Active Users:549 Time:27/09/2024 11:18:42 PM
Re: I have one of those! - Edit 1

Before modification by Brian at 02/09/2009 11:05:27 PM

1) What kind of TV do you have? (brand, size, picture technology, etc)
20" Toshiba digital combo TV/VCR/DVD. Won it from work.

Awesome, one day I shall win something notable from somewhere!!

2) What side of the Plasma vs LCD argument do you fall on?
After all the hideous burn-in damage we had with the plasmas we had at work, gut instinct is LCD. I'm no connoisseur.

I've noticed most plasma's in businesses are trashed. The burn-in isn't much of a problem anymore though. Truthfully most workplaces should be getting LCDs since they generally have very static displays on for days on end.

3) Do you plan a TV upgrade anytime soon?
Hopefully, actually. My roomie now works at Best Buy, so the employee discount has officially come into play. :D

Oh yeah, that can make it a steal! Any idea what you're going to pick up?

7) Am I alone in thinking a lot of movies aren't worth the additional premium it costs to get the modest upgrade in picture?
You are not alone. With a very few exceptions (like what I've seen of LOST on Blu-ray - oooooooohhh...)

Oh man, LOST is definitely on my list of Blu-Rays I actually want. After seeing the Ed Norton Hulk movie on it and how amazing the colors looked....

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