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I enjoyed it scalius Send a noteboard - 29/03/2010 06:36:45 PM
Watched neary the entire season friday during their marathon, and then finished the last two episodes on saturday.

Overall, I enjoyed it. Like j-whitt said, I really can't point to one thing that I loved, but overall it intrigued me and kept me interested. It's different than most shows and very well made with good camera/direction/lighting/cg/etc.

For me, by far the most compelling character and story line is Daniel. Stoltz gives a wonderful acting performance in this role, the best of the show. He comes across as very likeable, loving and caring, while at the same time taking you to places that are creepy and uncomfortable. His effort to break "Zoe" was remarkable, and the writing/acting for those scenes was great.

Maybe this could be chalked up to my general lack of knowledge about the entire history (while I watched some of BSG, I would not be considered a knowledgeable fan), but there were some odd events and seemingly random scenarios that felt as if they were included just to create mystery. Such as the Tamara plot in it's entirety, as well as Zoe as the "one-god" entity involving the STO. TBH, I think I missed some of the point of this due to inattention, but it just seemed very contrived. The sister (can't recall her name atm) made it clear very early that for some odd reason, Zoe was super-special and somehow found nirvana or something. And yet, I don't recall any explanation, and in fact they made it seem as if Zoe was just along for the ride, not really a "terrorist" or part of any serious political plotting. I don't know, it was all odd, and never really went anywhere by the end. I recall Zoe claiming to her friend that she found the "one-god", but was this supposed to tie into STO? Did STO find Zoe, or did Zoe find them? And then there was the reference to the sister manipulating vulnerable young women (with a comment from one of her husband/wives along the lines of "with your track record" or some such). Tie in Barnabus and the seemingly "wild-west" nature of how the STO is organized, and it becomes confusing quickly.

Then the little things. Such as the fact that Barnabus was apparently able to place a powerful bomb within the car, but for some inexplicable reason, could not also place a detonator?!? That made absolutely no sense, and seemed entirely contrived just to create drama. As did the fortuitous drive-by-suicide-save that the sister had, as she watched Amanda take the plunge. How fortunate that the CCTV only captured the back-end of the limo at that precise moment. Must have been a really long limo.

As for Amanda, unfortunately I could not get past "Trixie" and so she never really worked for me as a character. Her insanity seemed forced, for someone who apparently rose to the heights she did as an MD. The tie-in with the brother seemed forced and never really made any sense unless I missed something. I think the acting was fine, I just couldn't buy it. It was almost as if the writers had no idea where they were going with her, and so started to create backstory after the fact once they decided on a direction.

I liked the concept of the V-world, and I thought that was potrayed nicely. A little confusing about how these people just happen to find one another so easily at times, but you take it for what it is. Also, imagine a real-world with people slumped over just about anywhere with their glasses on.....strange. Back alley? Fine. Park? Fine. Seemingly anwhere is OK to just leave reality for an indeterminate amount of time. The mystery of Adama's guide was somewhat predictable. It was clear that women-friend had feelings and/or concern for Adama early on, and why would this seemingly random person just happen to help out and show so much concern for Adama? Bingo. Speaking of Adama, isn't that the name of the main captain in BSG? Is the Adama from Caprica supposed to be an ancestor to the BSG Adama? And if so, that would mean BSG Adama is Turan? (which tbh I really don't know the significance of). And that was another odd thing. Adama was made out early to be some mysterious Turan who "delivers messages", as if he had some special powers. In the end, he was just a pussy lawyer I guess, who delivered a spoken message but was otherwise useless. It was his brother who brought the muscle and "fear", typical old-school mob style.

I liked Vergis. I didn't get his motivations early, and he seemed all too casual, but by the end his actions start making sense. Seems all to easy for him to ruin Daniel, but I'll take it. Why have an "evil" villain if he doesn't do anything? I almost believe that he wanted the MPC (the chip..whatever it was called) stolen on purpose to kick-off his plotting. Seems that way. Why the writers waited so long to have him learn of or show emotion about his killed workers was a bit odd however. Which was odd itself....these two workers just happened to be near-family with him? How many people does this guy employ? Bad luck on Daniel's part I guess.

One last thing about Zoe. She wouldn't expose herself to her father for fear of......what exactly? Being manipulated? Being used? She wanted out of V-world no? He was trying to provide that no? Did she fear being a lab experiment? Does she need to get to Germina(sp?) for an exact purpose? If so, did real-life Zoe need to do this as well? If so, wouldn't the STO have known about that and, you know, not gone ahead and incinerated her in the bombing? I've either missed something along these lines, or was not paying enough attention because it remains very confusing and fractured to me.

Overall a decent show that kept my interest. I think it's more about the overall quality of the production than anything else, but certainly they have many avenues to pursue for future plots and storylines.
I would slave, to pave the way, to sink your ship of fools.
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Caprica, Caprica, Caprica (spoilers) - 27/03/2010 03:18:28 PM 348 Views
I can't really point to one thing that I love about it. - 27/03/2010 11:01:54 PM 249 Views
So it is all one season, right? - 29/03/2010 03:30:53 PM 252 Views
I enjoyed it - 29/03/2010 06:36:45 PM 285 Views
Re: I enjoyed it - 30/03/2010 03:56:13 PM 214 Views

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