Active Users:565 Time:24/02/2025 05:25:22 AM
The point isn't if Lanfear has the skill, it's that it was poorly shown. darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 18/06/2010 05:31:11 PM
And how is that impressive to the Dark One?.

It shows that certain people are more impressive at getting ahead than others. Lanfear being the only one of this group who hadn't been internationally famed prior to her association with the DO leads me to think that she's not particularly accomplished outside of being strong in the Power, which made her difficult to kill for anyone. We know the DO likes his minions to be selfish and if there is one thing Lanfear is, it's selfish!

So the other twelve were proficient in their evil to the point that they were 'gifted' with names, except for Lanfear, who the public thought wasn't worthy enough of a name given in scorn? Go with that then.

I'm saying she was a nobody. She didn't get a name because the world at large didn't really know who she was, or care. IMO her personality would not allow for that so she did her typical drama queen thing and gave herself a Forsaken name and made a public spectacle... As Graendal would say "threw one of her tantrums"

I can see how Balthamel and Be'lal are so much more interesting.

I think Aran'gar, Moghedien, Graendal and Semirhage are all much more developed characters. I also think Sammael and Ishamael were more intense bad guys.

Lanfear seemed one-dimensional to me.

He's never shown lots of things, it doesn't mean they aren't there. Demandred is the most skilled man since Lews Therin and we've barely seen him channel. According to your philosphy, the man is obviously not very skilled at all.

Actually what we have seen of Demandred has been rather unimpressive IMO too! I've said it before, I'm not holding out hope that he will do anything of note before he gets killed off... mind you I'll be happy if he does!

There was plenty of opportunity to show Lanfear as something more than a big wad of OP strength. He chose to show us practically nothing else about her though.

Everyone is terrified of Semirhage, and Moghedien was the subject of the conversation because Nynaeve was tracking her. Birgitte didn't comment on the other FS either - doesn't mean anything. Lanfear is highly proficient in TAR because the author made her that way. Crying about the fact that you haven't seen her playing around in there doesn't mean she doesn't have the Talent.

You wanting Lanfear to be the greatest minion of the DO of all time doesn't make it it so either.

I've never said she didn't have Talent in TAR, that's obvious. I'm saying it fits her character to make grandiose gestures, like giving herself a name and claiming an entire dimension as her domain and thinking with the CK she and Rand could rule the universe. She was all talk and no action in the books. The most interesting thing she did was skin a DF and then die.

Note also that her big plan was all about gaining more OP strength! Why didn't her plot involve her "world" in anyway?

RJ used her over and over to show strength in the OP and pretty much nothing else. Semirhage and Graendal are shown to be highly skilled experts throughout the books, Moghedien showed us more about TAR than any of the other FS (possible exception of Ishamael).

I thought it was obvious that Lanfear served herself and was intent on winning Rand over and then killing everyone, including the DO.

It is ... which makes her stupid. The others all serve themselves too, but they are at least smart enough to put on a good show of serving the DO.

A half-trained girl, backed up by the DRAGON REBORN and a whole dock full of Aiel. Objective evaluation there from you.

Dude she was whipping Rand like a dog, and that was before she picked up the angreal! And that dock full of Aiel who couldn't channel? I like to refer to them as cannon fodder. Please.

I guess it's a triumph, though any of the Forsaken could have done it.

Sure, if they had spent the time to set up the situation and struck at the right moment. Diminishing the acts of the others to make Lanfear look better is a poor argument.

I'm just attacking your weak point that the Forsaken are all doing what they want there. Clearly they don't all have a dreamwalking Talent.

The point isn't what they did there, it's that Lanfear, the self-professed QUEEN OF TAR, let others stroll around her realm without even making a show of ownership.

What action? What are you talking about? Does Graendal plot revenge against other Forsaken who use Compulsion?

When did Graendal make the claim that Compulsion was her personal weave? But you can bet your ass she'd eliminate anyone who started mucking around in Arad Domon. Do you think Sammael would have been fine with Demandred roaming around Illian? Or Graendal would have let Mesaana set up shop in Bandar Eban? Look how fiercely Mesaana and Aran'gar fight over the WT groups!

The point is Lanfears claim to TAR is completely empty. Even if she was the most skilled there she had no hope of actually having ownership of TAR. The fact that she's not even the most skilled just highlights for me that she's all about the appearance of power, even if she doesn't have it. It fits with her character, but it makes her boring.

It was foolish and they're lucky they didn't die. I think you underestimate the mindtrap though. They were probably told to go there and bring Graendal to heel, and if she refused to summon SH. They were broken and terrified, and not themselves. Even Graendal says she started to feel uneasy at how they were behaving.

So Moridin is stupid too? Cyndane was certainly not acting meek or terrified until Moridin touched her Trap.

I'm sure the orders you summarize were pretty much as you said, but to tell them to stand there and do nothing is a good way to get two very powerful slaves killed. If Moridin thought they could subdue her he would have told them too do so, then summon SH when she was safely contained. At best Moghedien panicked and channeled when she should not have and the result was nearly being destroyed.

In any case it's an irrelevant point here.
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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Forsaken translations - 17/06/2010 09:16:36 AM 2255 Views
Yeah... - 17/06/2010 09:31:15 AM 1546 Views
Semirhage is named as "The Lady of Pain" in KoD, by Rand... - 17/06/2010 11:14:56 AM 1886 Views
You are right... - 17/06/2010 11:31:05 AM 1441 Views
Do Semirhage & Bel'al actually mean those things or are they other nicknames? - 17/06/2010 11:38:18 AM 1305 Views
On Be'lal - 17/06/2010 11:42:31 AM 1219 Views
Nice ideas! - 17/06/2010 02:10:43 PM 1353 Views
Gai'shain = those sworn to peace in battle - 17/06/2010 09:22:02 PM 1180 Views
Gaidin = Brother to Battle ... which is what I think the OP meant to use - 17/06/2010 09:32:20 PM 1120 Views
Presumably he meant "Dai Shan", or "Battle Lord", as he said. - 17/06/2010 10:37:07 PM 1191 Views
or that *NM* - 17/06/2010 10:45:49 PM 684 Views
About Aginor - 17/06/2010 12:50:04 PM 1507 Views
Great! - 17/06/2010 02:11:47 PM 1305 Views
Some Old Tongue translations - 17/06/2010 01:34:18 PM 1222 Views
ah Thanks! *NM* - 17/06/2010 02:12:00 PM 693 Views
Good luck with that - 17/06/2010 02:36:36 PM 1262 Views
Re: Good luck with that - 17/06/2010 03:24:52 PM 1119 Views
Very interesting! - 17/06/2010 08:34:36 PM 1200 Views
As always, - 20/06/2010 02:25:07 PM 1118 Views
I always thought Lanfear probably translated to something closer to a Moon translation - 17/06/2010 02:43:04 PM 1412 Views
it's the other way around... - 17/06/2010 02:58:33 PM 1169 Views
good point - 17/06/2010 03:13:17 PM 1170 Views
Re: good point - 17/06/2010 04:05:50 PM 1230 Views
Not to mention she STILL hasn't earned a 3rd (or in 4th) name - 17/06/2010 04:16:57 PM 1210 Views
What about Cyndane - 17/06/2010 04:48:03 PM 1111 Views
It must be her favorite one, since it's the only one she actually earned *NM* - 17/06/2010 05:43:41 PM 608 Views
Well she earned Mierin *NM* - 17/06/2010 08:27:05 PM 755 Views
how so? I figured mom and dad gave that one too her *NM* - 17/06/2010 08:36:24 PM 635 Views
she earned it by being born... ha! gotcha *NM* - 17/06/2010 08:39:10 PM 597 Views
HA! But technically I think her mother earned that *NM* - 17/06/2010 08:58:30 PM 526 Views
well she earned Eronaile by virtue of her genetics *NM* - 17/06/2010 09:04:36 PM 606 Views
Tee hee ... I'd credit her father on that one *NM* - 17/06/2010 09:31:19 PM 658 Views
Re: good point - 17/06/2010 04:47:01 PM 1235 Views
Again, a self-proclaimed ownership aimed at making her seem more impressive - 17/06/2010 05:55:12 PM 1111 Views
I disagree - 17/06/2010 06:20:08 PM 1233 Views
Personally I think that order was off the cuff - 17/06/2010 08:55:28 PM 1345 Views
Re: Personally I think that order was off the cuff - 17/06/2010 09:02:06 PM 1320 Views
Disagree - 17/06/2010 09:28:51 PM 1259 Views
Re: Disagree - 17/06/2010 09:41:23 PM 1198 Views
I'm not being very clear - 17/06/2010 10:14:10 PM 1202 Views
Re: I'm not being very clear - 18/06/2010 08:06:56 AM 3574 Views
Re: I'm not being very clear - 18/06/2010 03:33:12 PM 1217 Views
Re: I'm not being very clear - 18/06/2010 04:35:12 PM 1063 Views
The point isn't if Lanfear has the skill, it's that it was poorly shown. - 18/06/2010 05:31:11 PM 1208 Views
I think it's shown well - 18/06/2010 06:10:55 PM 1313 Views
your own examples show only OP prowess though! - 18/06/2010 06:54:38 PM 1313 Views
How can you say Semirhage didn't achieve anything? - 18/06/2010 01:59:44 AM 1256 Views
I'm partial to Sammael myself. - 18/06/2010 02:24:49 AM 1062 Views
The statement makes clear that those 6 were all quite impressive - 17/06/2010 10:51:49 PM 1030 Views
I don't see that bearing out in the text at all - 17/06/2010 10:57:36 PM 1227 Views
Well, with this point I don't disagree.. *NM* - 17/06/2010 11:10:34 PM 1077 Views
- 17/06/2010 11:12:58 PM 1206 Views
Lanfear's motives were never Shadow-driven - 20/06/2010 06:47:22 PM 1203 Views
not ballsy, just psycho - 20/06/2010 07:25:46 PM 1216 Views
Like Etzel I don't agree - 17/06/2010 08:30:37 PM 1096 Views
I think she's a weak villain - 17/06/2010 08:58:01 PM 1068 Views
Re: I think she's a weak villain - 17/06/2010 09:03:47 PM 1149 Views
Semirhage has done more than anyone since Ishy destroyed the Ten Nations - 18/06/2010 02:06:30 AM 1156 Views
Regarding "Demandred" ... - 17/06/2010 04:51:43 PM 1172 Views
I always thought it was a coincidence - 17/06/2010 08:32:39 PM 1273 Views
Lan/Lanfear isn't a coincidence... - 18/06/2010 12:19:58 AM 1122 Views
Wow. I'm not quite sure where this came from... *NM* - 18/06/2010 05:24:25 PM 578 Views
Re: Lan/Lanfear isn't a coincidence... - 20/06/2010 07:01:55 PM 1282 Views
No, it was supposed to be a joke. - 20/06/2010 07:23:19 PM 1189 Views
Re: No, it was supposed to be a joke. - 21/06/2010 06:36:44 AM 1231 Views
Re: I always thought it was a coincidence - 18/06/2010 05:20:11 PM 1217 Views
Perhaps Lan-fear meaning Night-Daughter would make more sense - 17/06/2010 06:00:35 PM 1170 Views
Interesting *NM* - 17/06/2010 08:33:03 PM 680 Views
Re: Perhaps Lan-fear meaning Night-Daughter would make more sense - 18/06/2010 04:23:38 PM 1393 Views
Regarding "Far Dareis Mai" ... - 18/06/2010 05:28:41 PM 1118 Views
We also have din in Mera'din/Brotherless and far in Far Madding - 18/06/2010 08:16:14 PM 1222 Views
Re: Regarding "Far Dareis Mai" ... - 20/06/2010 03:56:38 AM 1342 Views
And Dragon translations... - 17/06/2010 10:53:02 PM 1283 Views
Re: And Dragon translations... - 17/06/2010 11:01:25 PM 1152 Views
But of course the NT word for Dragon isn't Dragon - 18/06/2010 05:45:34 PM 1361 Views
Ah yes, that sounds reasonable. *NM* - 18/06/2010 08:28:54 PM 642 Views
If "aman" is the Old Tongue name for Dragon, maybe "DEMANdred" contains a reference to Dragon too... - 20/06/2010 08:13:35 PM 1401 Views
"Dragon Wannabe" *NM* - 20/06/2010 09:23:09 PM 480 Views
Lizard? *NM* - 20/06/2010 10:04:21 PM 645 Views
"Scaled Worm"... though I doubt he'd take that name up in pride . *NM* - 22/06/2010 01:23:03 AM 575 Views
It's probably too much to attempt to guess at the meanings of words... - 17/06/2010 10:58:06 PM 925 Views
A nice article about the Old Tongue and my ramblings - 18/06/2010 11:14:24 AM 7360 Views

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