I'm tired of passive story telling. - Edit 1
Before modification by Haggard at 06/09/2009 12:45:38 AM
Anyone else ever get tired of the action occurring offstage and being forced to learn about it through character monologues after the fact?
It's been happening over the last several books more and more often. The most egregious example was Rand's meeting with Logain. It's the lazy way to tell a story. Rather than write the action as it happens, just let a character remember it.
I was disappointed in the chapter, not because of the writing, nor do I think it is Sanderson's fault, but it was another 6500 pages with nothing happening. Why not tell the story of the escape, or Rand's healing, or present some of the questioning scenes?
Flame Away!
It's been happening over the last several books more and more often. The most egregious example was Rand's meeting with Logain. It's the lazy way to tell a story. Rather than write the action as it happens, just let a character remember it.
I was disappointed in the chapter, not because of the writing, nor do I think it is Sanderson's fault, but it was another 6500 pages with nothing happening. Why not tell the story of the escape, or Rand's healing, or present some of the questioning scenes?
Flame Away!