What happened to the Nine Rods of Dominion held by Lews Therin Telamon when he sat on the High Seat? Their exact nature has been lost to time, right? And I think I read that Jordan said the 9 Rods were not like the Oath Rods that they would make the Oath Rods seem humble. Has anything with this type of potential been found? It sounds like something Rand could use.
IIRC the Nine Rods of Dominion were titles to posts like governor or Regional Czar, something like that. An actual person, not a thing. If I remembered wrong, don't worry it will be pointed out.
NaCl(mistakes and "misrememberings" are pounced on with glee)H2O

9 Rods
08/09/2009 10:52:41 PM
Re: 9 Rods
08/09/2009 10:59:32 PM