06/09/2009 08:11:08 AM 1547 Views
Re: Some questions... - 06/09/2009 08:53:20 AM 1474 Views
Re: I liked it - 06/09/2009 09:55:41 PM 1465 Views
Theory: Rand and Egwene. What is up? - 06/09/2009 07:59:58 AM 2360 Views
Also - 06/09/2009 08:24:45 AM 1498 Views
A simpler answer - 06/09/2009 03:04:04 PM 1545 Views
Really? - 06/09/2009 03:38:59 PM 1414 Views
are we already at the location of the book cover? - 06/09/2009 11:49:06 AM 1442 Views
Re: are we already at the location of the book cover? - 06/09/2009 02:43:24 PM 1452 Views
I still think it's Aviendha - 07/09/2009 05:14:50 AM 1282 Views
Omniscient narrator not neutral enough, for one... - 06/09/2009 04:17:51 PM 1603 Views
Yip - 06/09/2009 04:29:40 PM 1537 Views
Yes... - 06/09/2009 04:39:00 PM 1411 Views
I totally agree...the narration was the biggest put-off for me - 09/09/2009 09:51:52 PM 1298 Views
Two Things - 07/09/2009 12:25:31 AM 1511 Views
Moiraine - 07/09/2009 01:19:08 AM 1590 Views
The Moiraine thing is dumb - 09/09/2009 09:53:51 PM 1459 Views
She fell through the doorway with Lanfear - 09/09/2009 10:18:55 PM 1394 Views
uh - 09/09/2009 10:57:17 PM 1435 Views
Timeline? - 07/09/2009 05:10:16 AM 1434 Views
Re: Timeline? - 07/09/2009 05:52:50 PM 1428 Views
So what chapter symbol is it going to have? *NM* - 07/09/2009 08:09:54 AM 873 Views
the dragon in COT chap 23 ornaments *NM* - 07/09/2009 01:28:58 PM 879 Views
The Seanchan are up to something - 07/09/2009 10:26:23 AM 1425 Views
Red stone doorway. - 07/09/2009 03:27:22 PM 1358 Views
The whole thing was explained by Rand in KoD. So no, not new. - 07/09/2009 06:35:01 PM 1367 Views
No - 07/09/2009 07:57:57 PM 1358 Views
Questions, Comments Thoughts and Theories about tGS - 07/09/2009 09:09:05 PM 1476 Views
My thoughts are that the main page is being crowded by too many duplicate threads - 07/09/2009 10:23:41 PM 1448 Views
Hrm... - 08/09/2009 05:28:19 AM 1510 Views
Enjoyed it - 08/09/2009 01:35:03 AM 1423 Views
Ready for More - 08/09/2009 04:25:19 PM 1492 Views
... - 08/09/2009 07:24:46 PM 1407 Views
Not sure what I expected, but not this... - 09/09/2009 04:07:10 PM 1470 Views
I know why Rand is mad at inside to find out - 11/09/2009 03:15:00 AM 1424 Views
It's his increasing paranoia and dehumanization. - 15/09/2009 03:03:53 AM 1421 Views
Re: Your thoughts on TGS - Chapter 1 - 16/09/2009 06:20:14 AM 1248 Views
Semirhage isn't scaring anyone - 28/09/2009 02:32:34 PM 1748 Views
Indeed... - 28/09/2009 03:36:55 PM 1364 Views
Will the Chosen pass that edict down or just not act themselves? - 28/09/2009 10:29:53 PM 1322 Views

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