Active Users:1171 Time:23/11/2024 04:23:23 AM
It addresses the same need as golfers improving their handicap, leveling up in D&D games etc... - Edit 1

Before modification by Shannow at 16/06/2010 12:33:41 PM

Because they usually seem pretty hypothetical and not that much significant for the plot anyway, e.g. if Lanfear is a "100", a "98" or even a "102" (or whatever random numbers the OP experts come up with to rate the channelers..).

On the other hand, some people thrive on those OP debates, and I think more activity is always good for this board!

Many people, in particular men, have an inherent drive to compete, to immediately rank themselves against any stranger they meet (using whatever criteria they measure superiority), to establish who is top dog.

It's like asking the question which of the two gunslingers is faster on the draw, even it it is by a millisecond, which sprinter can cross the line first, who can hit the ball further, who can benchpress more. Etc. Etc.

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