I think Jack had the appendix operation in Season 4, because it was Juliet/Bernhard who operated on him.
True, not sure why it felt so much earlier for me.
I'm wondering if Sayid will join Team UnLocke and Claire.
Yeah why is the process of turning evil a slow one? Sayid acts all normal. But somehow I see a Losties vs. Losties situation arise. Who will survive and what will be left of them?
Am I recalling correctly? The last time Jin saw Locke, it was when Locke got trapped underground with the frozen donkey wheel after a time flash?
I think that's true. He looked accordingly surprised when Locke came into the hut.
I'm a bit dismayed by Jacob's lack of concern for all his followers in the temple. I'm not so sure I like Jacob all that much.
I like Jacob. It felt more like a "some things can be changed and others can't" attitude and he did not look happy.
I'm guessing that David's mother is the same woman who Jack married and divorced before (can't remember her name). Only this time, they're together long enough to have a baby.
Not shocking enough
And where is Sawyer? What's his reaction going to be to finding Claire? Will he and Jin be able to collude concerning Aaron and Kate?
True, totally forgot that he was with UnLocke at the end of last episode, agreeing to help him off. I doubt that will make him part of the attack team on the temple. So UnLocke just told him to hold on a minute? Hmmm.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
Lost 6.5: The lighthouse *spoilers*
24/02/2010 12:58:58 PM
This episode was very subtle....
24/02/2010 04:06:28 PM
So what's up with next week's episode?
24/02/2010 05:00:45 PM
I wouldn't call Claire the new Rousseau. They're actually opposite.
25/02/2010 12:27:19 AM
Re: Lost 6.5: The lighthouse *spoilers*
25/02/2010 03:23:47 AM
Re: Lost 6.5: The lighthouse *spoilers*
25/02/2010 12:20:53 PM
Kate Austen was on the lighthouse dial as number 51, not crossed off.
25/02/2010 12:45:15 PM
Interesting that name 108 on the dial is Wallace. Possibly a shoutout to David Wallace?
26/02/2010 12:22:26 AM