Active Users:450 Time:12/03/2025 08:51:58 AM
Re: I'm tired of mindless readers - Edit 1

Before modification by DomA at 06/09/2009 04:03:55 AM

Because...and I am going to go out on a long limb here and make a vary tenuous leap of logic...they DON'T HAPPEN IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. Just a guess.

ROTFLOL. What can possibly make you think THAT!

The chapter was released on its own, so evidently they expected it was a statisfying stand alone. We've waited five years for it.

Yet nothing happened, Just scraps, nothing resolved. It's as if it was like a prologue, with a lot of time wasted on recaps. The Seanchan are nowhere near the Tower, Egwene is but barely mentionned and Rand did not even channel. There were more clothes descriptions than mentions of the OP. Rand barely even moved though the whole thing. It's CoT all over again, and, I insist, full of overly long descriptions like "she wore a green silk dress with a yellow sash over belt." - even Dumas, Austen and Proust were not that long-winded. It's so detailed he even tells us the colours. Why not just show pictures of the dresses and stuff - you could see in a blink where they are and what people look like and wear and you can go straight to cool action scenes. People already know it must be somewhere and they have clothes, you just say how many people there are and how strong they each are and whoosh they all channel and fight, and you see who wins and why and the losers die and the next fight is even better. And you don't waste time, you just mention dresses if they can singed by some cool new weave in the fight or if there's an angreal in the pocket (even then, just mentionning the pocket would be more than enough or even better, just how strong the angreal is). Those writers of books really suck.


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