If RJ just said the name of the killer, and Wilson immediately responed: "Yeah, makes sense", but only later got the explanation why from Maria, it points to the assassin "Slayer" being the name RJ said, because just the mention of the word "slayer" would immediately provoke the insight that this makes sense to be the answer. Besides, that only one fan one a signing was spot on, speaks against the most popular suspect Graendal as well.
"It was Semirhage"... Mmm, wow that makes sense. You know, the Forsaken did want to kill Asmodean, and he often mentioned her as being a great source of his fear. She's also the psycho murderer type.
Seriously, this is ridiculous. There are fifty characters who fulfilled the 'revelation'. As if Wilson would have said 'holy crap, I can't believe it' if RJ said it was Mesaana, Lanfear or Taim. To reason out that Slayer automatically flies to the top of the list based on this 'information' is hilarious.
I could write a whole post on why is makes 'sense' that it was Graendal, and it would be no worse than any other theory out there. It's also laughable to think that it took the rare reader, or perhaps a single unique one, to figure out this murder.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
This message last edited by Sidious on 06/05/2010 at 12:32:39 PM
A few new infos
06/05/2010 11:52:53 AM
Re: A few new infos
06/05/2010 12:31:02 PM
Hah, soon you'll see that I was right! *NM*
06/05/2010 12:56:08 PM
After reading this and the replies...
18/05/2010 05:19:30 AM