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야! Bookwyrm Send a noteboard - 12/10/2009 07:24:45 AM
??? ?? ? ???, ???!

???? ???? ?????, ????!? heehee xD

But in all seriousness, you shouldn't be cursing me like that without provocation. All my signature said was "go away", you meanie. ?_?

P.S. Your Korean is pretty good! I'm glad someone here can speak/understand it. Did you learn it in S. Korea?
BOHICA - Go ahead, ask me what it means.
This message last edited by Bookwyrm on 12/10/2009 at 07:58:05 AM
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So I watched AI: Artificial Intelligence again last night - 11/10/2009 02:30:30 PM 784 Views
I loathe that movie. I piss on it and everything in its message. - 11/10/2009 06:41:09 PM 684 Views
Huh? *spoiler* - 11/10/2009 07:35:58 PM 646 Views
You didn't find... *spoiler* - 11/10/2009 07:50:22 PM 702 Views
Oh that! - 11/10/2009 08:10:23 PM 684 Views
*Bang! Bang!* - 11/10/2009 09:57:53 PM 722 Views
No seriously. - 11/10/2009 10:20:20 PM 600 Views
I thought the humans merely left the planet, not went about the way of the dinosaurs. *shrug* *NM* - 12/10/2009 02:42:50 AM 257 Views
You thought wrong. - 12/10/2009 04:32:40 AM 660 Views
야! - 12/10/2009 07:24:45 AM 657 Views
Here's something you really should know. - 15/10/2009 12:00:13 AM 638 Views
You're right - 15/10/2009 08:32:00 AM 572 Views
I really like this film - 11/10/2009 07:34:27 PM 663 Views
It was sad but a good movie. Really good movie. *NM* - 12/10/2009 05:28:22 AM 276 Views

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