Active Users:363 Time:12/03/2025 06:15:01 AM
of course Katerine would have complained - Edit 1

Before modification by darius_sedai at 12/06/2010 12:55:16 PM

Egwene was only held by 1 when Forkroot was in her system or she was asleep. Every morning there were 2 AS there waiting for her with a cup of Forkroot.

Amys, who is probably around a Kiruna or perhaps a Sheriam is a little more than 50% of Egwene and could hold a shield on her for a short time, but admitted that Egwene would have broken it soon.

Honey in the Tea

That first morning before dawn, in Silviana’s study, she did her best while the Mistress of Novices plied a hard-soled slipper on her bared bottom.


Egwene offered her no courtesies, yet Alviarin only gave her a baleful glare before entering Silviana’s study. A fine line.

A little down the corridor, a pair of Reds stood watching, one round-faced, the other slender, both cool-eyed, with shawls draped along their arms so the long red fringe was displayed prominently. Not the same pair who had been there when she woke, but they were not present by happenstance.

Clearly 2 Reds are there at all times ... including when the Forkroot is out of her system.

See, if it was the Forkroot which allowed one sister to hold her, it makes no sense that Katerine had a problem with both her and Barasine being assigned to hold Egwene while she slept. By that point, the Forkroot was already wearing off, so if two were indeed needed to hold Egwene, Katrine wouldn't have argued, and Silviana wouldn't have said "I want two there because she's tricky". She'd have said: "Duh! She's strong enough that either one of you cannot hold her alone!".

She does it at every chance, she carefully challenged Galina in LoC, Silviana here and later she tries it with Saerin. It's part of her nature.

As for the Forkroot, we've all seen it take hours to wear off. In TGS, Egwene takes a large dose and cannot channel at all. Then she meets with Verin, and spends the better part of the night reading Verin's notes. After hours she can still barely channel a trickle. Nynaeve and Elayne had the same problem the first time we were introduced to Forkroot in tFoH

By the time they reached the kitchen, Nynaeve was tottering about without help, poking into the cupboard full of colorful canisters. Elayne needed one of the chairs. The blue canister sat on the table, and a full green teapot, but she tried not to look at them. She still could not channel. She could embrace saidar, yet it slipped away as soon as she did. At least she was confident now that the Power would return to her. The alternative was too horrible to contemplate, and she had not let herself until this moment.

And we also know that Egwene was fed Forkroot at regular intervals so Katerine likely thought 2 guards a waste of time.

As to Silviana calling Egwene tricky, I think that's simply a nod to Egwene being smart. They did just see her turn the Harbor Chain into Cuendillar, and then there is Leanne's reappearance. Who knows maybe Egwene and company have figured out a way around Forkroot or perhaps Silviana was afraid of a rescue attempt... rumors of Traveling have been flying around for months!

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