Does he have to cut it out?
He could just cover it up so that he doesn't see from it.
He could just cover it up so that he doesn't see from it.
The various Prophecies imply that Mat has to cut his left eye out, as said e.g. Egwene's "nasty" Dream about "Mat, placing his own left eye on a balance scale." But also her Dream about "Mat throwing dice with blood streaming down his face, the wide- brim of his hat pulled low so she could not see his wound, while Thom Merrilin put his hand into a fire to draw out the small blue stone that now dangled on Moiraine's forehead." Min saw around Mat "an eye on a balance scale" as well. And of course the Aelfinn telling Mat that he has “to give up half the light of the world to save the world”.
In KoD Mat even muses that the Finn might be connected to him via his eyes.
Thoughts on a better scan of the ToM cover
27/04/2010 09:26:41 PM
Still pretty b(l)a(n)d. I guess Noal Charin is on the right, standing at the door.
27/04/2010 09:35:15 PM
It looks like Donatello and Raphael are watching some dude draw in the forest.
27/04/2010 09:37:12 PM
Re: Thoughts on a better scan of the ToM cover
28/04/2010 01:11:04 PM
Why does Matt look like a fatheaded oaf with a headband? And apparently Naol uses Just For Men *NM*
28/04/2010 10:07:49 PM