Active Users:591 Time:28/09/2024 01:58:06 AM
yes, these show is shaping up to be more amazing then I would have thought imlad Send a noteboard - 27/03/2010 06:25:34 PM
After such a horrible start with the pilot, this show has developed into something quite wonderful. Even knowing that there is a war coming, a war apparently lasts quite a long time as well, it is fascinating trying to figure out exactly how the war starts, and who the driving forces are behind it. I am starting to suspect that Tamara and V-World play a major part in the start of the war, but just exactly how I don't know.

One thing I do hope for: that they don't kill off Barnabas too soon. It is great seeing Marsters on this show, and I hope they keep him around. Looking forward to seeing what the frak is happening on Geminon and learning more about those terrorist STO bastards.

And how surprised were you at the ID of Joseph's "guide" in New Cap City? That caught me off guard.

Yeah, that scene with the dog and the gun was highly upsetting for me; Daniel is a man so driven he has lost his sense of humanity I think.

The producers say you don't have to be a BSG fan, or even know BSG, but I think that half the fun of this show is trying to puzzle out how all the mythology fits together.

If SyFy lets this show continue for as long as Moore & Co. think want it to, we could have a show that makes BSG, Bab5, Firefly and all the others look like crap (yeah, that's just about sacrilege, I know).

Considering the recent rumors that Werthead has brought to our attention (potential forward time jump; possible new BSG spin off), I am pretty sure that we will at some point or another see some Cylon Rebellion.

The last few episodes have been incredible. I love this show. It's so different from anything else on TV right now, and last night's finale was terrific.

Amanda's descent into madness has been compelling to watch... I didn't expect her character to go this route after her mass confession about Zoe and interview on TV. I was worried they were going to turn her into some kind of activist or something. Does anyone know if she somehow survived her suicide attempt?

Joseph's arc has been a bit uneven. He angry at Daniel, then he does this Tauron ritual, then he gets lost in New Cap City for a while in what has been a pretty interesting underworld exploration. I do hope we get to see more of Tamara's story...

Daniel's tortuous tests of Zoe were difficult to watch, and I almost cried when she fired the gun at caesar.

The STO plot looks like it's going to pick up a little more. I do so hope we get to see the Cylon Rebellion.

They have really done a fantastic job with this show. I had my doubts, but I think this is quickly becoming the best show on television. The finale was superb, from Zoe killing Philemon to the operatic end sequence. And what a way to end it!

Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
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Caprica, Caprica, Caprica (spoilers) - 27/03/2010 03:18:28 PM 348 Views
yes, these show is shaping up to be more amazing then I would have thought - 27/03/2010 06:25:34 PM 268 Views
I can't really point to one thing that I love about it. - 27/03/2010 11:01:54 PM 250 Views
So it is all one season, right? - 29/03/2010 03:30:53 PM 253 Views
I enjoyed it - 29/03/2010 06:36:45 PM 287 Views
Re: I enjoyed it - 30/03/2010 03:56:13 PM 215 Views

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