Active Users:404 Time:28/09/2024 02:48:12 AM
well, in the same book about 5 minutes after Lanfear almost kicks Rands ass darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 18/06/2010 08:11:49 PM
Here it is:
, "Is he really so strong?" Rahvin asked quietly. "This Rand al'Thor. Could he have overwhelmed you, face-to-face?" Not that he himself could not, if it came to it, or Sammael, though Graendal would likely link with Lanfear if either of the men tried. For that matter, both women were probably filled to bursting with the Power right that moment, ready to strike at the slightest suspicion of either man. Or of each other. But this farmboy. An untrained shepherd! Untrained unless Asmodean was trying.

"He is Lews Therm Telamon reborn," Lanfear said just as softly, "and Lews Therin was as strong as any."

So, from this quote we could conclude that LTT can easily overwhelmed Lanfear face-to-face. Rahvin saying that even he or Sammael could achive that.

So all these people praising Lanfear - in your face! :D

Rand proves that he's stronger than Rahvin. Lanfear or Graendal would have smeared the floor with Rahvin. In the same scene he thinks the two women were about to start fighting each other and he certainly didn't think about overwhelming either of them in that moment.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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No three women could block him from the Source... - 15/06/2010 06:52:17 PM 1929 Views
I think that is total BS, since the books have proved otherwise more than once... - 15/06/2010 07:22:16 PM 1005 Views
I think he means that it would take three such women to smother him - 15/06/2010 07:45:03 PM 1069 Views
Ahhh... I can kind of agree with that... - 15/06/2010 08:05:46 PM 1136 Views
Yes, that is what he meant. Another interesting twist... - 16/06/2010 01:34:18 AM 1117 Views
Agreed. Good analysis. - 16/06/2010 07:48:36 AM 1092 Views
Re: I think that is total BS, since the books have proved otherwise more than once... - 15/06/2010 08:17:47 PM 1025 Views
Huh? - 15/06/2010 08:19:21 PM 1128 Views
Re: Huh? - 15/06/2010 08:31:17 PM 950 Views
- 15/06/2010 08:43:12 PM 1029 Views
Re: - 15/06/2010 08:47:05 PM 861 Views
No, this is before. - 15/06/2010 08:49:13 PM 939 Views
Well that's a different quote from the one you used before, and this one shows Lanfear not succeedin - 15/06/2010 08:52:00 PM 935 Views
I never used a quote before. And there's no quote where Lanfear's shield is not succeeding. - 15/06/2010 08:52:28 PM 811 Views
Simple answer to settle it: - 15/06/2010 09:00:22 PM 830 Views
So Talaan is God? - 15/06/2010 09:04:44 PM 990 Views
It Rand had half Lews Therin's skill at the time, she would stand no chance..SKILL was her advantage - 15/06/2010 09:08:41 PM 943 Views
Skill has nothing to do with how strong a person is. - 15/06/2010 09:11:13 PM 915 Views
So? - 15/06/2010 09:15:01 PM 897 Views
Nope, YOU said he was talking about smothering him, whatever that's supposed to mean... - 15/06/2010 09:26:53 PM 859 Views
Oh My God! That's such utter tripe... EDIT... - 15/06/2010 09:30:29 PM 958 Views
That's exactly how I understood you. - 15/06/2010 09:30:42 PM 801 Views
Nope. 6 Aes Sedai couldn't take Raolain Darksbane or Yurian Stonebow...Semirhage = 3 Aes Sedai - 15/06/2010 08:26:21 PM 872 Views
Lanfear can do it alone - 15/06/2010 08:45:09 PM 875 Views
She ATTEMPTS to cut him off, when he is not at full strength or full training yet... - 15/06/2010 08:55:39 PM 843 Views
Bah! - 15/06/2010 08:58:26 PM 874 Views
I repeat: You cannot shield someone unless you are significantly stronger than they are... - 15/06/2010 09:02:55 PM 826 Views
Explain Talaan shielding Nynaeve then. Or the two BA shielding her. - 15/06/2010 09:05:21 PM 1814 Views
It becomes a battle of skill then... - 15/06/2010 09:09:42 PM 986 Views
BUT... - 15/06/2010 09:12:47 PM 905 Views
Re: "he would have had no need to cut her weaves" - 15/06/2010 09:03:39 PM 836 Views
No. There's a difference. - 15/06/2010 09:07:09 PM 1004 Views
Oh come on... - 15/06/2010 08:48:56 PM 1039 Views
I know you are not that ignorant... - 15/06/2010 09:07:02 PM 808 Views
But that isn't true... - 15/06/2010 09:10:37 PM 852 Views
Let me spell it out for you... - 15/06/2010 09:18:04 PM 870 Views
Re: Let me spell it out for you... - 15/06/2010 09:21:02 PM 848 Views
Don't put words in my, or Lews Therin's, mouth... - 15/06/2010 09:33:50 PM 1008 Views
??? - 15/06/2010 10:43:28 PM 1005 Views
+1. It ridiculous comparison. Rand even didn't know how to shield a woman. - 15/06/2010 09:22:22 PM 895 Views
Now that's a ridiculous comparison - 15/06/2010 09:24:45 PM 979 Views
Exactly! - 15/06/2010 09:28:20 PM 998 Views
Touchy point, heh? - 15/06/2010 09:28:47 PM 934 Views
Then how come Lanfear never died? We know she made attempts to capture him. - 15/06/2010 09:31:20 PM 911 Views
Whom? LTT? Can you elaborate? - 15/06/2010 09:33:25 PM 966 Views
If you wish... - 15/06/2010 09:34:38 PM 718 Views
Re: If you wish... - 15/06/2010 09:36:30 PM 727 Views
Whyever not? - 15/06/2010 09:39:22 PM 805 Views
Re: Whyever not? - 15/06/2010 09:41:22 PM 685 Views
Even in that situation - 15/06/2010 09:43:04 PM 943 Views
Re: Even in that situation - 15/06/2010 09:47:36 PM 960 Views
Okay... - 15/06/2010 09:59:36 PM 891 Views
Re: Okay... - 15/06/2010 10:39:01 PM 889 Views
So, if it doesn't agree with your view, its fuzzy, even when that is what the books say? *NM* - 15/06/2010 10:42:48 PM 529 Views
What? - 15/06/2010 10:45:16 PM 812 Views
If we use your interpretation of the statements. *NM* - 15/06/2010 10:49:21 PM 437 Views
Re: If we use your interpretation of the statements. - 15/06/2010 10:54:48 PM 748 Views
Okay, here's what I think you're saying... - 15/06/2010 11:00:19 PM 914 Views
Re: Okay, here's what I think you're saying... - 15/06/2010 11:10:57 PM 861 Views
Sorry for the mixup... BUT... - 16/06/2010 12:28:31 AM 939 Views
I cannot believe you're so obtuse... or then again, I can. - 15/06/2010 09:26:04 PM 970 Views
About how strong you have to be to shield someone... - 15/06/2010 09:14:31 PM 682 Views
Re: No three women could block him from the Source... - 16/06/2010 04:00:00 PM 811 Views
+1 - 16/06/2010 05:54:51 PM 882 Views
- 16/06/2010 08:48:39 PM 1062 Views
Re: - 16/06/2010 08:56:31 PM 743 Views
indeed you have - 16/06/2010 09:34:22 PM 977 Views
Bad analogy... - 17/06/2010 04:23:31 AM 774 Views
Uh... - 17/06/2010 09:08:01 AM 856 Views
I disagree. - 16/06/2010 04:03:52 PM 958 Views
That's wrong. Rand said 2 AS + Moghedien could threaten him - 16/06/2010 05:17:33 PM 938 Views
Huh. I forgot about that. - 17/06/2010 04:29:38 PM 1003 Views
go back a few posts... - 17/06/2010 03:41:42 AM 864 Views
yet Nynaeve and Talaan can shield one another - 17/06/2010 05:57:09 AM 872 Views
I'd like to think Egwene, Elayne and Aviendha could - 17/06/2010 04:19:22 PM 803 Views
Agreed - 17/06/2010 05:59:39 PM 699 Views
I don't think there's any theme - 17/06/2010 08:25:52 PM 990 Views
I don't think they are meant to controll him in someway - 17/06/2010 10:21:09 PM 870 Views
They have a separate trinity. - 18/06/2010 06:51:27 PM 882 Views
They might be able to, but then they are not 3 women of <b>average AS</b> strength - 17/06/2010 07:10:14 PM 836 Views
They would be far more than 3 average AS - 17/06/2010 08:07:30 PM 851 Views
No, that's not right either. - 18/06/2010 12:37:37 AM 910 Views
I disagree - 18/06/2010 06:07:10 AM 987 Views
Another related quote - 18/06/2010 07:49:33 PM 853 Views
well, in the same book about 5 minutes after Lanfear almost kicks Rands ass - 18/06/2010 08:11:49 PM 903 Views

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