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Movie club March part 1: Blade Runner - Edit 2

Before modification by ironclad at 05/04/2010 09:41:11 PM

We'll expect everyone who is reading this post to be familiar with the film and spoilers can be expected. So feel free to address everything you always wanted to say about this Sci-Fi-Classic. Compare the different versions, tells us your thoughts on the Unicorn question or the film in general. What did you think?
I'll get things started with my own review of the film.

L.A. in 2019 is always dark, rainy, full of neon ads, skyscrapers and a true melting pot of cultures. Set in this futuristic and gloomy scenario, beautifully designed and filmed, this movie actually tells a rather classic detective story with motifs of the film noir but also some rather philosophical themes.

Carried by a very special atmosphere, also thanks to Vangelis' soundtrack, the movie isn't exactly fast but pretty intense at any moment.

Especially Rutger Hauer as the leader of the hunted Replicants gives an unforgettable performance. His ultimate encounter with the Blade Runner Harrison Ford in a decayed house is just breathtaking.

Director Ridley Scott's final cut of the movie actually turns out to be the best version. While I grew up with the theatrical one, including Ford's off screen comments and the pretty optimistic and bright ending, this latest and last version is just perfect and what the director always intended.
One of the truly unique movies of the 80s.

9 out of 10 Tannhauser Gates.

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