I feel fairly comfortable saying that, in terms of movies, summer is Now Over. So, looking back, what have been your favorite movies over the last four months?
Up: Heartwarming, epic, funny, heartstring-tugging - Up had a little bit of everything. Story-wise, it's not really as strong as some other Pixar offerings, but that's pretty much my only complaint. Oh, and Dug swiftly my new favorite character of the moment.
Away We Go: This movie just put a huge smile on my face. John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph are a couple with a baby on the way who suddenly find themselves rootless - so they go on a journey to find the perfect place to settle down. It seems really rare to see a movie about a couple that's already in love and trying to build a life, and this one hits all the right notes. Hilarious and poignant.
(500) Days of Summer: Despite what the trailer tells you, this *is* a love story... it's just not a story about true love. Joseph Gordon-Levitt really shines as a guy who, just like most of the rest of us at some point in our lives, finds the "Right One" only to discover that life just isn't that perfect. The film does an excellent job of capturing all the ups and downs of a relationship, sometimes in bigger-than-life and fantastical ways, and sometimes by focusing on the small things that we never do seem to notice at the time.
The Hangover - Unexpectedly hilarious.
District 9 - A good action/commentary blend.
So, what about you guys?
Up: Heartwarming, epic, funny, heartstring-tugging - Up had a little bit of everything. Story-wise, it's not really as strong as some other Pixar offerings, but that's pretty much my only complaint. Oh, and Dug swiftly my new favorite character of the moment.
Away We Go: This movie just put a huge smile on my face. John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph are a couple with a baby on the way who suddenly find themselves rootless - so they go on a journey to find the perfect place to settle down. It seems really rare to see a movie about a couple that's already in love and trying to build a life, and this one hits all the right notes. Hilarious and poignant.
(500) Days of Summer: Despite what the trailer tells you, this *is* a love story... it's just not a story about true love. Joseph Gordon-Levitt really shines as a guy who, just like most of the rest of us at some point in our lives, finds the "Right One" only to discover that life just isn't that perfect. The film does an excellent job of capturing all the ups and downs of a relationship, sometimes in bigger-than-life and fantastical ways, and sometimes by focusing on the small things that we never do seem to notice at the time.
The Hangover - Unexpectedly hilarious.
District 9 - A good action/commentary blend.
So, what about you guys?
Up: Agree about Dug. The back story was more developed than I expected, so I liked it. Not my favorite Pixar movie, but it was touching and sweet.
Away We Go: Was on the fence about this one, but it sounds like I should check it out.
(500) Days of Summer: I thought it was a great love story. No relationship is perfect, and nearly all relationships end. But just because a relationship didn't end up being "the one" doesn't mean it wasn't worth having. I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a wonderful, subtle actor who never seems to be acting. Like an anti-Tom Cruise.
The Hangover: I rarely laugh out loud in movies, but this one made me laugh quite a bit.
District 9: Still on the fence about this one. I want it to be good, I just hate being disappointed. It will probably end up a rental.
I liked Ponyo. Typical Miyazaki. Balance of nature and man, throw in a magical being who is neither good nor evil, a magical creature who is fascinated with/appreciates/loves humans and a human who is pure and kind enough to show that humanity deserves to survive. We've seen it all before, but Ponyo is just so darn adorable it's impossible not to love her.
Favorite Movies of the Summer
30/08/2009 06:27:10 PM
Haven't seen that many...
30/08/2009 06:37:12 PM
Re: Favorite Movies of the Summer
30/08/2009 08:54:57 PM
Re: Favorite Movies of the Summer
31/08/2009 05:41:00 AM
Angels and Demons please no spoilers
31/08/2009 07:27:36 AM
Although they came out before what we would call summer...
31/08/2009 09:02:43 AM
Re: Favorite Movies of the Summer
01/09/2009 06:26:46 AM