Active Users:1116 Time:11/03/2025 07:26:21 PM
I agree Etzel Send a noteboard - 11/06/2010 01:14:36 PM
The topic of Cyndane's body was also basically answered by BS before:

Q: Where did Cyndane’s new body come from?
A: Where have any of the new bodies come from?

Usually the bodies come from a raid in the Borderlands.
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Several good MAFOs from Dragonmount - 10/06/2010 07:07:55 PM 2266 Views
Some good RAFOs here - 10/06/2010 07:31:56 PM 1026 Views
Yeah... - 10/06/2010 07:36:55 PM 913 Views
Maria's answer to question 20 is ground-breaking! - 10/06/2010 07:36:40 PM 1201 Views
No, it merely means that the Bell Curve does not refer to absolute strength... - 10/06/2010 07:42:31 PM 1064 Views
See the question again man! - 10/06/2010 07:48:57 PM 1029 Views
That contradicts your assertion that Moiraine is stronger than the average woman... - 10/06/2010 07:50:11 PM 1122 Views
How? - 10/06/2010 07:54:41 PM 1049 Views
I need to re-evaluate nothing! - 10/06/2010 07:46:20 PM 1049 Views
Think logically for a moment... - 10/06/2010 07:49:10 PM 884 Views
Who said Egwene is twice as strong as Moiraine? - 10/06/2010 07:52:27 PM 1131 Views
Aviendha did in FoH... - 10/06/2010 07:54:32 PM 879 Views
Nope! - 10/06/2010 07:55:55 PM 1048 Views
Your quotes are faulty - 10/06/2010 07:57:18 PM 1059 Views
In what sense though? - 10/06/2010 07:59:00 PM 1051 Views
Forkroot - 10/06/2010 08:04:50 PM 989 Views
Again... later that night? - 10/06/2010 08:05:39 PM 845 Views
What do you mean? - 10/06/2010 08:07:24 PM 1037 Views
See below... - 10/06/2010 08:11:24 PM 912 Views
Re: See below... - 10/06/2010 08:12:34 PM 984 Views
I just did. - 10/06/2010 08:16:09 PM 821 Views
Well then we disagree - 10/06/2010 08:18:10 PM 1019 Views
BUT WHAT ABOUT LATER IN THE NIGHT! - 10/06/2010 08:20:21 PM 859 Views
Ah, you mean later later ... - 10/06/2010 08:29:59 PM 960 Views
Forkroot wears off, you know? - 10/06/2010 08:45:33 PM 1052 Views
Yes I know - 10/06/2010 09:05:29 PM 1052 Views
I've explained it before in this thread... - 10/06/2010 09:17:10 PM 1038 Views
Re: I've explained it before in this thread... - 10/06/2010 09:37:39 PM 1028 Views
Re: I've explained it before in this thread... - 10/06/2010 09:51:40 PM 963 Views
Re: I've explained it before in this thread... - 10/06/2010 10:05:37 PM 991 Views
Are you sure you're feeling fine? - 10/06/2010 10:18:44 PM 1052 Views
Re: Are you sure you're feeling fine? - 10/06/2010 10:29:04 PM 1154 Views
Re: Are you sure you're feeling fine? - 10/06/2010 10:47:00 PM 952 Views
RJ writes that Amys cannot hold Egwene. BS writes that Barasene can. Who are you gonna believe? - 10/06/2010 08:31:35 PM 872 Views
It wasn't BS... both were RJ! - 10/06/2010 08:41:54 PM 957 Views
In that case, there is no problem... - 10/06/2010 08:45:05 PM 950 Views
But that isn't what the text says... - 10/06/2010 08:57:42 PM 830 Views
How can Egwene be strong enough to overcome Katerine and Silviana together then? - 10/06/2010 09:07:36 PM 1062 Views
She also says Egwene is Aes Sedai in the same sentence... - 10/06/2010 09:25:16 PM 1076 Views
Yeah, both were RJ - 10/06/2010 08:49:13 PM 940 Views
Yeah yeah... RJ lied, Maria lied. Only you make sense. I'm finished with this debate. - 10/06/2010 08:59:06 PM 1032 Views
- 10/06/2010 09:07:52 PM 1016 Views
Really? - 10/06/2010 09:29:22 PM 888 Views
Re: Really? - 10/06/2010 09:39:21 PM 995 Views
Re: Really? - 10/06/2010 09:43:41 PM 876 Views
Re: Really? - 10/06/2010 09:50:23 PM 1035 Views
I haven't refuted? - 10/06/2010 09:53:17 PM 1065 Views
Here's what is clear: - 10/06/2010 09:02:41 PM 936 Views
IMO it's easy to disprove - 10/06/2010 09:22:23 PM 919 Views
Dude... - 10/06/2010 09:27:34 PM 822 Views
At least we agree on one thing - 10/06/2010 09:29:14 PM 933 Views
No... - 10/06/2010 09:32:06 PM 848 Views
Re: No... - 10/06/2010 09:43:59 PM 1018 Views
- 10/06/2010 09:57:25 PM 863 Views
Re: - 10/06/2010 10:12:29 PM 961 Views
Re: - 10/06/2010 10:34:28 PM 974 Views
Thought on this - 13/06/2010 01:09:29 PM 885 Views
Have to agree with Sidious on this point - 11/06/2010 02:49:58 AM 872 Views
That was kind of my point... - 11/06/2010 12:19:23 PM 600 Views
of course Katerine would have complained - 12/06/2010 12:53:31 PM 990 Views
The rate forkroot wears off? - 16/06/2010 12:36:38 PM 947 Views
You missed that she isn't being given Forkroot at night at all! - 16/06/2010 04:47:59 PM 885 Views
Typos, screwed up what I meant - 17/06/2010 02:31:50 AM 897 Views
You are... - 17/06/2010 04:32:47 AM 1113 Views
Maria's other answer adresses this... - 10/06/2010 08:14:54 PM 769 Views
Then one Aes Sedai cannot shield her. But one did. - 10/06/2010 08:16:41 PM 892 Views
You can be much weaker than someone, and hold them shielded, if they are already cut off... - 10/06/2010 08:19:15 PM 867 Views
But, if you are much stronger, you can break that shield... - 10/06/2010 08:22:25 PM 885 Views
Easy... - 10/06/2010 08:24:59 PM 847 Views
What has that got to do with it? - 10/06/2010 08:32:56 PM 1037 Views
Amys is not LESS than half of Egwene's strength. You cannot hold someone if you are LESS than half.. - 10/06/2010 08:47:41 PM 947 Views
Amys is as strong as Moiraine, at the most one level lower. Barasine is weaker than Katarine, who... - 10/06/2010 09:00:26 PM 1078 Views
I can agree with that. - 10/06/2010 09:09:07 PM 836 Views
How can you agree with it? - 10/06/2010 09:13:55 PM 1037 Views
I'm thinking Berowin here... - 10/06/2010 09:16:41 PM 1041 Views
Exactly. - 10/06/2010 09:18:19 PM 899 Views
... - 10/06/2010 09:12:21 PM 816 Views
Agreed, but... - 10/06/2010 09:13:59 PM 991 Views
Re: Agreed, but... - 10/06/2010 09:16:30 PM 786 Views
Good point... - 10/06/2010 09:18:53 PM 1004 Views
Or, you know, you're wrong? - 10/06/2010 09:27:55 PM 868 Views
Re: Good point... - 10/06/2010 09:28:02 PM 1075 Views
We've had this discussion before - 13/06/2010 01:59:34 PM 974 Views
Or, you know, you can have the grace to question your antiquated strength list... - 10/06/2010 09:22:51 PM 867 Views
The Bell Curve fits perfectly if one simple fact is true... - 10/06/2010 09:31:31 PM 823 Views
Or, you know, you can stop misinterpreting Aviendha... - 10/06/2010 09:40:05 PM 946 Views
I'd be perfectly happy to adjust my list if it made sense - 10/06/2010 09:32:35 PM 812 Views
Uhhh? - 10/06/2010 09:41:59 PM 811 Views
Re: Uhhh? - 10/06/2010 09:48:58 PM 815 Views
DUDE! - 10/06/2010 09:58:59 PM 843 Views
Re: DUDE! - 10/06/2010 10:09:11 PM 798 Views
I explained... - 10/06/2010 10:27:44 PM 827 Views
Re: I explained... - 10/06/2010 10:45:58 PM 943 Views
Rand seems to shield Egwene and Elayne TOGETHER, pretty easily... - 10/06/2010 09:54:03 PM 1404 Views
That's fairly simple, actually... - 10/06/2010 10:08:53 PM 1065 Views
Nope. Rand was also cut off from the Source when he broke a shield held by 3 Aes Sedai... - 10/06/2010 11:18:41 PM 1015 Views
Because that channeler is much stronger? I'm not getting your confusion here. *NM* - 10/06/2010 11:27:31 PM 492 Views
Your Aes Sedai are close to the average woman in strength, right... - 10/06/2010 11:42:01 PM 1079 Views
You are making a couple of mistakes - 13/06/2010 02:28:41 PM 936 Views
You're missing an important point... - 14/06/2010 11:10:55 PM 925 Views
Yes, what do you mean? You are actually proving our point... - 10/06/2010 08:10:50 PM 795 Views
No, here's the quote: I hate having to pull out my books with their yellowed pages... - 10/06/2010 08:01:54 PM 860 Views
Why would she need surprise against two? That was against five of them... - 10/06/2010 08:04:57 PM 878 Views
That makes no sense whatsoever... - 10/06/2010 08:06:53 PM 842 Views
Simply this... - 10/06/2010 08:13:42 PM 859 Views
Very poor evidence - 10/06/2010 08:11:26 PM 992 Views
No it isn't... - 10/06/2010 08:18:09 PM 940 Views
Re: No it isn't... - 10/06/2010 08:32:17 PM 1015 Views
no she said Egwene is stronger than Amys and Melaine combined - 11/06/2010 12:46:29 AM 938 Views
The actual quote says Amys and Melaine combined... - 11/06/2010 12:25:07 PM 986 Views
Here's the problem with that... - 11/06/2010 12:42:41 PM 842 Views
Linked circles are more effective than individual channelers... - 11/06/2010 01:57:43 PM 942 Views
That much stronger? - 14/06/2010 11:06:18 PM 1004 Views
On this we agree. - 13/06/2010 02:34:45 PM 826 Views
I think you are misreading her. - 10/06/2010 07:47:06 PM 809 Views
Bingo *NM* - 10/06/2010 07:51:29 PM 580 Views
Please explain what you mean by "channeler" and "power" distribution. *NM* - 10/06/2010 09:23:36 PM 531 Views
Re: Please explain what you mean by "channeler" and "power" distribution. - 10/06/2010 10:11:23 PM 1035 Views
I don't agree - 10/06/2010 07:49:41 PM 861 Views
BAH! Its infuriating how you have so many blinders... Eerily Aes Sedai of you. - 10/06/2010 07:54:23 PM 981 Views
Hmm... - 10/06/2010 07:55:59 PM 780 Views
Because of the question to which she responded... - 10/06/2010 07:57:55 PM 810 Views
Re: Because of the question to which she responded... - 10/06/2010 08:06:16 PM 948 Views
Without contradicting the latter... - 10/06/2010 08:15:11 PM 847 Views
Ah well - 10/06/2010 08:20:32 PM 812 Views
Which is even more evidence... - 10/06/2010 08:23:28 PM 920 Views
Dude - 10/06/2010 08:30:57 PM 1029 Views
It isn't omission - 14/06/2010 10:54:47 PM 999 Views
omg not this again *NM* - 10/06/2010 07:52:26 PM 956 Views
Great! Two of my OP strength ideas have been solidified! - 10/06/2010 07:39:53 PM 1069 Views
Nope... - 10/06/2010 07:46:31 PM 927 Views
Who said Cadsuane was 50? - 10/06/2010 07:51:14 PM 961 Views
So how can Egwene be twice as strong as Moiraine, if Moiraine is at 55? - 10/06/2010 07:53:11 PM 814 Views
She cannot be because she isn't. Silviana can shield Egwene alone, for God's sake. So can Amys! - 10/06/2010 07:56:26 PM 768 Views
Amys can't hold her properly - 10/06/2010 07:59:47 PM 802 Views
What about later that night? - 10/06/2010 08:02:16 PM 807 Views
No she didn't - 16/06/2010 03:02:21 PM 919 Views
No she didn't what? - 16/06/2010 04:46:05 PM 973 Views
Re: No she didn't what? - 17/06/2010 06:16:16 AM 812 Views
Re: No she didn't what? - 17/06/2010 06:02:57 PM 963 Views
you are arguing in a circle - 17/06/2010 06:31:19 PM 1289 Views
Why do you think it's a linear scale? - 16/06/2010 05:25:56 AM 938 Views
That's simple... - 16/06/2010 06:36:44 AM 884 Views
Re: That's simple... - 16/06/2010 12:27:07 PM 843 Views
Your concept is not mathematically right. So yeah, forget discussing it. - 16/06/2010 04:41:13 PM 1028 Views
Dang, Cyndane isn't using Cabriana's body. - 10/06/2010 08:25:20 PM 877 Views
But they didn't look alike anyway. *NM* - 10/06/2010 08:59:35 PM 577 Views
Eh, yeah. - 12/06/2010 08:24:10 PM 811 Views
The blue flash RAFO irritates me- I can't see how that will be relevant. The Min thing was new - 10/06/2010 08:50:52 PM 1006 Views
RJ already RAFOed the incident with Thom's knives/daggers before - 10/06/2010 08:57:52 PM 1089 Views
They RAFO way too much. - 11/06/2010 12:25:56 AM 805 Views
It isn't, unless she's implying the Creator helped him out or some other such thing - 11/06/2010 12:56:49 AM 836 Views
Just to make things clear on the strength thing... - 10/06/2010 09:08:02 PM 1117 Views
It is possible Maria was answering the first question and ignoring the second... - 10/06/2010 09:29:59 PM 846 Views
That still proves my point... - 10/06/2010 09:33:10 PM 1017 Views
Re: That still proves my point... - 10/06/2010 09:45:39 PM 873 Views
Then why... - 10/06/2010 10:00:00 PM 971 Views
Re: Then why... - 10/06/2010 10:07:56 PM 838 Views
God, what stupidity! - 10/06/2010 10:10:32 PM 832 Views
Re: God, what stupidity! - 10/06/2010 10:16:38 PM 936 Views
It doesn't have to be 1-100. - 10/06/2010 10:32:17 PM 885 Views
Re: It doesn't have to be 1-100. - 10/06/2010 10:41:02 PM 1158 Views
That's a mathematical impossibility... - 10/06/2010 11:26:23 PM 989 Views
Just popping in. I think you're arguing over non-existent delineations. - 11/06/2010 12:44:40 AM 924 Views
You're pretty much agreeing with me, you know? - 11/06/2010 12:32:44 PM 891 Views
Yes. - 14/06/2010 10:31:00 PM 1003 Views
Re: Just to make things clear on the strength thing... - 14/06/2010 11:21:31 PM 1217 Views
Huh? - 14/06/2010 11:48:43 PM 807 Views
Also interesting... - 10/06/2010 09:38:27 PM 959 Views
I'm even more confused (parallel worlds and the Pattern) - 10/06/2010 09:48:17 PM 927 Views
Nah,... - 11/06/2010 11:38:20 AM 919 Views
Fascinating! - 13/06/2010 02:30:42 AM 934 Views
You know, these things always end up pissing me off. - 11/06/2010 12:25:05 AM 913 Views
I think she's saving that info for her WoT Encyclopedia. - 11/06/2010 12:54:38 AM 977 Views
Re: You know, these things always end up pissing me off. - 11/06/2010 03:22:53 AM 1022 Views
Re: You know, these things always end up pissing me off. - 11/06/2010 12:29:37 PM 953 Views
I agree - 11/06/2010 01:14:36 PM 1068 Views
Re: I agree - 12/06/2010 03:02:32 PM 846 Views
BS didn't answer with "Read and find out" - 12/06/2010 03:28:05 PM 880 Views
We were speaking about Maria giving a RAFO on the topic, not Sanderson. *NM* - 13/06/2010 12:05:17 AM 508 Views
Actually she said "No"... *NM* - 13/06/2010 01:06:18 AM 603 Views
I agree with Jack and Sidious and not with you. - 11/06/2010 03:20:30 PM 983 Views
Well, on the Thom question... - 11/06/2010 08:25:09 AM 872 Views
Yeah - 11/06/2010 08:26:33 AM 972 Views
Re: Yeah - 15/06/2010 12:25:21 AM 832 Views
Eh, practically useless. - 14/06/2010 11:50:06 PM 832 Views
I agree. I think she is saving the good stuff for the encyclopedia. *NM* - 15/06/2010 04:17:07 PM 474 Views
Yeah. I do think she's taking advantage of these poor saps, though. - 17/06/2010 03:52:33 PM 1420 Views

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