Active Users:386 Time:12/03/2025 05:39:51 PM
That's the popular explanation, but doesn't really address the main issue... - Edit 1

Before modification by Shannow at 23/07/2010 08:09:47 AM

The reason for those reactions are rather Taim's arrogant attitude on the one side, and on the other side LTT's general mistrust against all male channelers, especially the powerful ones, after the bad experiences he made.

"I should have killed him LONG AGO!"

He didn't even know Taim, long ago. He only met him a few weeks before.

"They must serve him, it is plain."

Why does he make a distinction between HIM, and the other Ashaman? They are all male channelers, so why does he place so much focus on Taim, as if it is a big deal that they serve Taim in particular?

"I must kill Demandred. And Sammael and the others (paraphrased), but first of all, DEMANDRED." (In LoC). Why is Demandred first on his list? Sammael is the one that has been launcing attacks against Rand, from tFoH. Demandred hasn't been in sight. Why must he kill Demandred first?

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