Active Users:671 Time:11/03/2025 05:03:56 AM
I don't think it was ever said that the DO had less Power in TAR RugbyPlayingAshaman Send a noteboard - 21/07/2010 03:01:31 PM
In fact, it would seem almost the reverse. After all, it was the Dark Ones' ability to manipulate and touch T'A'R that lead to the increase in nightmares as well as It's creation of Slayer - the fact that the DO created a villain that could enter T'A'R to switch his identity argues against the idea that the DO is limited there. If Moghedien could tear a soul from T'A'R, I have a hard time believing that the Dark One would not be able to do the same.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
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The limits of transmigration - 21/07/2010 12:34:20 PM 1081 Views
The EXACT anwer is easy to provide... - 21/07/2010 12:51:48 PM 717 Views
Can't be right - 21/07/2010 01:09:36 PM 703 Views
I don't understand what you're saying here... - 21/07/2010 01:19:13 PM 770 Views
I disagree... - 21/07/2010 01:49:36 PM 637 Views
I think you're going off on a slight tangent here... - 21/07/2010 02:04:30 PM 711 Views
In RJ's explanation... - 21/07/2010 02:32:03 PM 610 Views
THOSE WHO BETRAY ME DIE THE FINAL DEATH! - 22/07/2010 03:30:57 AM 626 Views
Re: The EXACT anwer is easy to provide... - 21/07/2010 02:41:58 PM 638 Views
When I said distance, think of it as "radius" and the no. of threads within that radius... - 21/07/2010 02:57:57 PM 664 Views
OK, I understand ... - 21/07/2010 03:24:34 PM 661 Views
Yes, Pattern proximity, rather than physical proximity... - 21/07/2010 03:37:15 PM 608 Views
Re: Yes, Pattern proximity, rather than physical proximity... - 21/07/2010 04:52:38 PM 614 Views
But as you said... - 21/07/2010 03:01:50 PM 600 Views
Re: But as you said... - 21/07/2010 03:35:51 PM 594 Views
As I understand you and Shannow... - 21/07/2010 03:49:38 PM 619 Views
Re: As I understand you and Shannow... - 21/07/2010 04:34:08 PM 673 Views
I think it's absurd to think relative distance to SG is a factor: - 21/07/2010 04:01:17 PM 801 Views
Indeed... - 21/07/2010 04:29:28 PM 614 Views
Re: The EXACT anwer is easy to provide... - 22/07/2010 02:58:48 AM 608 Views
I don't think it was ever said that the DO had less Power in TAR - 21/07/2010 03:01:31 PM 577 Views
The idea is... - 21/07/2010 03:10:15 PM 640 Views
Hmmm, I'm not really sure if this holds true. - 21/07/2010 03:25:55 PM 577 Views
I would argue... - 21/07/2010 03:39:05 PM 598 Views
Re: I would argue... - 21/07/2010 03:59:53 PM 620 Views
Maybe death by the TP? - 21/07/2010 03:48:16 PM 607 Views
Would surprise me... - 21/07/2010 03:54:37 PM 593 Views
Re: Would surprise me... - 21/07/2010 04:01:08 PM 674 Views
Trying to mask yet another Slayer killed Asmodean argument are we? - 21/07/2010 06:21:57 PM 663 Views
Being grabbed by the Horn would be one. *NM* - 25/07/2010 07:12:17 AM 298 Views

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